世野 ISEYA·解放碑旗舰店丨中国渝中丨BDD 布道设计

2024/09/22 22:24:37
斜塔之巅  &  歌剧魅影
 "The Phantom of the Opera" 
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世野  ISEYA【解放碑 概念店】
 Design Description of Shiye ISEYA Chongqing Liberation Square Hotel.
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世野 ISEYA 解放碑概念店于2024年开业,选址渝中半岛解放碑核心商圈——英利国际金融中心,希望为认同创新的年轻客人,呈现一个富有感染力和想象力的社交与体验场景。我们不鼓励在项目中讲大道理,更看重抵达酒店的客人能感受到设计创意带来的想象力和愉悦体验。This design does not advocate for mere conceptual talk in our projects; instead, we sincerely hope that every visitor experiences the joy brought by our design creativity. This project is located on the top floor of a central office building and aims at providing a dynamic and imaginative social and experiential space for adventurous young guests. We aspire to create a space with both visual impact and creativity amidst the serious office atmosphere, allowing guests to experience unique pleasure through the design.
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设计具有两个挑战:首先,倾斜的建筑顶层的幕墙带给人强烈的压迫感。我们将倾斜的幕墙改造为巨幅的“画窗”,把幕墙原有的骨架隐藏起来,借助大堂9米的高度,传达给客人震撼的“剧场”画面。透过窗还能看到城市远郊起伏的山脉。This project have two challenges: Firstly, the inclined curtain wall of the building's top floor created a strong sense of oppression. We transformed it into a large window, turning it into a visual canvas that conceals the original structure of the curtain wall. Utilizing the lobby's 9-meter height, we present a breathtaking theatrical view. Additionally, the window offers a panoramic view of the undulating mountains on the city’s outskirts. 
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如何在”规规矩矩”的大楼中“造梦”,让来往的客人们感到惊喜和趣味?我们结合原建筑的空间特点,以“歌剧魅影”为主题,聚焦营造“剧场感”,在简约的整体空间界面中,将古典元素融入装置、家具、灯具、地毯等,与LED墙面的画面联动,产生强烈的戏剧性和感染力。Secondly,  it needs to create a dreamlike atmosphere within this monotonous office building, surprising and engaging visitors. To achieve this, we chose the film "The Phantom of the Opera" as the design theme, focusing on creating a theatrical ambiance. In the minimalist spatial layout, we incorporated classical elements, designing unique installations, furniture, lighting, and carpets, all synchronized with the LED wall to produce a strong dramatic effect.
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大堂休息区相对狭窄,为提升社交空间的舒适度,设计师利用镜面,将单侧倾斜的建筑幕墙,映射为双面倾斜,创造出对称的长廊,将压迫感巧妙地转变为仪式感,顺势打塑造了酒店的空间IP——“云端斜塔”。To enhance the comfort of the narrow lobby lounge area, we used mirrored materials to reflect the single inclined curtain wall into a symmetrical double inclined form, converting the oppressive feeling into a sense of ceremony and creating a comfortable and symmetrical corridor space.
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家具陈设是空间的基础功能模块,也是与客人互动的情绪道具,游走其间,情不自禁,翩翩起舞。Furniture arrangement is the fundamental functional module of the space, as well as an emotional prop for interacting with guests. Walking through it, one cannot help but feel the urge to dance.
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客  房  Guest room   酒店客房设计秉持世野一贯的先锋气质,整体简洁利落。大胆导入苹果砂金属板与石材、织物、皮革等材质形成强对比和大反差,凸显空间独特的气质和格调。与此同时,塑造亮点体验模块,响应“看世界够野”的slogan,配置了让人难以置信的水晶汤池,音乐休闲吧,云端梳妆台,结合音乐,灯光整体氛围,呈现给客人难忘且美好的旅途记忆。The hotel rooms continue the theme of "The Phantom of the Opera" and feature a stunning large swimming pool. Combined with music and lighting, we offer guests an unforgettable and delightful journey experience. To ensure safety and reliability, we collaborated extensively with construction structural engineers.
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针对不同系列的客房设定差异化的体验模块,拒绝免传统酒店制式的套路!Create differentiated experience modules for different series of rooms, and say no to the traditional hotel formula!
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客房调性整体简练利落,物料质感是设计研究的重点,希望借助于客人触感体会到空间的品质!The overall tone of the guest room is simple and crisp, and the texture of the materials is the focus of the design study. We hope that guests can experience the quality of the space through their sense of touch!
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“倾斜的幕墙”既是设计的难点,也成就了设计的亮点——【云端斜塔里的梦空间】!"Inclined curtain wall" is not only the difficulty of the design, but also the highlight of the design - [Dream space in the Leaning Tower of the cloud]!
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日暮,云霞映衬汤池微波,客房柔光晕染,伴随音乐,尽享都市之巅的美好,与身边人,与这座城!At dusk, the clouds set off the microwave pool, the soft light in the guest room, accompanied by music, enjoy the beauty of the top of the city, with the people around you, and the city!
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后记: 酒店——旅行中的驿站,是旅程中的重要节点。 同行七年,BDD布道设计见证了世野ISEYA的每一步成长,也有幸亲历品牌的每一次蜕变和迭代。 作为精品酒店领域的独特存在,世野往往不按套路出牌,表象的天马行空背后,是从选址调研,设计创作,建设运营等,每个环节的反复打磨,深度推敲,不断试验。 基于用户独特体验,不是一句冠冕堂皇的空洞口号。拒绝制式,不从主流,风险自然相对更大,更冒险。而冒险,从来都是开创者的利剑,在同质化程度越来越高的酒店市场中,直面风险,另辟蹊径! 一店一面是世野的品牌坚持,也是与BDD布道设计的合作共识。不同的物业,不同的空间感受,不同的景致与项目原生感染力,自然生长出不一样的场景,孕育出不一样的项目“灵魂”。 而彼此独立,甚至割裂的特色场景,都根植于同一个源点:稳定的输出品质——这是品牌高于一切的先导逻辑。 如果说,客人是空间的闯入者,空间又何尝不是客户旅程中的闯入者,一次善意且出乎意料的闯入,斜塔之巅的歌剧院 & 歌剧院里的世野酒店,欢迎闯入!     2024.9
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Project information  项目档案   项目名称:ISEYA-世野- 【解放碑概念店)】项目地点:渝中区民权路28号英利国际金融中心    项目业主:重庆世野酒店管理有限公司业主代表:张建震    设计机构:BDD布道设计服务内容:硬装/软装/机电/照明设计总监:刘万彬艺术总监:谢晓影    硬装设计:刘聪 / 邵荣富软装设计:卢琴 / 舒诗亮     品牌设计:果术 SAC DESIGN                   灯光顾问:沐影照明                                      项目摄影:石梓峰|偏方摄影 (特注署名除外)视频拍摄:DD出境模特:梦茜     主要材料:石材/苹果砂不锈钢/镜面/艺术地毯/艺术玻璃/木饰面施工单位:重庆设计集团港庆建设集团有限公司建筑面积:5300 ㎡设计时间:05/2023 - 08/2023建造时间:10/2023 - 07/2024
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