
2024/09/27 15:30:29
——陆诗蕾 刁荆石
Landtek Group: Just as new genes emerge through hybridization to drive evolution and shape our diverse world, cultural exchange can work in a similar way. After exploring and experiencing foreign landscapes, new design ideas quietly enrich our own environments. This article shares these fresh perspectives with you.
— Shilei Lu, Jingshi Diao
▽项目视频 video © Chill Shine 丘文三映
▽肖蒙城堡下的瓦园 The tile garden under Chaumont Castle
▽瓦园鸟瞰 Bird’s-eye view of Tile Garden
▽瓦园 Tile garden
为何造花园?Why to Built a Garden?
风物营造景观实践的核心阵地是公共空间,真正尝试花园营建缘起于 2022 年,那时我们读到了美国著名的景观设计师 Michael Van Valkenburgh 的新书《Designing a Garden》。
作者 Michael 认为“the best way to learn how to design a landscape is to make one.”与公共景观相比,花园尺度小、功能约束少、复杂程度低、实施周期短,是景观师测试设计构想并提升设计能力的绝佳机会。
The core design practice of Landtek Group are public spaces, but the real exploration of garden design began in 2022 for us. We read Michael Van Valkenburgh’s new book, Designing a Garden.
Michael argues that “the best way to learn how to design a landscape is to make one.” Compared to public landscapes, gardens are smaller in scale, have fewer functional constraints, are less complex, and can be completed more quickly. This makes them an excellent opportunity for landscape architects to test and refine their design ideas.
▽Designning A Garden,Michael Van Valkenburgh
Michael 在书中提到,在他早年创办工作室之时,城市规划师 Kevin Lynch 便对他说:“你应该去设计大量花园,而且越快越好。花园小,实现得快,你将从中学到很多。”Michael 听从了 Kevin 的建议,在漫长的职业生涯里他一直没有停下造花园的脚步*。
*Page 19,《Designing a Garden》
于是,2022 年底,风物营造团队在忙碌的设计事务外恰好还有闲暇的时间,便开始寻求契机来造花园。
In his book, Michael recounts advice from urban planner Kevin Lynch when he first started his studio: “You should design a lot of gardens, and do it as quickly as possible. Gardens are small, and you’ll learn a lot from them.” Following Lynch’s advice, Michael continued to design gardens throughout his long career. By the end of 2022, with a break from our busy design projects, we seized the chance to start creating our own gardens.
何处造花园?Where to Built a Garden?
1. 极大设计自由度和实验性;
2. 有靠谱的施工队能将设计落地;
3. 花园场地本身足够有魅力以激发设计创作。
于是,世界各地的国际花园节开始进入了我们的视野。世界范围内的国际花园节已经发展了整整一个世纪有余。其中富有盛名且历史悠久的法国肖蒙城堡国际花园艺术节(DOMAINE DE CHAUMONT-SUR-LOIRE International Garden Festival)是创办于 1992 年的一年一度的国际艺术盛事。它以重唤大众对花园艺术的关注为宗旨,并且专注于展示未来花园的思想。在过去的 30 多年来,这个花园节始终是花园和园艺创作领域的创意实验室。
The ideal opportunity for creating a garden should possess the following characteristics: 1. A high degree of design freedom and experimental potential. 2. A reliable construction team capable of bringing the design to life. 3. A garden site that is inherently appealing and inspiring for creative design.
As a result, international garden festivals from around the world have come onto our radar. These festivals have been around for over a century. One of the most prestigious and long-established is the DOMAINE DE CHAUMONT-SUR-LOIRE International Garden Festival, which began in 1992. This annual event aims to reignite public interest in garden art and focuses on showcasing innovative ideas for future gardens. For over 30 years, it has been a key platform for creative experimentation in garden and horticultural design.
