introlemons 新天地旗舰店丨中国上海丨AIM 恺慕建筑设计

2024/09/25 15:08:31
introlemons 是一个坚持天然环保可持续理念的茶饮品牌。AIM 设计的 introlemons 上海新天地旗舰店充分体现了品牌的价值观,重新思考并定位了当代茶饮空间,倡导繁忙都市中的可持续生活方式。此项目是我们为品牌设计的第二家门店,能够与品牌一起成长,我们深感荣幸。
introlemons is a tea beverage brand committed to natural, eco-friendly, and sustainable practices. Our design for their Xintiandi Flagship Store embodies these values, offering not just lemon tea but a sustainable lifestyle in a bustling metropolis. This project marks the second store we have designed for introlemons, and we are thrilled to be part of their growth.
▼项目概览,Overall view© 顾博文 (由 introlemons 提供)
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Nestled in a serene corner of southern Xintiandi, the store spans 80 square meters with a wide entrance that narrows into an irregular fan shape. Despite the spatial challenges, we have transformed the space into a unique tea experience.
▼外观,Exterior view© 顾博文 (由 introlemons 提供)
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An open facade and one big central table that organizes, serves, assembles, and lets people gather around, create an inviting and seamless indoor-outdoor flow.
▼外摆区,Swing area© 顾博文 (由 introlemons 提供)
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introlemons 新天地旗舰店丨中国上海丨AIM 恺慕建筑设计-12
▼外摆区细部,Swing area detials© 顾博文 (由 introlemons 提供)
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▼入口处,Entrance© 顾博文 (由 introlemons 提供)
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我们在施工期间使用回收木材制作围板。秉承对可持续设计的承诺,施工结束后,我们将其重新利用,制作了所有的室内家具和一棵大型的室外柠檬树雕塑。这棵柠檬树装饰着巨型柠檬灯,是公共空间的焦点。户外家具围绕柠檬树摆开,店铺外的花坛里种植了香气扑鼻的新鲜柠檬树,引人驻足。如此,一个“柠檬树”下的口袋公园悄然诞生,邀请过往行人在此小憩,在树荫下享受饮品。将本可能被丢弃的材料转变为店铺设计的关键元素,不仅凸显了 AIM 对资源有效利用的重视,还体现了 introlemons 致力于可持续发展的使命。
In line with our commitment to sustainable design, we used reclaimed wood to create the hoarding during construction, which was then repurposed to craft all the store’s furniture and a large, sculptural lemon tree outside. The tree, adorned with giant lemon lamps, becomes a focal point in the public space, surrounded by outdoor seating and fresh lemon trees that infuse the air with natural fragrance, creating a pocket park that invites passersby to pause and enjoy a drink under its shade. This approach not only highlights our dedication to resourcefulness but also reflects introlemons’ mission of sustainability, transforming materials that might otherwise have been discarded into key elements of the store’s design.
▼室内主要空间,Interior space© 顾博文 (由 introlemons 提供)
introlemons 新天地旗舰店丨中国上海丨AIM 恺慕建筑设计-20
introlemons 新天地旗舰店丨中国上海丨AIM 恺慕建筑设计-21
Inside, the “park” atmosphere continues, with a large stone central operating table paired with seating, allowing customers to enjoy the lemon aroma, watch the handmade lemon tea preparation, and taste the tea. The interior walls are crafted from organic soil mixed with small stones and straw, and the display boards, shelves, and props are made from the same reclaimed wood, reinforcing the store’s sustainable ethos in every detail.
▼冲茶工具,Tea making tools © 顾博文 (由 introlemons 提供)
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如今,introlemons 已成为一个充满活力的崭新店铺,这是我们不懈追求持续激活街道、空间与城市的生动诠释。我们自豪地将这一度安静的街角成功转变为一个设计感十足的可持续生活方式引导者。
Today, introlemons is a vibrant and bustling spot, exemplifying our ongoing efforts to activate streets, spaces, and cities. We are proud to have successfully transformed this once quiet corner into a lively hub of sustainable living and design.
▼施工过程,construction process© 顾博文 (由 introlemons 提供)
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introlemons 新天地旗舰店丨中国上海丨AIM 恺慕建筑设计-30
introlemons 新天地旗舰店丨中国上海丨AIM 恺慕建筑设计-31
introlemons 新天地旗舰店丨中国上海丨AIM 恺慕建筑设计-32
▼平面图,floor plan© AIM 恺慕建筑设计
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introlemons 新天地旗舰店 – 项目信息
建筑面积:室内区域 85㎡+ 外摆区域 45㎡
设计总监:Wendy Saunders,Vincent de Graaf
摄影:顾博文 (由 introlemons 提供)
Client: introlemons
Location: Shanghai Xintiandi Style I
GFA: Interior 85 sqm+ Exterior 45 sqm
Design Stage: 2024.2-2024.6
Completion: 2024.7.1
Design Scope: Interior design, Facade design, Public space design
Design Principals: Wendy Saunders, Vincent de Graaf
Studio Director: Yvonne Lim
Project Designer: Simon Huang
Interior Team: Mingzhu Shen, Jin Kang
Visualization: Yan Jiao
General Contractor: Shanghai Dongyuan Building Decoration Co.,Ltd.
LDI: Shanghai Xuhui Planning Architecture Design Co.,Ltd
FURNITURE Supplier: Shanghai Yueben Engineering Decoration Co.,Ltd.
Main Materials: Mud Plaster, Mirror, Mirror Polished Stainless Steel, Grey Granite, Recycled Wood, Moka Crème Stone, Natural Stone Texture Paint, Vibration finish stainless steel
Photography: Bowen Gu (provided by introlemons)
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