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近期,由 Aedas 执行董事梁志华带领团队与铁四院一道操刀设计的东莞虎门站高铁枢纽改扩建工程的站房工程交付启用迎来一周年。虎门站是继香港西九龙高铁总站之后,Aedas 在广深港高铁客运专线上的又一力作,在整个大湾区范围内客流规模位列第三,彰显了东莞新一线城市的能量与活力。
此前,Aedas 发布的虎门高铁站效果图引发网友们热议,部分网友对实际建成效果提出质疑。如今,虎门高铁站的顺利完工和使用,让一路见证的网友们直呼“和效果视频上的一模一样”。这座全新的建筑不仅标志着虎门站由传统的铁路车站升级为功能完备的综合交通枢纽,更是展示东莞城市发展的重要窗口。
Led by Aedas Executive Director Leon Liang, Dongguan Humen High-Speed Railway Station expansion project exemplifies Aedas TOD expertise, showcasing the dynamic growth and vigor of Dongguan as an emerging first-tier city. The integrated transportation hub serves as a vital node in South China’s transportation network and sets a standard for TOD in the new era.
The newly integrated transportation hub
自启用以来,新虎门高铁站经历了多个重要的客流高峰。据官方发布的数据显示,2024 年春运期间,虎门站共计到发旅客超 220 万人次,创下历史新高;五一假期和暑运期间,日均往返客流量均达到约 7 万人次,彰显了虎门高铁站作为重要交通枢纽的强大吸引力。
虎门站的密集客流 High volume passenger flow at Humen Station
随着近年东莞城市能级的提升和虎门站客流的日益增大,原单一的铁路站亟需转型为集各种功能的综合枢纽。作为大湾区内首个对运营中的高铁站进行不停运的彻底改扩建升级的项目,如何既要维持施工期铁路的运营需求,又要对枢纽候车空间、换乘流线进行高标准现代化的改造,是设计面临的首要任务。史无前例,Aedas 受业主委托,为虎门站 TOD 综合开发提供由城市设计到单体建筑设计的全过程服务。
Due to Dongguan’s rapid urban development and increasing traffic at Humen Station, the original station required an urgent need to transform into a multimodal TOD hub. The project involved expanding and renovating the high-speed railway station, integrating the hub with the city while ensuring continuous railway operations during construction.
历经 4 年的虎门站扩建工程
Large-scale urban renewal project driven by hub integration
Our goal is not only to shape a unique urban station for Humen but also symbolises the achievements of Dongguan’s development,” Leon explained. The team introduced the concept of ‘Tiger with wings’. A pair of ‘silver wings’ was added on the north and south sides to envelop the new waiting hall and public spaces and foster a more humanised station-city architectural interface. The design functions as a canopy over the plaza and transfer routes, mimicking spread wings that shelter passengers.
Day and night view
整个站房顶盖立面设计应用极简主义美学,通过对材料的有序编排,将复杂的接缝优化为清晰的线条,勾勒出建筑动态腾飞的曲线。“银翼”下方巨大的 Y 型柱承载了大部分顶盖重量,从而减少了位于候车大厅室内的巨柱数量和尺寸,不仅为旅客提供了更宽敞、灵活的候车空间,“翼身融合”的结构设计更是充分展现了腾飞羽翼的力量感。
The roof façade design applies minimalist aesthetics, transforming complex seams into sleek lines through strategic material arrangement, creating dynamic curves. The large Y-shaped columns beneath the ‘silver wings’ support the roof and reduce the need for large columns in the waiting hall, providing passengers with more spacious and flexible waiting spaces.
充满力量感的 Y 型柱,摄影:张虔希
The large Y-shaped columns
南北侧“银翼”覆盖下的是本次新扩建的候车大厅。与老站房相比,新站房候车厅面积达 11440 平方米,闸机数量达 20 个,可容纳 5000 名旅客同时候车。巨型的采光天窗、柔和的白色遮阳膜、白色波浪型的背景墙,都凸显了新时代设计对自然光的驾驭,成就温馨惬意的光影大厅。遮阳软膜与穿孔内饰设计不仅是时尚材料的运用,更是大人流聚集空间中控制声学品质的重要措施,是保障旅客在站内停留等候的舒适体验必要考量。站房入口通高的玻璃墙,映出候车厅内造型时尚的大型数字时钟,形成强烈的视觉冲击力,营造出极具未来科技感的站内空间。
The new station’s waiting hall spans over 11,440 sq m with 20 ticket gates, accommodating up to 5,000 passengers waiting simultaneously. Giant skylights, soft sunshades, and wave-like walls create a cozy hall filled with light and shadows. The sunshade membranes and porous interior design control sound volume in crowded areas, ensuring a pleasant experience for passengers. The towering glass walls at the main entrance reflect a stylish digital clock, adding a striking futuristic visual effect.
Cozy hall filled with light and shadows
Futuristic ambiance
广深港高铁、穗莞深城际轨道、东莞轨道 2 号线在虎门站交汇,多种公共出行方式在此换乘,使其成为东莞市域内客流条件最复杂、流线最多种的大型综合交通枢纽。
The Humen Station serves as a convergence point for the Guangzhou-Shenzhen-Hong Kong High-speed Rail, the Guangzhou-Dongguan-Shenzhen Intercity Rail, and the Dongguan Rail Line 2, facilitating seamless connections. The design incorporates ’natural guidance’ through simple spatial arrangements to minimise the need for complex signage. The ’urban transfer hall’ integrates high-speed rail and subway stations with a bus terminus and underground intercity station via a central atrium. It includes commercial facilities, inquiry services, and escalators, offering a comfortable transfer experience guided by natural light.
The giant skylights
Railway station front square
Above the ground floor, a two-storey urban terrace transforms the railway station front square into a vibrant urban space through a pedestrian path, showcasing Dongguan’s urban development and cultural essence, adding a dynamic element to the station.
东莞形象 IP
Dongguan’s image
The ground floor under the terrace serves as a public transport interchange and parking area. Vehicles can drive under the station. The design creates a clear separation between pedestrian and vehicular traffic, eliminating the impacts of high-volume traffic.
Under the rhythm of light and shadow
With the current establishment of the national high-speed rail network, intercity connections have become more efficient. TOD has emerged as a new trend in urban development. "We hope that it will not only be a bustling transit station but also a city’s community space that captivates visitors, allowing them to pause, stay and savor life," Leon said.
Humen High-Speed Railway Station,new image ofcity
建筑面积:枢纽 EPC 部分 155,382.87 平方米
竣工年份:2023 年
Aedas 项目团队主管:梁志华,执行董事
EPC 工程设计总承包:铁四院