▽2023 年肖蒙国际花园节主题——弹性花园(Resilient Garden)
每年花园节的主题于前一年发布,肖蒙古堡委员会面向全世界的设计师和艺术家征集方案,在通过评委会筛选和两轮的面试后,最终选出 20 多个临时花园和永久花园方案进行建造。被选中的花园设计方将收到由肖蒙古堡提供的 1.1 万欧元建造费用和 1000 欧元的设计奖金,并受邀请住进肖蒙古堡,与当地施工团队一同建造花园。
Each year, the festival’s theme is announced in advance. The Château de Chaumont invites designers and artists from around the globe to submit their ideas. After a selection process that includes a judging panel and two rounds of interviews, over 20 designs for both temporary and permanent gardens are chosen for construction. Those selected receive a €11,000 grant for building their garden, a €1,000 design award, and an invitation to stay at the Château while working with local teams to bring their gardens to life.
▽肖蒙城堡的周边环境 The surroundings of Chaumont Castle
▽肖蒙城堡内部环境 The interior of Chaumont Castle
有意思的是,肖蒙古堡对花园的参观者提出“Steal my idea(偷我的点子)”的口号。坚定拥护原创设计的我们非常诧异,为何会有让大家来窃取创意的想法呢?进一步了解才知道,每届花园节的题目都由肖蒙古堡委员会设定,而这些题目都极具艺术探索价值。肖蒙古堡希望艺术家或设计师围绕这个题目去创造,并且在花园节上将花园艺术通过一个个鲜活的花园传播出去,从而影响未来的花园乃至所有的设计实践。
Interestingly, Chaumont uses the slogan “Steal My Idea” to welcome visitors. As staunch supporters of original design, we were initially surprised by the idea of encouraging people to steal concepts. However, we soon learned that each year’s festival theme, set by the Château’s committee, is intended to spark artistic exploration. The goal is for artists and designers to create around these themes, and through the festival, share their garden art in vibrant displays that inspire future gardens and design practices.
▽花园实验室 Garden lab
诚然,设计实践应该成为思想传播的载体,让好的想法流动起来,传播开来,而不是成为笼中金雀,仅作为一个受人观赏的静态对象。此前,中国设计师的作品早在 2010 年前后便来到了这里,如在永久展园区中留存的王澍与俞孔坚设计的花园。
indeed, design should be a medium for sharing ideas, helping great concepts spread and evolve, rather than just becoming a static display. For example, Chinese designers’ work had already been showcased in Chaumont around 2010, such as the garden designed by Wang Shu and Yu Kongjian, which remains a highlight in the permanent exhibition.
▽俞孔坚的花园 Yu Kongjian’s garden
▽王澍的花园 Wang Shu’s garden
瓦园提案 Garden Proposal
2023 年法国肖蒙城堡花园节的主题是 RESILIENT GARDEN. 主办方提供了一块 210 平方米的标准场地供各国设计师开展设计。
The 2023 theme for the Château de Chaumont Garden Festival was “Resilient Garden.” The organizers provided a standard plot of 210 square meters for designers from around the world to work with.
▽场地平面 Site plan
我们事务所内部沿用了宾夕法尼亚大学设计学院的 Workshop+Pin up 方式,这是风物的主创们在读书期间所熟悉的设计沟通方式。利用一个上午的时间,项目组设计师一同坐下来,每人面前放有一张场地平面,限时 90 分钟快速构思自己的花园想法并绘制草图,而后立即开始集体 pin up,即把大家的方案贴上墙,每人限时 5 分钟讲解自己的提案,最终投票选出代表风物营造的提案投向花园节主办方。在这种设计方式下,通过对构思和讲解进行限时,设计师的大脑持续处于高度活跃的状态。并且由于无暇过度考虑实际细节,反而容易激发灵感并产生强实验性的想法。
At our firm, we used a design process inspired by the Workshop+Pin-up method from the University of Pennsylvania’s School of Design, a technique we’re familiar with from our academic background. We spent one morning where each designer quickly sketched their garden ideas on a site plan within 90 minutes. We then conducted a group pin-up session, displaying all the designs on the wall. Each person had 5 minutes to explain their proposal, and we voted to select the design that would represent our firm at the festival. This time-constrained approach keeps designers’ minds active and often leads to more innovative and experimental ideas, as it limits detailed planning and encourages creative thinking.
