知末案例   /   公共空间   /   剧院


2024/09/20 14:29:22
迅速发展的前滩地区也被称为上海新外滩,有望成为下一个“陆家嘴”。前滩 31 演艺中心坐落于黄浦江畔的摩天大楼之中,内设大剧院和黑匣子展演空间,优越的地理位置使其或将成为前滩地区的建筑地标和文化目的地。
The Qiantan area, also known as The New Bund, is in rapid development and on track to become Shanghai’s next business district after Lujiazui. Situated along the bank of the Huangpu River amongst a cluster of shiny new skyscrapers, the New Bund 31 Performing Arts Center houses a grand theater and a black box performance space, well positioned to become an architectural landmark and cultural destination for the community.
▼剧院内部,Grand theater ©️ Pedro Pegenaut
如恩为该项目的设计概念为“竞技场(Arena)”,是一种对古典原型的当代诠释。大剧院以及其前厅环廊和周围空间,均由一系列拱形元素构成。在五层高的中庭空间里,层叠的拱形结构呈现出强烈的视觉冲击。从任何角度望去,观众的视线都被引导至空间的上下两端;在这一过程中访客们扮演着观察者和表演者的双重身份,中庭也仿佛成为另一个舞台。剧院内部配有 2500 个座位,暖色调的橡木包裹了整个表演大厅,重复出现的拱门元素不仅呼应了竞技场的概念,也满足了剧院的声学需求。
Neri&Hu’s interior design concept for the project is “the arena,” a contemporary interpretation of the classical archetype. The grand theater, its lobby concourse, and the circulation paths encircling it, are all defined by a series of arches. A strong impression is made in the five-story atrium space, where the full height of stacked layers of arches can be viewed. From any given position, your eye is drawn up and down, across the spaces; visitors take on a duality of roles—both observer and performer—such that the atrium itself becomes another stage. Within the 2500-seat grand theater, warm oak envelops the entire the performance hall, the repeating arch motif here not only echoes the arena concept, but also helps to fulfill the acoustic requirements of the theatre.
▼中庭空间的拱形结构,a series of arches inatrium space©️ Pedro Pegenaut
▼中庭空间的拱形结构,a series of arches inatrium space©️ Pedro Pegenaut
▼表演大厅,the performance hall©️ Pedro Pegenaut
黑匣子展演空间则是一个可提供专业会展服务的多功能空间。设计理念沿用了“黑匣子”(black box)的字面概念,空间内部使用黑色不锈钢作为主要覆层材料。相比之下,穿过黑匣子大厅似“灯箱”的自动扶梯空间,则完全由玻璃块构成,带给访客犹如穿越水晶隧道的独特体验。演艺中心的其它配套空间同样别具一格,从古铜色覆面的洗手间,到呈现铜质曲面的电梯轿厢,再到多孔砖砌的 VIP 休息室,不同材料赋予每个空间独一无二的风格。
The black box exhibition space is a multi-purpose facility that serves MICE (meetings, incentives, conferences, and exhibitions) functions. Here, the design concept plays on the literal notion of a “black box,” using blackened stainless steel as the main cladding material. In contrast, the “light box” escalator space that traverses through the black box’s lobby, is made entirely of glass blocks, giving visitors the experience of traveling along a crystalline tunnel. Other support spaces throughout the performing arts center showcase unique designs as well—from the bronze-clad toilets, to lift cabs featuring curved copper, to the VIP lounge made of perforated bricks—imparting each space with its own distinctive features.
▼舞台,stage©️ Pedro Pegenaut
▼观众席,auditorium seatings©️ Pedro Pegenaut
▼售票处,box office©️ Pedro Pegenaut
▼配套空间,support spaces©️ Pedro Pegenaut
▼卫生间,toilet©️ Pedro Pegenaut
在整个项目中,如恩试图摆脱传统娱乐空间设计中的繁复与奢华,转而通过触觉性材料和古典原型形式为设计注入类似博物馆般的静谧氛围。前滩 31 演艺中心不仅是一个提供视觉和听觉享受的场所,更是一个能够激发思考和启迪的文化空间。
Throughout the project, Neri&Hu attempts to break away from the flashiness and noise commonly found in entertainment space design, rather to inject a museum-like quality through the use of tactile materials and archetypal forms. “The Arena” becomes a venue that invites people to not only be visually and aurally stimulated, but also to be challenged intellectually.
