混凝土房屋丨新加坡丨Formwerkz Architects

2024/09/22 21:49:23
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Formwerkz 建筑师事务所设计的这座位于 Adam Road 的混凝土独栋建筑,是一座绿化景观令人惊喜的优质洋房(GCB)。
This monolithic concrete box along Adam Road by Formwerkz Architects is a GCB with an unexpectedly green heart.
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如果你最近去过 Adam Food Centre,那么你可能会注意到停车场入口正对面有一座朴素无华的盒状建筑。从街道的角度看,这座建筑完全由混凝土建成,表面似乎刻有类似埃及象形文字的铭文。“人们问起它是否是警察局、大使馆,甚至是寺庙。但它看起来最不像的就是一座房子,”Formwerkz 建筑师事务所的创始人之一、也是这座优质洋房(GCB)设计策划者 Alan Tay 承认道。
If you have been to Adam Food Centre recently, you might have noticed an austere, box-like structure directly opposite the entrance to the carpark. At street level, it appears to be entirely formed by concrete and marked by what looks like inscriptions that echo Egyptian hieroglyphs. “People have asked if it is a police station, embassy or even a temple. The last thing it looks like is a house,” admits Alan Tay, one of the founding partners of Formwerkz Architects and the mastermind behind the design of what is in fact a Good Class Bungalow (GCB).
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对于路人而言,其内部结构与单调的外部截然不同。在 1440 平方米的场地上,一个规模可观的内部花园占据了约四分之一的建筑面积。此外,地下室和一楼还设有小型景观区,上方设有开口,直通天空。当然,这里有着令人难以置信的开阔感,公共区和私人生活区都可以俯瞰那片美丽的绿色景观。Alan Tay 还设计了一种循环布局,使该房屋能够始终保持与绿色景观的连接。简而言之,这座房屋就像是一位性格内向但实则魅力四射的人,只是这种魅力只有少数人能领略到。
Invisible to the passerby are interiors that are dramatically different from the monolithic outside. A sizeable internal garden takes up about a quarter of the building footprint on the 1,440sqm plot. Additionally, pockets of landscaping are inserted into the basement and first storey, with voids stacked above that open to the sky.
Naturally, there is an incredible sense of openness, with both the public and private living areas overlooking all that gorgeous greenery. Tay has also devised a circulation that enables a constant connection with it. In short, this house is the embodiment of a painfully shy introvert who actually has a charming personality that only a few are privy to.
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单独来看,这座优质洋房(GCB)的设计似乎有些浮夸。然而,正如 Tay 所洞察的那样,透过现场条件来看,真正的戏剧性其实在于外观。地块的最长边与热闹的 Adam Food Centre 平行,这里日夜车水马龙,车辆争相挤进这个不成比例的小停车场,有时甚至会发生碰撞。其西侧紧邻 Adam Road 和 Farrer 立交桥,两者都车流不息。而其余两侧则紧邻着密集的住宅。
The drama that surrounds the design of the GCB seems overblown if viewed on its own. Yet, peer through the lens of the site conditions, as Tay has, and it becomes obvious that the real theatrics are on the outside. The longest side of the plot runs parallel to the popular Adam Food Centre where day and night, vehicles are jostling – and sometimes jousting – for a lot in the disproportionately small carpark. Adjacent to it is the western edge that faces Adam Road and the Farrer Flyover, both of which have no shortage of traffic zipping along them. The remaining two sides are confronted by close-set houses.
