斯托克斯 14丨埃及亚历山大丨Smart Design Studio

2024/09/28 05:41:43
建筑师的家和工作室 Architects Home and Studio
Stokes 14
Break down the boundaries between life and work.
空间的历程要从 Smart Design Studio 的创始人 William Smart 的故事讲起。在过去的 20 年里,他一直居住在位于新南威尔士州的一处工作室,近年来受到疫情的影响,改变了其对城市工作和生活的观念,并在他的新家和工作室 Stokes 14 中尝试寻找新的突破。
The journey of space begins with the story of William Smart, the founder of Smart Design Studio. He has lived in a studio in New South Wales for the past 20 years, has been affected by the epidemic in recent years, changed his concept of working and living in the city, and is trying to find new breakthroughs in his new home and studio Stokes 14.
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William Smart 与美国艺术家 James Turrell 有着共同的愿景,希望人能够成为空间的主角,并利用材料和色彩激发人们对于光的感知,目的在于扩展空间艺术效果的同时,使人与室内环境产生密切联系并做出相应地回应,赋予置身其中者一种独特的空间体验。
William Smart and American artist James Turrell share the same vision, hoping that people can become the protagonist of space, and use materials and colors to stimulate people’s perception of light, aiming to expand the artistic effect of space, and make people have a close connection with the indoor environment and respond accordingly. It gives a unique space experience to those who are in it.
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William Smart
01位于亚历山大工业区的 Stokes 14 毗邻悉尼中央商务区,原为空置的仓库,Smart Design Studio 保留了 80%的现有建筑,并建造了 20%的新建筑。
他们采用 Austral Bricks 的 La Paloma Azul 砖材为建筑构筑新的立面,旨在维持整体建筑在视觉上仍与古老的仓库基调一致,并同地区悠久的历史产生联系。
At Stokes 14, a former vacant warehouse in the Alexandria industrial area adjacent to Sydneys central business district, Smart Design Studio retained 80% of the existing building and built 20% of the new building. Using Austral Bricks of La Paloma Azul for the new facade, the aim was to maintain the buildings visual consistency with the old warehouse and its connection to the regions rich history.
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02Stokes 14 经过改造,前端为厚重的砖砌办公室,后端是轻质的棚屋。新建筑内部保留了原仓库基本的布局形式,并借鉴了其优雅的工业结构特征。同时,还采用了与原始建筑类似的材料,如砖砌立面、预制混凝土结构和钢框架门窗,以当代方式进行重新演绎,也融合了创造力的丰富、结构的创新性和独特的雕塑形式。
Stokes 14 has been renovated with a heavy brick office at the front end and a lightweight shed at the back end. The interior of the new building retains the basic layout of the original warehouse and draws on its elegant industrial structure. At the same time, materials similar to the original building, such as the brick facade, precast concrete structure and steel frame doors and Windows, are re-interpreted in a contemporary way, but also with the richness of creativity, structural innovation and unique sculptural forms.
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The apartment is made up of four brick-sized vaults that are staggered from one another, inspired by light penetrating through the gaps in the trees. The presentation of this structure is an exploration of light penetration in order to allow light to flow through the space.
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Two large brick vaults enclose the living and bedroom areas, while two smaller vaults contain public service Spaces. When you step into the room, you will feel as if you have arrived in another new world, and instantly away from the complexity and noise of the outside.
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William Smart
The stacking of bricks and gradients of light create a three-dimensional perception and spatial atmosphere inside. All the bricks are glued with terracotta tiles rather than made of mortar, thus creating a sense of fineness and presenting a veneer aesthetic. Parametric modeling helps to confirm the shape of the arch and then generate the specific position of each brick.
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03内部形式和颜色的一致性令人感到平静,隐性照明和细木工结构将焦点集中于上方优雅的曲线之上。窗户分别朝北与朝南开放,光会随着季节的变化而产生巨大的变化。空间内的每一处转折点都呈现了 Smart Design Studio 对整体概念的坚持,创造了这件“优美的生活艺术品”。
The consistency of forms and colours inside is calming, while recessive lighting and joinery structure focus on the elegant curves above. The Windows face north and south, and the light changes dramatically with the seasons. Every turning point in the space shows Smart Design Studios commitment to the overall concept, creating this beautiful piece of living art.
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Stokes 14 作为一个功能和实用兼具的办公室和住宅,它的可持续性、保护性和突破界限的理念构成了项目设计的崇高基础,为其所在地的遗产谱写了新的篇章,为该地区具有丰富的故事做出贡献,并展示了一种在未来行之有效的工作方法:即了解材料的性能和制作方法,赞美工艺以及手作艺人。
As a functional and functional office and residence, Stokes 14s sustainability, conservation and boundary-pushing concepts form the noble basis of the projects design, writing a new chapter in the heritage of its site, contributing to the rich story of the area and demonstrating a working approach that will work well in the future: That is to understand the properties of materials and production methods, praise the craft and artisans.
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