17Bread 连锁面包店空间设计丨矩阵纵横

2024/09/29 21:56:06
17Bread 连锁面包店空间设计丨矩阵纵横-0
17Bread 连锁面包店空间设计丨矩阵纵横-1
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A bakery chain needs a brand concept, ingredients, craftsmanship and shop mode of operation. But the most important part of the design is to incorporate the brand and business thinking into the space, attract customers, complete the operation line and assist business transformation.
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After a year, the Matrix design team offers design solutions for commercial spaces from a commercial perspective. The design is integrated into the overall thinking of space design from the perspective of market research, brand insights, competitor analysis and consumer groups.
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When the aroma of bread fills the air, its a unique code for happiness.
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打造一家温暖的面包店空间,不仅在于形更在于魂。矩阵设计团队提取 1-7Bread 王牌产品豆乳吐司的切片造型,结合光膜效果优化天花造型,在潜意识里对用户植入品牌心智。延伸的视觉效果使店铺氛围外溢,从而达到吸引客流进店的空间效果。
The creation of a welcoming bakery space is not merely a matter of shape; it is also a matter of soul. The Matrix design team extracted the sliced shape of 1-7Breads most popular product, soya milk toast, and combined it with the light film effect to optimise the ceiling shape. This approach subconsciously implants the brands identity into the users mind, creating a visual effect that extends throughout the space and evokes a welcoming atmosphere. This spatial effect attracts customers into the shop.
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The installation wall and mirrored glass material play a role in decorating the columns and expanding the visual effect of the space, and the bakery tools displayed on the wall reflect the brand’s artisanal spirit in the first visualisation before customers enter the shop, reducing the cost of information dissemination.
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The light film of the ceiling with a sense of extension guides customers into the shop, and the proportion and position of each module in the functional blocks are tightly delineated, which is an important direction of the pre-design thinking, so that customers can efficiently complete their consumption behaviours no matter from which port they enter the shop.
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In the use of colours, the brand continues to be warm and soft, using a large area of surface light source diffuse reflection of the light film cloth material, the light is more soft and friendly. The wood tone material gives a simple and warm atmosphere, and the glass display case, which resembles a jewellery box, makes the bread more transparent and intuitive.
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The wrap-around island lounge area is decorated with greenery, bringing a more intimate and relaxing atmosphere to the whole space. Pure white tables and chairs can be used for single person tasting, sharing with friends, photo-taking, family shopping and other consumption scenarios.
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生活總步履匆匆,是時候停下來,關注屬於自己的柔軟日常。Life is always in a hurry,its time to stop and pay attentionto your own soft daily life.
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Shop is located in the commercial body of the ground floor of the entrance and exit, is the main traffic node. How to introduce the fast-passing passenger flow into the shop and produce consumer behaviour, as the design of the thinking point.
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Inside the shop, we try to open up the space scale as much as possible, turning the enclosed area and the centre axis into the best display area for the aroma of bread, considering the overall effect and integrating the design of the movement line, so that customers can enter from all display surfaces to complete the display of products and efficiently purchase.
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Attracting people to stop by is the commercial focus of this space design. The Matrix design team incorporated outdoor structures and art installation design strategies, working on the shape of the ceiling, and at the same time placing lighting into the modular design, to further enhance the visual sensitivity of the shop in the flow of customers, and to achieve the effect of eye-catching at a glance.
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提取 1-7Bread 品牌拳头产品轮廓以及 IP 形象进行图形的几何化,将平面元素转化为空间模块化体量,把元素模块阵列结合实际功能形成通透且具有辨识度的商业灰空间。
Extracting the contours of 1-7Breads fist products and IP images for graphic geometrization, the flat elements were transformed into spatial modular volumes, and the elemental modular arrays were combined with the actual functions to form a transparent and recognizable commercial grey space.
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低於一般高度 850mm 的櫃檯尺寸,在細節處花心思讓穿梭的人流能一眼看到產品全貌,從而讓顧客更長時間地停留駐足。
The lower-than-usual counter size of 850mm has been designed to provide a full view of the products at a glance, thus allowing customers to linger longer.
