
2024/09/27 18:37:30
Diriyah双年展基金会宣布了第二届伊斯兰艺术双年展的主题 —— “And all that is in between”。双年展将于2025年1月25日至5月25日在吉达开幕。几个世纪以来,吉达一直代表着文化的交汇点。双年展将在阿卜杜勒阿齐兹国王国际机场(King Abdulaziz International Airport)的西方朝觐航站楼(Western Hajj Terminal)举行,这里每年都会回响着数百万穆斯林朝圣者的记忆和情感,他们将从这里踏上朝圣的神圣旅程。通过将伊斯兰文化的历史文物与当代艺术并列,双年展将探索如何通过感觉、思考与创作来营造体验、表达并庆祝信仰之力。
The Diriyah Biennale Foundation announces And all that is in between as the title for the second edition of the Islamic Arts Biennale. The Biennale is set to open from January 25 until May 25, 2025 in Jeddah, a city that has represented a meeting point of cultures for centuries, at the Western Hajj Terminal of King Abdulaziz International Airport, a site that echoes with memory and emotion for millions of Muslim pilgrims embarking on their sacred journeys for Hajj and Umrah every year. By juxtaposing historical objects from Islamic cultures with contemporary art, the Biennale will explore how faith is experienced, expressed, and celebrated through feeling, thinking, and making.
▼2023年第一届伊斯兰艺术双年展展览概况,The 2023 Islamic Arts Biennale at the Western Hajj Terminal of King Abdulaziz International Airport © Diriyah Biennale Foundation
▼2023年第一届伊斯兰艺术双年展户外空间概况,The 2023 Islamic Arts Biennale at the Western Hajj Terminal of King Abdulaziz International Airport © Diriyah Biennale Foundation
在艺术总监Julian Raby、现任Al Thani Collection总监Amin Jaffer、当代艺术策展人Abdul Rahman Azzam和沙特艺术家Muhannad Shono的共同领导下,本届双年展将以全球化的视角,为当今沙特阿拉伯变革背景下的文化延续方式提供独特的见解。展览在画廊和户外空间中呈现了历史与当代作品之间的对话。双年展在西方朝觐航站楼的位置进一步加强了它与伊斯兰遗产和信仰的联系。
Led by Artistic Directors Julian Raby, Amin Jaffer in his ongoing role as Director of The Al Thani Collection, and Abdul Rahman Azzam alongside Saudi artist Muhannad Shono as Curator of Contemporary Art, the Biennale will offer unique insights into the ways cultures endure in the context of the transformations taking place today in Saudi Arabia with a global frame of reference. The exhibition presents a dialogue between historic and contemporary works within the galleries and in outdoor spaces. The Biennale’s location at the Western Hajj Terminal strengthens its connection to Islamic heritage and faith.
▼2023年第一届伊斯兰艺术双年展展馆夜景,The 2023 Islamic Arts Biennale at the Western Hajj Terminal of King Abdulaziz International Airport © Diriyah Biennale Foundation
▼2023年第一届伊斯兰艺术双年展建筑夜景,The 2023 Islamic Arts Biennale at the Western Hajj Terminal of King Abdulaziz International Airport © Diriyah Biennale Foundation
▼航站楼顶棚下的景观,The desert-like landscape under the terminal’s canopy © Diriyah Biennale Foundation
Across five exhibition halls and outdoor spaces, and with more than 500 objects and contemporary artworks on view, the 2025 Islamic Arts Biennale will explore how we endeavor to comprehend the wonder of what the divine has brought into being. In its second edition, the Biennale presents significantly more works and welcomes a larger number of participating institutions. With this expansion, the Biennale affirms its position as the world’s central platform for Islamic arts. The exhibition will bring together loans from the world’s leading institutions of Islamic arts, from Tunis to Tashkent, and from Timbuktu to Yogyakarta. The participation of this global network of institutions offers a broad perspective on Islamic arts, past and present, and opens new channels for dialogue and collaboration.
▼2023年第一届伊斯兰艺术双年展夜景,The 2023 Islamic Arts Biennale at the Western Hajj Terminal of King Abdulaziz International Airport © Diriyah Biennale Foundation
▼航站楼顶棚与飞机的壮观尺度,Spectacular scale of terminal roof and aircraft © Diriyah Biennale Foundation
此次双年展展出了来自沙特阿拉伯、海湾地区及其他地区的20多位艺术家的新作品,包括Nour Jaouda、Charwei Tsai和Fatmah Abdulhadi。这些委托作品展示了Diriyah双年展基金会的工作,即,为沙特艺术家提供一个全球舞台,并将来自世界各地的艺术家带到沙特阿拉伯,以便当地观众能够接触到当代艺术中引人注目的实践和不同的视角。
The Biennale presents new commissions from over 20 artists from Saudi Arabia, the wider Gulf region, and beyond, including Nour Jaouda, Charwei Tsai, and Fatmah Abdulhadi. These commissions demonstrate the Diriyah Biennale Foundation ’s work to offer a global stage for Saudi artists, and to bring artists from around the world to Saudi Arabia so that local audiences can encounter compelling practices and diverse perspectives in contemporary art.
▼航站楼顶棚日景,day view of the terminal’s canopy © Diriyah Biennale Foundation
伊斯兰艺术双年展将由七个独特的组成部分,分别为:AlBidaya、AlMadar、AlMuqtani、AlMathala、Makkah al-Mukarramah、Al-Madinah al-Munawwarah,以及AlMusalla。七个展区将分布在不同画廊和户外空间的专用展览空间中,占地达10万平方米。
The Islamic Arts Biennale will consist of seven unique components (AlBidaya, AlMadar, AlMuqtani, AlMathala, Makkah al-Mukarramah, Al-Madinah al-Munawwarah, and AlMusalla) spread out through different galleries and outdoor spaces, across 100,000 square meters of dedicated exhibition space.
The desert-like landscape under the terminal’s canopy © Diriyah Biennale Foundation
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