Bespoke Only 设计师的家兼工作室丨美国纽约

2024/09/28 06:03:07
Bespoke Only 设计师的家兼工作室丨美国纽约-0
Bespoke Only是一家由Melissa Lee于2012年创立的多学科设计公司,总部位于纽约布鲁克林。Lee凭借其多元文化背景、心理学学术背景和奢侈品行业经验,将情感层面与设计世界巧妙融合,创造出具有深度和层次的空间。她的设计哲学强调人类环境体验的好奇心,以及对自然材料和现代主义美学的重视。Bespoke Only致力于通过设计建立真诚归属感,为每个空间注入独特的生命力。
Clinton Hill, NY residence
Bespoke Only 设计师的家兼工作室丨美国纽约-4
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坐落在纽约州克林顿山的这栋1899年历史悠久的独栋别墅,由设计工作室Bespoke Only倾心改造。设计不仅保留了这栋建筑的历史韵味,还巧妙地将极简主义与过去时代的独特魅力融合在一起,使整个空间焕发出与众不同的生命力。这一独特的改造项目涵盖了别墅的客厅和花园层,总面积达1,500平方英尺。这里不仅是Bespoke Only的设计总部,也是设计师Melissa Lee及其家人的居住空间,结合了生活与创作的多重功能。
This historic 1899 single-family house in Clinton Hill, New York, was remodeled by design studio Bespoke Only. The design not only retains the historical charm of the building, but also cleverly blends minimalism with the unique charm of a bygone era, giving the entire space a unique vitality. This unique renovation project covers the living and garden levels of the house, totalling 1,500 square feet. This is not Only the design headquarters of Bespoke Only, but also the living space of designer Melissa Lee and her family, combining multiple functions of life and creation.
Bespoke Only 设计师的家兼工作室丨美国纽约-8
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在这栋复式住宅中,Bespoke Only将各个年代的古董和复古家具巧妙地陈设,充分展示了其独特的设计理念。值得一提的是,这些收藏品来自不同的时代与风格,它们之间形成了一种折衷主义的美学对话。例如,1960年代豪华的Ezio Longhi扶手椅与1940年代Charles Dudouyt的边桌并存,形成了迷人的对比与呼应。而古董的非洲凳子和后现代的苏联台灯,更为空间增添了异域文化与历史的深度。每一件家具都仿佛在诉说着它们的故事,与别墅本身的历史背景交织融合,营造出一种既古典又现代的空间氛围。
In this duplex, Bespoke Only has cleverly furnished antique and vintage furniture from all ages to fully showcase its unique design philosophy. It is worth mentioning that the collection comes from different eras and styles, which form an eclectic aesthetic dialogue between them. For example, the luxurious Ezio Longhi armchair from the 1960s is juxtaposed with the side table of Charles Dudouyt from the 1940s, creating a fascinating contrast and echo. Antique African stools and post-modern Soviet desk lamps add depth to the exotic culture and history. Each piece of furniture seems to tell its own story, intertwines with the historical background of the villa itself, and creates a spatial atmosphere that is both classical and modern.
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这种设计不仅仅是为了视觉的美感,更注重功能与实用性。Bespoke Only以其精湛的设计手法,将这栋历史悠久的别墅打造成了一个兼具创意与实用性的工作环境。总部的设计既能激发团队的创造力,同时也反映了设计师对简洁、优雅与历史敬畏的追求。在这里,Melissa Lee及其团队得以沉浸在一个鼓舞人心的空间中,使得日常的工作流程与创意灵感能够无缝衔接。
This design is not only for visual beauty, but also pays more attention to function and practicality. Bespoke Onlys masterful design approach has transformed this historic villa into a creative and functional working environment. The design of the headquarters not only inspires the creativity of the team, but also reflects the designers pursuit of simplicity, elegance and historical reverence. Here, Melissa Lee and her team are immersed in an inspiring space where daily workflow and creative inspiration flow seamlessly.
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通过此次改造,Bespoke Only将现代极简与历史元素完美融合,展现了他们在设计领域的深厚功力。纽约州克林顿山这座住宅,既是一个历史遗产的载体,也是一个现代创意的象征。在这个空间里,简约、优雅与历史的交汇,构成了一个令人陶醉的艺术氛围,使得Bespoke Only成为当代设计中的独特声音。
Through this transformation, Bespoke Only perfectly combines modern minimalism with historical elements, demonstrating their deep expertise in the field of design. This house in Clinton Hill, New York, is both a carrier of historical heritage and a symbol of modern creativity. In this space, the intersection of simplicity, elegance and history constitutes an intoxicating artistic atmosphere, making Bespoke Only a unique voice in contemporary design.
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项目信息 / information
项目名称PROJECT NAME : Clinton Hill, NY residence
位置LOCATION : Clinton Hill, New York, USA
设计DESIGN : Bespoke Only
内容策划 / Presented
编辑 EDITOR :Frank
版权 COPYRIGHT : Bespoke Only
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