扎沃多科夫斯基中央公园丨俄罗斯秋明丨M4,STUDIO BLOK

2024/09/23 12:21:11
STUDIO BLOK:在改造之前,中央公园是扎沃多科夫斯克中心区最大的一片未开发公共空间。整个区域垃圾遍地、污染严重,没有任何基础设施、必要的人行道或步行道。该项目的主要目标是为不同的用户群体创造一个城市中心空间,同时最大限度地保护和恢复场地的自然潜力。
STUDIO BLOK:Before its transformation, the central park was the largest underdeveloped public space in the central part of Zavodoukovsk. The entire area was littered and polluted, with no infrastructure, necessary pedestrian connections, or walking paths.
The main goal of the project was to create a central urban space for various user groups while maximizing the preservation and restoration of the site’s natural potential.
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To create a popular and well-used space, the park was designed with areas and zones catering to different ages, including a transit and walking promenade, retail (cafes), event spaces, playgrounds, sports facilities, quiet relaxation areas, as well as viewing and photo zones. To address the preservation of the natural potential, the project took into account the existing ecosystem of the pine forest. Paths were planned along existing routes and avoided trees. All transit paths in the park were designed with permeable surfaces made of granite screenings. The project preserved all healthy trees, with architectural solutions considering each tree and blending stylistically into the local landscape. To restore the natural potential of the area, the project reinstated a stream and pond that had long been in a swampy state. Efforts were made to clean the waterbody and plant greenery to prevent the area from becoming swampy again.
▽公园入口 The entrance
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The project incorporates the concept of an eco-park, which is reflected in the design approach, placement of functional zones, architectural and color solutions, and the materials used. The central idea is a careful approach to the existing ecosystem, with special attention to preserving the pine forest. Cleaning the neglected stream and part of the pond restores its function as a promenade.
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The park’s functional zones further reveal the existing potential of the area: the placement and dimensions of the playgrounds are linked to existing forest clearings, transit paths were designed along existing footpaths, and their permeable surfaces do not intrude on the root systems of the trees. Architectural solutions draw on natural motifs. The unique railings along the promenade evoke the image of a pine forest. Colors, textures, and materials are close to natural shades.
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The only bright accent in the park is the sports area. Its surfaces and multifunctional red structure contrast with the natural surroundings. The line serves as a guide for the development of the sports function, with various sports elements designed at different points along it. The fencing around the sports area is designed in harmony with the forest, with a rhythm of custom-made wooden elements that blend seamlessly into the environment.
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The children’s playground is also made from natural materials. The primary surface is wood mulch, with rubber surfacing added locally to create a play route. Children can jump between the islands of rubber surfacing, creating new play scenarios.
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现有绿色植物中 90-95%都是欧洲赤松,已尽可能予以保留。还有一些落叶树:椴树、柳树、杨树和枫树。
The existing greenery, which is 90-95% Pínus sylvéstris, has been preserved as much as possible. There are a few deciduous trees: linden, willow, poplar, and maple.
The planned landscaping is carefully integrated into the existing environment. We primarily worked in the lower tier of greenery, creating accent compositions in the functional zones using flowering shrubs and plants with lush foliage.
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面积:4.91 公顷
景观/建筑事务所:M4, STUDIO BLOK
首席项目设计师:Ekaterina Zyrina9(BLOK STUDIO)
项目经理、首席分析师:Marina Klimanova(Design Bureau M4)
项目团队:Design Bureau M4 – 执行董事 Andrey Kobzev,初级分析师 Saida Ziatdinova,项目总工程师 Pavel Kopylov,施工监理 Nikolay Ivankin;BLOK STUDIO – 项目设计师 Ivan Kovalev,可视化设计师 Andrey Zyrin
Project name: Central Park in Zavodoukovsk
Completion Year: 2021-2022
Size: 4.91 hectares
Project location: Russia, Tyumen Region, Zavodoukovsk, Central Park
Landscape/Architecture Firm: M4, STUDIO BLOK
Lead Architects of BLOK STUDIO: Ekaterina Zyrina – Lead Project Architect
Lead Architects of Design Bureau M4: Marina Klimanova – Project Manager, Lead Analyst
Team of Design Bureau M4: Andrey Kobzev – Executive Director
Saida Ziatdinova – Junior Analyst
Pavel Kopylov – Chief Project Engineer
Nikolay Ivankin – Construction Supervisor
Team of BLOK STUDIO: Ivan Kovalev – Project Architect
Andrey Zyrin – Project Visualizer
Clients: The Municipal Autonomous Institution of Culture of the Zavodoukovsk Urban District “Zavodoukovsk Cultural and Leisure Center”
Photo credits: Лоскутов Максим
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