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幸运的是,他们找到了 Tay 这位盟友,他立刻意识到需要一种解决方案来缓解噪音、午后炎热和缺乏隐私的问题。“客户知道,鉴于这种恶劣的环境条件,他必须寻求一种设计解决方案,而该方案需要采取更为激进的措施。”Tay 确实做到了。他过去曾大量使用过清水混凝土,因此,他能够自信地提出一个概念,即房屋几乎完全由这种材料建造,并保留其裸露的原始质感。在外立面上,为了使其更加突出且柔和,他使用三角形作为起点,在四个条纹上绘制出复杂的图案。
It is a miracle that the owners could look past all that and buy the plot to build a home. Fortunately for them, they found an ally in Tay, who immediately knew he needed a solution to mitigate the noise, afternoon heat and lack of privacy, “The client knew that given the severe conditions, he had to seek a design solution that warranted more drastic measures.” Tay has certainly delivered. Having worked extensively with fair-faced concrete in the past, he was comfortable pitching a concept where the house is almost exclusively constructed from the material and kept exposed in all its naked glory. On the façade, to make it more outstanding and softer, intricate patterns run across four striations, created using the triangle as a starting point.
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客户对维多利亚时代的织物和餐具非常感兴趣,这也为设计提供了灵感。它看起来有点像几何设计的蜡染。但对我来说,它更像是科幻作品,”Tay 说道。
“The client is quite interested in the fabric and tableware from the Victorian era, which lent the inspiration for the design. It looks a bit like geometrically designed batik too. But more than anything, for me, it looks very sci-fi,” says Tay.
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The only elements that break up the concrete are the main entrance and a few box-like extrusions that keep up the angular narrative. The latter are perforated screens used to conceal the few outward-facing windows and doors. Adding to that otherworldly feel is how the landscaping between the façade and boundary wall is kept very simple. Most of it is made up of grassy lawns, edged with evenly spaced trees lined like sentinels that guard against the outside world. “It feels quiet and surreal, which is different from the inside, where there’s life and movement,” he adds.
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The interiors can be accessed from either the basement or first floor. The former is primarily a carpark, with a garden on one side that is open to the sky. Enter from the latter and there are more encounters with nature, this time a pond and another pocket of greenery. The unobtrusive foyer then opens up significantly beyond and all the allusions to aliens and sci-fi fall away as the typical features of a house present themselves. Divided into two wings and wrapped around the courtyard, the living spaces are no more than a few steps away from flora and the occasional fauna.
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前翼包括客厅和三个卧室,卧室位于客厅上方,每个卧室分别供业主的孩子们使用。屋顶上有一个游泳池。后翼一楼设有餐厅和厨房,二楼设有主卧套房,阁楼则设有休息室和健身房。与传统的前后翼平行的庭院式房屋不同,这座房屋采用了倾斜的布局。前区按照梯形地块的形状以一定角度设置,而后区则保持直线。“这样的空间实际上看起来更具动感,并创造了新的空间机会,”Tay 说道。
The front wing contains the living room and three bedrooms stacked atop it, one for each of the owners’ children. On the rooftop is a swimming pool. The back wing hosts the dining room and kitchen on the first floor, master suite on the second storey and, in the attic, a lounge and gym. Unlike traditional courtyard houses, where the front and rear wings are parallel to each other, this one has a skewed layout. The front block is set at an angle, following the trapezoidal shape of the site, while the rear is straight. “The spaces actually look more dynamic and there are new spatial opportunities created,” Tay reflects.
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在阁楼,倾斜的屋顶线条大胆地划破天际。Tay 指出,在额外楼梯上方的部分,他设计将正面墙建到允许的最大高度。“它让人可以一览无遗地看到整个庄园和远处的雨树——这是不应该被遮挡的,”他解释道。
As a result of this, he saw the opportunity to insert a flight of stairs along the longest edge of the house. This leads from the three bedrooms on the second floor directly down to the dining room – almost like a shortcut. Partially open to the elements, it also floats above the basement garden, allowing the resident to enjoy the view of all the greenery. On the opposite end, an enclosed linkway connects the two wings, set at a diagonal to the façade wall. The ensuing triangular pocket is filled with landscaping and open to the sky. Not only does it result in interesting slanted lines intersecting the space, but it acts as an insulation against the afternoon heat, given this is the west-facing edge.Up in the attic, diagonal roof lines slash boldly against the sky. Tay points out the section above the additional flight of stairs, where he deigned to build the façade wall to the full permissible height. “It opens up an uninterrupted view of the entire estate and the rain trees beyond – something which should not be covered up,” he explains.