▽办公室 workshop
在 pin up 的过程中,我们有趣地发现,草图一上墙,各人很容易看出方案出自哪位设计师之手,这充分说明了设计思路是有惯性的,而 workshop 的价值正在于让事务所保持活跃想法,并在对比各自方案中互相吸取养分以供进步。
During the pin-up session, it was interesting to see that we could easily identify which sketches belonged to which designer. This showed how design thinking follows certain patterns, and the workshop’s value lies in keeping ideas dynamic and learning from each other’s proposals. Our final proposal, which aimed to blur the boundaries between water features and irrigation while challenging traditional concepts, was unanimously approved.
▽瓦园的最初想法 The original idea of tile Garden
The designer of the “Tile Garden” explained: “Gardens are often associated with high maintenance and investment. The Tile Garden challenges this by blurring the lines between water features and irrigation. By reimagining traditional Chinese glazed tiles in a new way, the garden achieves both ecological and cultural resilience.”
▽传统瓦片的用途 The use of traditional tiles
▽概念阐述 Concept elaboration
Traditionally used for roofing, tiles in our design were placed on a slightly raised surface to function as water-harvesting elements rather than just drainage. This approach preserves the material’s traditional qualities while innovating its use, maintaining its cultural significance.
▽瓦园平面 Tile plan
▽竞赛阶段效果图 Competition stage renderings
In October 2022, we received an invitation for an interview. After discussing implementation and materials, the judges said, “We are very curious about how you are using your traditional materials. Looking forward to seeing your garden.” This comment suggested that our proposal would be selected, marking the start of the detailed design phase and our journey to build the garden in France the following April.
▽面试过程 Interview process
210 平方米的花园的设计和建设,考虑上了区域的自然情况,设计顺应自然成为了对每个花园设计师的基本要求。可持续生态的观念以基本要求的方式落实到每个花园,这份对自然的尊重值得习以为常地通过人造基础设施挑战自然气候的景观设计师反思。收到的资料中还包含法国当地严禁种植的入侵物种条例,一些我们国内常用的植物如狼尾草被禁止使用。
Along with the selection notice, we received site information, contracts, and a design brief. We were impressed by the festival’s thorough management. One point in the brief stood out: “Summer is the dry season in the Loire Valley, so designers will face restrictions on irrigation and water features. The garden design must account for this.”
Designing and building a 210-square-meter garden, while considering local natural conditions, became a basic requirement. Sustainable ecological practices were integrated into every garden design as a fundamental principle, prompting reflection on how landscape designers challenge natural climates with artificial infrastructure. We also received regulations on invasive species banned in France, such as certain grasses commonly used in our country.
The challenges of designing a garden abroad made the detailed work even more demanding. Conceptualizing the garden was just the start; the real test lay in the detailed design and construction phases. We worked on construction drawings, material selection, and cost verification with local suppliers. The festival required us to be on-site to ensure the construction met the design specifications, which meant meticulously planning everything from the construction schedule to the types, rental periods, and costs of excavation and transport equipment.
瓦园开放 Opening of Tile Garden
在一系列努力过后,在 2023 年 4 月瓦园建成开放了。
After a lot of hard work, the Tile Garden was completed and opened to the public in April 2023.
▽肖蒙城堡展区 Chateau Chaumont exhibition area
▽从肖蒙城堡公区进入瓦园 Enter the Tile Garden from the Chateau de Chaumont
▽瓦园介绍 Introduction of tile garden
As visitors enter the garden, they stroll through a bamboo grove where the play of light and shadow creates a poetic effect on the tiled pathways. They can truly appreciate the aesthetic of traditional Chinese sustainable materials. Walking up the slope feels like climbing onto a traditional Chinese tiled roof, with gentle water flowing beside them. We used a low-tech, sustainable method to keep water on the tiles, blurring the lines between traditional irrigation and modern water features, and creating a unique and immersive garden experience.
