Emily Hobhouse沉浸式多媒体展览丨英国丨Kossmanndejong

2024/09/23 10:04:34
在英国康沃尔郡,总部位于阿姆斯特丹的设计工作室Kossmanndejong策划了一场沉浸式多媒体展览,探索了一段独特的历史,展示了当时人们的抵抗和斗争。该展览讲述了发生在南非的第二次盎格鲁-布尔战争(1899 – 1902)和英国集中营的故事,重点展示了女权主义者Emily Hobhouse的激进主义。通过24间连续的视听室,游客可以沉浸在布尔战士、英国士兵和当地黑人的经历中。展览敏锐地捕捉到了战争失控的始末,在所有这些苦难中,Emily是少数几个专注于保护人类而不是破坏人类的伟人之一。
© Bart Majoor
In Cornwall, England, the Amsterdam-based design studio Kossmanndejong has created an immersive, multimedia exhibition that explores the resistance and struggle of a unique historical event. The exhibition tells the story of the Second Anglo-Boer War (1899 – 1902) in South Africa and the British concentration camps, focusing on the activism of feminist Emily Hobhouse. Through twenty-four consecutive audiovisual rooms, visitors are immersed in the experiences of the Boer fighters, British soldiers, and the local black population. The exhibition captures how war spirals out of control. Amidst all this suffering, Emily stood apart as one of the few who focused on preserving humanity rather than contributing to its destruction.
▼项目概览,overall of the exhibition © Thijs Wolzak and Bart Majoor
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A Cinematic Experience
▼“战争房间”,The War Rooms © Thijs Wolzak and Bart Majoor
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© Thijs Wolzak and Bart Majoor
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Close to the Characters
▼英国男人Peter和布尔女人Susanna的故事,stories of the British man, Peter and the Boer woman, Susanna and her children © Thijs Wolzak and Bart Majoor
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Empathy and Immersion
© Thijs Wolzak and Bart Majoor
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▼原始物品展览,Original exhibition © Thijs Wolzak and Bart Majoor
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▼展览现场,photo of the exhibition © Thijs Wolzak and Bart Majoor
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A timeless lesson for the Future
Emily Hobhouse的故事告诉我们,即使在最黑暗的战争年代,具有强烈道德意识的人也能通过坚持同理心和人性等价值观来发挥和平的影响。这次展览强调了这些价值观在冲突时期的重要性,并说明了如果我们不从中吸取教训,历史必然会重演。它提醒我们,Emily的榜样作用是至关重要的,她是未来的有力指南。
Emily Hobhouse’s story shows that even in the darkest times of war, individuals with a strong moral consciousness can wield a peaceful influence by upholding values such as empathy and humanity. This exhibition emphasizes the crucial importance of these values during times of conflict and illustrates how history is bound to repeat itself if we fail to learn from them. It reminds us why it is vital to celebrate and share her example as a powerful guide for the future.
▼鲜明的色彩带来强烈的视觉冲击力,bright colors bring a strong visual impact © Thijs Wolzak and Bart Majoor
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▼展览现场,photo of the exhibition © Thijs Wolzak and Bart Majoor
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在Emily Hobhouse的出生地 —— 英国St Ive, Liskeard的“战争房间”里人们将深度体验这个震撼人心的故事。“战争房间”是“The Story of Emily”展览的一部分,它将为参观者带来全新的体验,除了展览外,人们还可以参观Emily童年的家,教区长(教区首席牧师)住宅。
Experience this powerful story at The War Rooms in St Ive, Liskeard (UK), the birthplace of Emily Hobhouse. The War Rooms are part of “The Story of Emily,” a brand-new experience where, in addition to this exhibition, you can also visit Emily’s childhood home, The Rectory.
▼展览现场,photo of the exhibition © Thijs Wolzak and Bart Majoor
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受“The Story of Emily”组织方的委托,Kossmanndejong的合作伙伴还包括:Elsabe Brits、Brandwacht & Meijer、Mansveld – Audio Visuals Control、HeinzLoopstra Lightdesign、Nous digital、BIND Films、Public Agency、Bart Westerlaken、Planemos、Yipp、Heavy Bones、Stonewood Design等。
Commissioned by ‘The Story of Emily’. In collaboration with: Elsabe Brits, Brandwacht & Meijer, Mansveld – Audio Visuals Control, HeinzLoopstra Lightdesign, Nous digital, BIND Films, Public Agency, Bart Westerlaken, Planemos, Yipp, Heavy Bones, Stonewood Design, and many others.
▼展览现场,photo of the exhibition © Thijs Wolzak and Bart Majoor
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▼平面图,plan © Kossmanndejong
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Photography by: Thijs Wolzak and Bart Majoor
Video by: Bart Majoor
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