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Meanwhile, in order to bring a sense of lightness and sustainability to the space, unlike the traditional interior design system, the overall structure of the space is completed with wooden shelves and woven partitions, using an assembly frame that is easy to dismantle and install. The wooden structure and the woven texture form a contrast between sparseness and density, and the soft and warm lighting gives off a pleasant atmosphere.
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用一份漫時光填滿安靜的午後。用一份小確幸讚嘆生活的美好。讓幸福感慢慢發酵。Fill quiet afternoons with a little bit of time。marvel at the beauty of life with a little bit of happiness。and let happiness slowly ferment。
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The project is located in the commercial body and the city’s transport hub must be on the line of action, the left and right sides have included the current market of the latest commercial sectors and brands; the overall presentation of the fan-shaped display surface; the single-day flow of people is almost the highest in the region, and the flow rate is relatively fast, how to stand out in the commercial street, and at the same time, will be guided to the shop and efficiently complete the consumption of behaviour, the design of the shop is the direction of the focus of the thinking.
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在門口的視覺呈現上,有別於傳統分割的界面設計,設計團隊採用內退的門頭體量形成視覺焦點高效引導顧客進店,模糊的室內外邊界減少內心屏障,增加了 1-7Bread 的品牌親和感。
In terms of the visual presentation of the entrance, unlike the traditional segmented interface design, the design team adopted a receding doorway volume to form a visual focus to efficiently guide customers into the shop, and the blurred indoor/outdoor boundary reduces the inner barrier, increasing the brand affinity of 1-7Bread.
The front of the circular display area is based on the premise of efficient purchasing and operation lines, integrating spatial materials, lighting and greenery to further enhance brand recognition and stimulate customers curiosity and motivation to purchase in-store.
The ceiling mirror material embellishment increases the sense of upward extension of the space, and the surface light source enhances the brightness, with the point light source to bring out the soft and sweet aroma of bread.
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Wooden texture decoration on the wall, rich sense of hierarchy and harmony and unity, bright environment shaped with a sense of breathing happiness space, in the scene of the purchase can not help but slow down, enjoy the moment of relaxation and nature.
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Installation of ‘interior architecture’ to create a visual focus, ceiling construction with a harmonious sense of flow, custom wood tables and chairs embellished with greenery on the wall, give full play to the advantages of the original site to establish a dynamic installation block sense of increased card attributes.
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空間即品牌,好的商業不僅僅停留在追求視覺效果的衝擊力,更在於對生活方式的理解以及塑造。將品牌核心理念「Soften Your Life」踐行到視覺空間中,用設計提升品牌價值。
Space is brand, good business not only stays in the pursuit of visual impact, but also in the understanding of lifestyle and shaping. The core concept of the brand ‘Soften Your Life’ is implemented into the visual space, and the brand value is enhanced by the design.
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Commercial space design is not about transient aesthetics, but about analysing the business and people behind the scenes, and using the right materials and movement modules to assist in operation and transformation. Durability and long-term development goals are crucial considerations in space design.
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深圳福田區蓮花街道金田路 4036 號榮超大廈 17-19F
17-19F,No.4036,Rongchao Tower, Jintian Road, Futian District,Shenzhen
北京市 朝陽區 廣渠路壹中心 126 幢 6-17-08
6-17-08, Building 126, One Center, Guangqu Road, Chaoyang District, Beijing
上海 黃浦區 瑞金二路 38 號 2、3 層
2-3 floor, No.38, Ruijin 2nd Road, Huangpu District, Shanghai
成都 雙流區 高新創智廣場 C 座
Block C, Innovation and Intelligence Square, Shuangliu District, Chengdu
西安高新区锦业路绿地中心 A 座 41F
41F, Block A, Greenland Centre, Jinye Road, High-tech Zone, Xian
武漢 硚口區 K11 ATELIER14 層 1409 單元
Unit 1409, 14/F, K11 ATELIER, Qiaokou District, Wuhan
商務 Marketing Dept. 電話 Tel: 86 755 82876950
人資 Human Resources Dept.
品牌 Brand Development Dept.
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