Muskoka 湖畔住宅丨Ashley Botten 工作室

2024/09/26 16:34:59
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高级而时尚一直是Ashley Botten工作室的灵感源泉,因此与同样崇尚精致剪裁的客户合作总是工作室的一大乐事。当工作室受邀翻新位于安大略省Muskoka的一栋家庭湖畔别墅时,他们希望将优雅与在水边消夏的随意轻松周到地融合在一起。
High fashion is a constant source of inspiration for abd, so it is always a pleasure for the studio to work with clients who share a similar reverence for fine tailoring. When invited to renovate a family lake house in Muskoka, Ontario, the desire was for a thoughtful blending of elegance with the casual ease of spending summers near the water.
While the exterior bones of the six-bedroom cottage have remained intact, interior structural walls were removed to enhance spatial flow and carve out quieter areas. Core features, such as the sash windows and majestic flagstone hearth—a hallmark of the Muskoka region—remained untouched.
Ashley Botten集中精力为公共区域和私人空间注入个性化表达,这就需要为每个房间定制设计家具。无论是时装设计还是室内设计,量身定制的关键在于珍贵的细节处理以及与优质材料和制造商的合作。此外,还需要了解房间的使用和浏览方式。
Ashley Botten focussed on infusing the communal areas and private spaces with a personalized expression, which required custom-designed furniture from room to room. Whether in fashion or interior design, tailoring is all about precious detailing and working with quality materials and makers. It also involves understanding how a room is used and navigated.
Upon entering the front door, one of the first things your eye connects with is the curved sofa placed to take in the stunning lake view. Splendidly comfortable for seating up to six, the sofa is also rich in micro-detailing, particularly how the fabric is railroaded to wrap the back seamlessly.
主卧室和套间的格调更为低调,墙壁漆成海盐色,亚麻编织窗帘散射出斑驳的光线。床架采用羊毛套装软垫,与墙壁隔开,留出一条通往浴室的备用通道。Ashley Botten处处注重感官体验,以提升轻松生活的甜蜜舒适感。在套间里,工作室设计了一个加长的金属毛巾架,上面有一个供焚香用的托盘。
The primary bedroom and ensuite embrace a more subdued mood, with walls painted in a textured sea salt hue and woven linen window coverings diffusing dappled light. The bed frame is tightly upholstered in wool suitingwith a millwork piece set away from the wall to allow for an alternate passageway to the ensuite bathroom. At every turn, abd has paid close attention to sensory experiences that enhance the sweet comforts of living easy. In the ensuite, the studio devised an extended metal towel rack with a resting tray for burning incense.
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