Lika Lab买手店丨中国杭州丨Say Architects

2024/09/26 10:02:31
Lika Lab是一个全新的买手品牌空间,业主希望空间呈现粉与蓝的主题。但目标的高饱和度颜色大大削弱了商品本身的竞争力,Say希望打造一个纯粹且干净的空间,借此凸显产品的多样化。区别于其他买手店,Say提出“去材质化”的概念,剥除复杂结构、弱化高饱色彩、隔离自然景观,从而给顾客带来轻松且不受打扰的消费体验。
Lika Lab is a boutique store in Hangzhou. The client chose pink and blue as the main tone of the space. This choice of bright color would easily overshadow the product. Therefore Say proposed the concept of “de-materialize”, which weakens these two colors, frosted resin and mirrored stainless steel are used as the main materials of the space. Under the translucent skin, the material and structure are no longer directly visible to the eye. The whole space is light and soft, and the space and goods are instantly balanced appropriately.
▼Like Lab 室内概览,overall of the Like Lab interior ©汪敏杰
Lika Lab买手店丨中国杭州丨Say Architects-3
Say uses red and blue blocks to represent displayed goods on watercolor paper, and uses ice to represent time. In space, products will disappear with the melting of ice, just like trends and people’s aesthetics are always flowing.
Frosted resin appears translucent. The reflective resin floor and mirrored stainless steel tell rationally what the space is. Both frosted glass are “floating” onto the window sill by 12 exclusively designed hardware, which not only isolated the real world, but also brings soft light. As the medium of emotional expression in this space, material appears objective and secondary.
▼喷砂树脂呈现半透明的状态,frosted resin appears translucent ©汪敏杰
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Lika Lab买手店丨中国杭州丨Say Architects-10
▼二次创作区的工作桌与座椅均由喷砂树脂定制,the desk and seats in the remade area are customized with frosted resin©汪敏杰
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Lika Lab买手店丨中国杭州丨Say Architects-13
▼两面磨砂玻璃通过特制的12个金属件“漂浮”固定在窗台上,frosted glass are “floating” onto the window sill by 12 exclusively designed hardware ©汪敏杰
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▼家具细部,details of the furniture ©汪敏杰
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Lika Lab买手店丨中国杭州丨Say Architects-18
空间与产品、具象与抽象、现实与记忆,自然与封闭,种种看似抗衡却又相互平衡的关系在Lika Lab中得到互相交织,也是Say希望给消费者带来的全新体验。
Space and products, representation and abstract, reality and memory, nature and isolation, all kinds of seemingly competing but balanced relationships are interwoven in Lika Lab, which is also new experience that Say hopes to bring to consumers.
▼室内细部,details of interior ©汪敏杰
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Lika Lab买手店丨中国杭州丨Say Architects-23
▼平面图,plan © Say Architects
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