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尽管人们可能很想在这个故事中穿插一些关于书籍及其封面的隐喻,但不可否认的是,这座房屋从堡垒到人类居住地的转变所带来的惊喜元素使其独树一帜。然而,对于居民来说,Tay 更喜欢认为是他所唤起的旅程使他们觉得这座房屋与众不同。他解释道:“我们通常喜欢将房屋与外部环境联系起来,但在这里并没有这样的机会。既然只能向内看,我就加倍努力,营造出了那种探索和惊奇的感觉。”我们可以说,任务完成了。
As tempting as it is to pepper this story with metaphors about books and their covers, what is undeniable is that the element of surprise about this house from fortress to human habitat sets it apart. To the residents though, Tay likes to think that it is the journey that he has evoked that makes it different for them. He explains, “There was no opportunity to connect to the external context, which we usually like to do with houses. Since the alternative was to look inwards, I went the extra mile to create that sense of exploration and wonder.”Mission accomplished, we say.
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模型图 ©Formwerkz Architects
项目名称 | Concrete House
Project Name | Concrete House
设计团队 | Formwerkz Architects
Architects | Formwerkz Architects
项目地址 | 新加坡
Location | Singapore
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Formwerkz 建筑师事务所由 Alan Tay、Seetoh Kum Loon、Gwen Tan 和 Berlin Lee 于 2004 年在新加坡创立。该事务所的定义和塑造在很大程度上受到了他们对恢复人与人之间的互助关系,以及重建人与自然的原始关系的共同兴趣的影响。项目成为了设计活动或更准确地说是设计条件的载体,这些条件和活动可以促进人与人以及人与环境之间更积极的互动。
Formwerkz Architects was established in Singapore in 2004 by Alan Tay, Seetoh Kum Loon, Gwen Tan and Berlin Lee. The practice is largely defined and shaped by their common interest in the recovery of mutual human relationships, and the restoration of primordial relationships between man and nature. Projects become vehicles to design happenings or more precisely, the conditions that can espouse more active engagement between man and man with his environment.
2010 年,三位设计合伙人(Alan Tay,Gwen Tan 和 Seetoh KL)被选入 AUDE 的“20under45: The Next Generation”展览,旨在提升人们对新加坡设计卓越性的认识和欣赏。该公寓楼被列入《Monocle》的新加坡调查中,被评为“现代最佳”之一,与 Paul Rudolph 的 Colonnade 和贝聿铭的新加坡华侨银行大厦等齐名。Formwerkz 建筑师事务所荣获多项奖项,包括新加坡建筑师学会(SIA)颁发的年度建筑奖和设计奖;芝加哥雅典娜及欧洲中心国际建筑奖;国际设计大奖(IDA);香港设计中心颁发的 DFA 亚洲最具影响力设计奖;以及迪拜城市景观设计奖。
In 2010, the 3 design partners (Alan Tay, Gwen Tan and Seetoh KL) were selected to be featured in AUDE’s “20under45: The Next Generation” exhibition, aim to promote a greater awareness and appreciation of design excellence in Singapore. The Apartment House was listed in Monocle’s Singapore Survey as one of the “Best of the Modern”, alongside the likes of Paul Rudolph’s Colonnade and I M Pei’s OCBC Bank. Formwerkz has received several awards: The Building of the Year and Design Awards from the Singapore Institute of Architecture (SIA); The International Architecture Award from the Chicago Athenaeum and the European Urban Centre for Architecture, Art, Design and Urban Studies; International Design Awards (IDA); Design For Asia Award by Hong Kong Design Centre; Dubai Cityscape Design Award. 啊
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Mlkk Studio | 伊索香港铜锣湾步行街店
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DCD 大成设计 | 释外 · 茶院
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WUY 无研建筑 | 日常工作室
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