▽游客进入瓦园 Visitors enter the tile Garden
异国造园之旅中最有意思的是造园过程的思与行 Thinking and Practice。重拾被遗忘的瓦 Reviving the Forgotten Tile。瓦园应该选用哪里生产的瓦?在对比欧洲的瓦和中国的瓦后,我们意外地发现,即使算上跨国的高昂运费,使用中国瓦片的费用成本也只有欧洲瓦的三分之一。于是我们决定用中国传统陶瓦完成瓦园的设计。在对比了大量国内不同瓦厂出品的琉璃瓦后,我们最后选择了佛山的一家历史悠久的瓦厂——红狮陶瓷。
Where should we source the tiles for the garden? After comparing tiles from Europe and China, we were surprised to find that, even with the high international shipping costs, Chinese tiles were only about a third of the price of their European counterparts. Therefore, we decided to use traditional Chinese ceramic tiles for the Tile Garden. After evaluating several domestic manufacturers, we chose Red Lion Ceramics, a well-established factory in Foshan.
▽ 瓦厂 Tile factory
During our visit to the factory, Manager Xiao said, “Materials aren’t inherently alive or dead; what matters is whether they remain relevant in a new era.” Our goal in using tiles wasn’t to promote traditional materials or to nostalgically cling to the past, but to explore innovative applications by deeply understanding the material. The perceived decline in the vitality of traditional materials often comes from rigid views, such as the common association of glazed tiles with traditional Chinese roofs.
▽与瓦厂经理交流 Communicate with the tile factory manager
▽瓦在灰暗的瓦厂中 Tiles in the gray tile factory
▽施工图纸设计 Construction drawing design
是设计师也是施工队 Designers as the Construction Team
2023 年 4 月,风物营造三名设计师降落巴黎戴高乐机场,驾车前往法国卢尔瓦河畔的肖蒙城堡。到了城堡已经是中午,用餐室午饭时,一名印度的设计师热情地和我们打招呼,并且介绍在她来之前,法国施工队已经完成了花园 70%的工作,她惊讶地发现自己只需要来盯盯植物种植。听罢,我们一边午饭一边琢磨着瓦园进展如何,是不是已经有了雏形?
午饭后,当我们来到自己花园地块时,眼前的状况让我们傻眼了——躺在土里的不是上一届花园的残骸?种植的金属收边、碎石园路、一汪圆形水景静静地躺在土里,看到我们来了,没有半点要走的意思。旁边负责这个花园节施工管理的 Daniel 说:“由于你们的花园对我们来说 a little bit too complicated,尤其是瓦渠的放线工作,所以我们等上你们。”
In April 2023, designers arrived at Paris Charles de Gaulle Airport and drove to Château de Chaumont on the Loire River. By the time we arrived at the Château, it was already noon. At lunch, an Indian designer greeted us warmly and mentioned that the French construction team had already completed 70% of the garden. She was surprised to find that her role was mainly to oversee the planting. As we enjoyed our meal, we wondered how the Tile Garden was progressing and whether it was taking shape. After lunch, when we visited our garden plot, we were stunned to see remnants of the previous garden still lying in the soil. Metal edging, gravel paths, and a circular water feature were still there, showing no sign of being removed. Daniel, the project manager, said, “Your garden is a bit too complicated for us, especially the tile channels, so we’ve been waiting for you.”
▽清拆工作中 Demolition work in progress
为了不耽误工期,第二天我们和施工队 8 点齐齐来到现场开干。风物营造的设计师们承担起来放线和打完成面标高的工作,法国施工队则负责按着我们的标高处理场地的土方。
To keep the project on track, we joined the construction team at 8 a.m. the next day. Our designers took on the tasks of marking out lines and setting elevation levels, while the French team handled excavation and grading according to our specifications. The French team’s meticulous dismantling work was impressive: metal sheets, wood, and concrete blocks were sorted and stored for reuse, and excavation was done in layers with careful removal of small debris.
▽法国施工队分层回收现状场地的土壤以供再次利用 The French construction team recycles soil from the current site in layers for reuse
During excavation, the soil was carefully dug in layers and meticulously managed and sorted to prevent mixing different soil types, which could negatively impact planting.