▼外观入口,exterior appearance©️ Pedro Pegenaut
▼一层平面图,L1 Floor Plan©️ Neri&Hu Design and Research Office
▼二层夹层平面图,L2 Mezzanine Plan©️ Neri&Hu Design and Research Office
▼二层平面图,L2 Floor Plan©️ Neri&Hu Design and Research Office
▼三层平面图,L3 Floor Plan©️ Neri&Hu Design and Research Office
▼四层平面图,L4 Floor Plan©️ Neri&Hu Design and Research Office
▼五层平面图,L5 Floor Plan©️ Neri&Hu Design and Research Office
Cultural Arena
New Bund 31 Performing Arts Center
Site Address: 666 West Haiyang Road, Pudong New District, Shanghai, China
Date of Completion: October 2023
Client: Shun Tak Holdings (Hong Kong) and Lujiazui Group (Shanghai)
Project Type: architecture, interior, product and graphic design
Program: Cultural
Gross area: 17,580 sqm
Partners-in-charge: Lyndon Neri, Rossana Hu
Associate Director-in-charge: Ziyi Cao
Associate-in-charge: Fong Win Huang
Design team: Christine Chang, Chaofu Yeh, Siyu Chen, Sela Lim, Alexander Goh, Kate Hwang, Nicolas Fardet, Kany Liu, Ath Supornchai, Greg Wu, Becky Zhang, Luna Hong, Elan Tao, Zhikang Wang, Jingyi Bi, Guanlin Lee, Kathy Hu, Jinlong Li, Danyan Jin, Cheri Lee, Shiqi Zhang, Davis Butner, Vanessa Wu, Elis Huang
Architecture design: Neri&Hu Design and Research Office
Interior design: Neri&Hu Design and Research Office
Product design: Neri&Hu Design and Research Office
Graphic design: Neri&Hu Design and Research Office
Architect: Palmer & Turner Consultants
Curtain Wall Consultant: Shanghai Zhulian Construction Engineering Co., Ltd.
Structural Consultant: Arup
MEP Consultant: China Team Engineering Consulting Co., Ltd. Shanghai Branch
Landscape Consultant: East China Architectural Design & Research Institute
Construction PM: AECOM Ltd
Theater Planning & Design: Theatre Projects
Theater PM: Le Group
LDI: Shanghai TIANHUA Architecture Planning & Engineering Ltd.
Acoustic Consultant: SMW (Shanghai) Business Consulting Co., Ltd
Art Consultant: Art Front Consultant (Shanghai) Co., Ltd
Interior LDI: Shanghai Modern Architectural Decoration Environmental Design Research Institute Co., Ltd.
Interior Lighting: Branston Partnership Inc.
Kitchen Consultant: CKP Kitchen Design Consultant Co., Ltd.
Signage Consultant: Shanghai Saichi Logo Design Engineering Co., Ltd.
QS: Arcadis
Contractor (GC): Shanghai Construction No.4(Group) Co., Ltd
Curtain Wall: Wuxi Hengshang Decoration Engineering Co., Ltd
Hall A Interior: Shanghai Dahua Decoration Engineering Co., Ltd
Hall B Interior: Shanghai Construction Decoration (Group) Co., Ltd
Theater and Hall B Chairs Including Stage Equipment: Dafeng Industrial Co., Ltd
Architectural Materials, Products, Graphics and FF&E Suppliers, Manufacturers, etc.
• Decorative Lighting Neri&Hu Custom
• Interiors – Materials: precast terrazzo, engineered wood, travertine
• Interiors – Furniture Neri&Hu Custom; in Kids Room Vitra, Magis
• Interiors – Accessories: Neri&Hu Custom
• Interiors – Fabrics: Gabriel (Theater chairs)
• Sound Equipment: Meyer Sound
• FF&E Supplier: Strads Design (Shanghai) Co
• Custom Lighting Supplier: Melodycity (Shanghai) Environment Solution Co
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