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Suspendre el cel 景观介入丨西班牙巴塞罗那丨Caio Reisewitz

2024/09/25 13:06:54
Mies van der Rohe基金会与 Prats Nogueras Blanchard 画廊合作,由巴塞罗那Weekend画廊组织,在Mies van derRohe展馆展出了巴西艺术家Caio Reisewitz的新艺术介入作品 Suspendre el cel。
The Fundació Mies van der Rohe presents ” Suspendre el cel” , a new artistic intervention in the Mies van derRohe Pavilion by the Brazilian artist Caio Reisewitz, organized with the Prats Nogueras Blanchard gallery ,within the framework of Barcelona Gallery Weekend.
▼项目街景,street view ©Anna Mas
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▼展馆庭院,pavilion courtyard ©Anna Mas
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从2024年9月18日至10月10日之间,Caio Reisewitz将Mies van der Rohe展馆改造成一个旨在解决影响巴西的紧迫问题的平台,例如亚马逊丛林的衰亡,负责保护和珍视环境的公共机构被解散,以及对于原住民的文化掠夺和种族屠杀。
From September 18 to October 10, 2024, Caio Reisewitz will transform the Mies van der Rohe Pavilion into a platform to address urgent issues affecting Brazil , such as the destruction of the Amazonia, the dismantling of the public machinery responsible for protecting and valuing the environment, as well as the cultural erasure and genocide of indigenous populations.
▼将自然引入室内,introduce nature into the indoor space ©Anna Mas
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▼倡导与自然建立更加紧密的联系,advocates of a more harmonious relationship with the earth ©Anna Mas
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作品名为“Suspendre el cel(意为悬挂在天空上)的灵感来自活动家Davi Kopenawa和Ailton Krenak的想法,倡导与地球建立更和谐的关系,以及促进所有生物之间的相互联系。它暗指Yanomami人的世界观,即认为地球是从一片天空中诞生的,如果人类忘记祖先的经验并破坏它,天空就会再次坠落。
The title ” Suspendre el cel” (to suspend the sky) is inspired by the thinking of activist shamans Davi Kopenawaand Ailton Krenak, advocates of a more harmonious relationship with the earth and the interconnection between all living beings. It alludes to the Yanomami worldview , which believes that the earth arose from a piece of the sky and that, if man forgets ancestral knowledge and destroys it, the sky will fall again.
▼倡导与自然建立更加紧密的联系,advocates of a more harmonious relationship with the earth ©Anna Mas
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“ 悬挂在天空上意味着开拓我们的视野,不是未来的视野,而是当下的视野。以此来丰富我们的主体性。”
“To suspend the sky is to broaden our horizon; not the future horizon, but the existential one. It is to enrich our subjectivities “
——A. Krenak
▼引起人们对地球上生态系统的关注,draw attention to this indispensable ecosystem for the planet ©Anna Mas
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对于Caio Reisewitz而言,亚马逊森林不仅是一种宝贵的自然财富,同时也是一项重要的文化资产,是巴西文明的根基。在她的作品中,参与式艺术和政治行动主义是一种抵抗或 “悬挂天空 ”的形式,此时此刻,亟需引起人们对地球上这一不可或缺的生态系统的关注。
For Caio Reisewitz, the Amazonia not only represents a natural wealth, but also an important cultural asset and the true basis of Brazilian civilization. In her work, engaged art and political activism are forms of resistance or of “suspending the sky” at a time when it is urgent to draw attention to this indispensable ecosystem for the planet.
▼构筑物和自然之间建立的共生关系,the symbiosis between the built and the natural ©Anna Mas
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▼室内与室外之间,between the indoor and outdoor ©Anna Mas
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该艺术介入装置着重体现了Mies van der Rohe展馆在室内和室外之间,构筑物和自然之间建立的共生关系。Roberto Burle Marx,Oscar Niemeyer和Lina Bo Bardi等代表巴西建筑的现代化进程的建筑师们的作品也体现了这一意图,他们都试图尽量减少对项目周围自然环境的影响。
The artistic intervention emphasizes the symbiosis that the Mies van der Rohe Pavilion establishes between the interior and the exterior, and between the built and the natural. This intention is reflected in the works of prominent exponents of the architecture of the Modern Movement in Brazil such as Roberto Burle Marx , Oscar Niemeyer and Lina Bo Bardi , who sought to minimize interference in the natural environment that surrounds their projects.
▼尽量减少对项目周围自然环境的影响,minimize interference in the natural environment that surrounds ©Anna Mas
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Reisewitz的“悬挂在天空”设计灵感来源于Lina Bo Bardi的住宅作品“玻璃住宅”——该住宅是巴西的近代化运动是如何理解并融合自然的具体例子。住宅的玻璃墙将自然环境带入室内,就像Mies van der Rohe展馆的玻璃墙一样,在周围的景观植被之间营造了协同共生的氛围,并传递了一种“自然是我们的家”的概念。
Reisewitz takes Lina Bo Bardi ‘s residence, “The House of Glass”, as a reference for “Suspendre el cel”, an example of how the Brazilian modern movement understood and incorporated nature. The glass walls of the house were designed to integrate the green environment into the interior space, similar to the glass walls of the Mies van der Rohe Pavilion, which were created to generate synergies with the surrounding vegetation and now underline the message that nature is our home.
▼理解并融合自然,understood and incorporated nature©Anna Mas
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▼协同共生的氛围,generate synergies with the surrounding vegetation ©Anna Mas
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作者从加泰罗尼亚Gavà的Vivers Barri精心挑选了近600种植物,其中包括不同种类的棕榈树,石莲花、榕树和薜荔、金泰兰、箭竹、怪石、凤尾兰、蕨类植物、箭竹以及其他植物和灌木,大部分是热带植物,也有地中海植物,形成了一个植物群。在1959年圣保罗举办的第五届国际双年展上Roberto Burle Marx的作品中已经确定并研究了这些植物种类的重要性,而在历史上的展览,例如1943年在纽约的现代艺术博物馆中的“巴西建造”和1963年在休斯顿艺术博物馆的关于Mies van der Rohe的“六件大师画作,两颗水晶,一座雕塑”展览中,建筑师都在展览中加入了一些实例。
Nearly 600 plants, selected by the author at the Vivers Barri in Gavà, Catalonia, which include different types of palm trees, strelitzias, alocacias and ficus, kentias, aralias, monsteras, philodendrons, ferns, scheffleras and other plantsand shrubs that are mostly tropical but also Mediterranean, form a plant mass. The importance of these plantspecies has already been identified and studied in the work of Roberto Burle Marx at the 5th International Biennial of São Paulo (1959); in historical exhibitions such as “Brazil Builds” at MoMA-NY (1943) and in Mies van der Rohe’s “Six Master Painters, Two Crystals, One Sculpture ” at the Museum of Fine Arts, Houston (1963), where the architect incorporated several examples into the exhibition.
▼植被细部,vegetation detail ©Anna Mas
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这次展览 还会于10月1号晚间7点举办一场谈话,谈话将在”Suspendre el cel”装置的作者Caio Reisewitz,关注可持续性设计和城市规划的建筑师Isabella Lenzi和现代艺术评论家/研究员Claudia Segura之间展开。
This intervention will be accompanied by a conversation between Caio Reisewitz, author of “Suspendre el cel”, Isabella Lenzi , urban architect recognized for her focus on sustainable design and urban planning, and Claudia Segura, curator and researcher of contemporary art, on October 1 at 7:00 p.m.
▼展馆外部,exterior of the pavilion ©Anna Mas
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▼灵感,inspirations ©Prats Nogueras Blanchard
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