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Solidal 凉亭丨意大利丨Mixtura

2024/09/29 02:12:35
Mixtura 最近完成了 AIDi(欢迎来到食品储藏室!)项目,该项目位于意大利 Puglia 的 Terlizzi 自治市,毗邻 Bethany 方济各会修道院。AIDi(意大利语“AccoglienaInDispensa”,意为“欢迎来到食品储藏室”)面向城市打开,在修道院生活和城市街道之间成为一个过渡和联合地带。
Mixtura unveils AIDi. Welcome in the pantry!, a project located in the municipality of Terlizzi, in Puglia, Italy, and adjacent to the convent home of the Franciscan Fraternity of Bethany. The AIDi (Italian acronym for “AccoglienaInDispensa”, translated “welcome in the pantry”) building opens towards the city, becoming an element of union and mediation between convent life and that of the city street.
▼项目鸟瞰,Ariel view of the project©Cesare Querci
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The building houses a warehouse for the storage of food parcels, as well as a cold room, a distribution point, a listening office for people in need, toilets and a drive-through for the distribution of food parcels.
▼项目外观,exterior of the project©Cesare Querci
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▼场地区位,site map©Mixtura
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At the request of the client, it was necessary to create a simple and welcoming building, but one which denounced its uniqueness, precisely because of the importance of the function it will perform. Given that in recent years the need to have a place dedicated to distribution and listening has become increasingly pressing, it was also important to pay attention to timing and the costs of implementation.
▼简约且温馨开放的建筑,simple and welcoming building©Cesare Querci
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The project
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The building stands on the boundary wall of the convent lot, becoming an integral part of it and performing a filter function between the inside of the lot and the outside. The design emerged from the idea of “home as a place of hospitality”, playing with the archetypal image of a symmetrical building with a gable roof. By rotating the ridge line, and changing the position of the main and secondary beams, the traditional house transfigures into a dynamic building, while maintaining the axis of symmetry and a constructive simplicity, useful for reducing costs and construction time.
▼处于场地内外的过渡区域,between the inside of the lot and outside©Cesare Querci
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▼结构轴测,structure axonometric©Mixtura
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The main structure is made of laminated wood, while the infills are in platform-frame with interposed insulation. The roof is ventilated, with an aluminum sheet coating.
▼主结构由层压木材构成,the main structure is made of laminated wood©Cesare Querci
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▼东立面,east elevation©Mixtura
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Volumetrically, the building is compact, with sheet metal facades in continuity with the roof to the north and west. To the east and south – the part of the pavilion overlooking the city – elements include wooden sunshades that provide air conditioning and privacy. Also to the east and south, the two facades of the building are set back from the roof line, revealing the laminated wood structure and the wooden brise-soleil elements providing dual climatic and privacy functions with respect to the street and the rest of the city. This operation generates a porticoed space in front of the area dedicated to the reception and distribution of parcels, providing shelter from the rain and sun. The distribution system is one-way. The area is accessed from a gate located along the municipal road to the south-east, passing under the portico where the distribution of food parcels and reception takes place, and exiting from another gate located to the north-east.
▼柱廊空间,portico space©Cesare Querci
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The green area surrounding the building, as well as the roads and parking lots, are designed to ensure maximum soil permeability, thanks to the use of green self-locking elements, limiting overheating in the hottest hours of the day. Energetically, the building exploits the photovoltaic panels already in operation in the adjacent convent.
▼防止过度曝晒的设计,limiting overheating in the hottest hours of the day©Cesare Querci
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——Cesare Querci,事务所主创建筑师
“As architects, we have a deep responsibility. Every building establishes a relationship between man and the environment, and can unify or separate,”
“All architecture, regardless of size, is a permanent sign on the context and can contribute to change it in a better way. The challenge for us is to always strive to do more with less!”
——says Cesare Querci, lead architect of the firm
▼夜景,night view©Cesare Querci
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该建筑从 2024 木结构建筑奖中脱颖而出,该奖项作为欧洲地区最为重要的可持续性和木结构奖,由 Klimahouse 颁布,也是意大利 Bolzano 展会的一部分。
The building was selected among twelve finalists competing for the Wood Architecture Prize 2024, presented by Klimahouse as part of the Bolzano fair in Italy, one of the most important events in Europe on sustainability and wooden constructions.
▼夜景,night view©Cesare Querci
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▼北立面,north elevation©Mixtura
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▼西立面,west elevation©Mixtura
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▼南立面,south elevation©Mixtura
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Year: 2023
What: Solidal Pavilion
Where: Terlizzi (BA), Italy
Client: Fraternità Francescana di Betania
Built area: 220 sqm
Site area: 740 sqm
Author: Mixtura (Maria Grazia Prencipe, Cesare Querci)
Lead Architect: Cesare Querci
Structural Calculation: EW Enginereeng works
Laminated wood supply and cutting: Hasslacher Norica Timber
Wooden structure installation:Progetto Immobiliare S.r.l, Realty Bioedilizia
Aluminum roof and façade:Prefa® distributed by Alpewa®
Metal roofing and facade installation: Lattonerie Lazazzera Srl
Design Team: Cesare Querci, Maria Grazia Prencipe, Guido Di Croce
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