▽清查后的待后续二次利用的“果实”再少也不放过。避免其成为建筑垃圾。The “fruits” to be used for subsequent secondary use after the inventory are less and less. Avoid it becoming construction waste.
Despite not having positioning equipment, our team completed the layout and elevation work using traditional methods. Our designers, usually working behind computer screens, gained valuable hands-on experience with the construction process.
▽设计师参与花园建造 Designers participate in the garden construction
▽定位放线 Positioning pay-off
During the construction of the tile garden, because the French construction team only spoke French, we did not speak the language. With the help of body language and software translation, we smoothly and happily discussed the construction nodes.
▽设计师与施工团队合作 The designer works with the construction team
▽施工单位教设计师如何使用工具 Does the construction unit teach the designer how to use the tool
多年生植物自有的枯荣周始中包含有极致的绚丽 Life of Plant
During the garden’s construction, we were initially concerned about the performance of the small-scale plants provided by the French team. Fortunately, the warm French summer and rich soil helped the plants thrive, achieving the results we had hoped for. The plants’ inherent vitality, with their natural cycles of growth and decay, added a vibrant and beautiful dimension to the garden.
▽建造伊始的小苗 A seedling from the beginning of construction
▽种下半个月的效果 Plant for half a month
▽种下 3 个月的效果 Plant for 3 months
同期的各国花园施工 Other Gardens
▽其他国家设计师的花园 Gardens of designers in other countries
▽“盐之歌”花园 The “Song of Salt” garden
▽火山花园 Volcano garden
▽生命树花园 Tree of Life Garden
▽其他国家设计师的花园 Gardens of designers in other countries
结语 Epilogue
While working on the garden, we explored a range of museums and neighborhoods throughout Paris. As a city celebrated for its art, Paris offers an astonishingly fertile ground for artistic expression. On a crisp spring day, we strolled through Montmartre, where streets were lined with artists, turning the area into an open-air gallery. Intriguingly, in a seemingly ordinary square, we saw numbered stone discs embedded in the pavement, marking designated spots for artists.
Artists rent these street stalls from the government at a modest fee, while the government reviews their portfolios to ensure only talented individuals get a spot. The selection process is reportedly very strict, aiming to feature only the best artists and painters. This system is one of Paris’s ways of protecting and fostering art, showcasing an innovative approach that has contributed to the city’s rich artistic environment.
Reflecting on cities back home, one might wonder if urban managers have the courage and vision to create similar platforms for art through innovative systems. Despite the challenges, Paris serves as an inspiring example for those committed to advancing the arts.
▽蒙马特区的艺术家角落 The Artists’ Corner in Montmartre
▽巴黎的街门 A street gate in Paris
▽巴黎的街头艺术 Street art in Paris
我们在蓬皮杜艺术中心买到一本讲述蓬皮杜艺术中心从设计到建造的书籍。书中记载了 Piano 和罗杰斯当年两人在 27 岁之时赢得投标蓬皮杜的设计权。罗杰斯形容当时年轻的他听到中标消息时,双腿一软瘫倒在了地上。
At the Pompidou Center, we found a book detailing its design and construction. It recounts how, at the age of 27, Piano and Rogers won the bid to design the center. Rogers described how, upon hearing the news, he was so overwhelmed that he collapsed.
▽蓬皮杜艺术中心与年轻的罗杰斯和皮阿诺 The Pompidou Centre with the young Rogers and Piano
The Pompidou Center is renowned for its experimental architecture, and it is widely recognized that such innovation drives the industry forward. However, experimentation often faces criticism, as seen with both the Eiffel Tower and the Pompidou Center. With experimentation comes the risk of failure, which tests the courage of both the industry and its decision-makers. We hope that our own design environment becomes increasingly open to experimental approaches, providing a fertile ground for bold, innovative projects.
奖项:2024 年 WLA 世界景观建筑大奖(WLA)优异奖
景观设计:风物营造 Landtek Group
施工图设计:风物营造 Landtek Group
摄影版权:Chill Shine 丘文三映、Eric Sander、风物营造 Landtek Group
业主:Domaine de Chaumont-sur-Loire
设计时间:2022 年
建成时间:2023 年
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