AKILA 西海岸旗舰店丨美国洛杉矶丨22RE

2024/09/28 11:35:37
AKILA 西海岸旗舰店丨美国洛杉矶丨22RE-0
AKILA 西海岸旗舰店丨美国洛杉矶丨22RE-1
AKILA 西海岸旗舰店丨美国洛杉矶丨22RE-2
AKILA 西海岸旗舰店丨美国洛杉矶丨22RE-3
AKILA 西海岸旗舰店丨美国洛杉矶丨22RE-4
AKILA 西海岸旗舰店丨美国洛杉矶丨22RE-5
AKILA 西海岸旗舰店丨美国洛杉矶丨22RE-6
AKILA 西海岸旗舰店丨美国洛杉矶丨22RE-7
AKILA 西海岸旗舰店丨美国洛杉矶丨22RE-8
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AKILA 西海岸旗舰店丨美国洛杉矶丨22RE-10
AKILA 西海岸旗舰店丨美国洛杉矶丨22RE-11
AKILA 西海岸旗舰店丨美国洛杉矶丨22RE-12
22RE是一家总部位于洛杉矶的多学科事务所,受邀与AKILA合作设计 AKILA Eyewear 西海岸旗舰店。该店位于洛杉矶银湖区,整体设计主题通过天然材料的融合和对现代精确度的关注,强调了日本工艺。
22RE – the Los Angeles-based multidisciplinary practice – was enlisted to design the West Coast flagship of AKILA Eyewear in collaboration with AKILA. Situated in the Silver Lake neighborhood of Los Angeles, the store’s overall design motif emphasizes Japanese craftsmanship through a blend of natural materials and a focus on modern precision.
这个新近竣工的装饰艺术建筑群坐落在一个经过重新改造的 20 世纪 30 年代的旧汽车修理厂内,这与 22RE 和 AKILA 的品牌精神不谋而合,即创造具有现代感的经典设计。
The recently completed art deco complex is nestled inside a reimagined former auto body shop from the 1930s – which serendipitously matches 22RE and AKILA’s own brand ethos of creating classic designs with modern sensibilities.
受一次日本之行的影响,22RE 的创始负责人 Dean Levin 和工作室希望为空间注入旅店(一种传统的日本旅馆)的感觉。工作室在设计中采用了半透明材料、网格和弧形檐口,让人联想到 shoji 拉门。檐口和天窗也是一条红线,巧妙地与 AKILA 在纽约的第一家零售店的设计相呼应。
Influenced by a trip to the country, Dean Levin – Founding Principal of 22RE – and the studio looked to infuse the space with the feeling of a ryokan, a type of traditional Japanese inn. Invoking these structures, the studio incorporated translucent materials, grids and a curved soffit, reminiscent of shoji sliding doors. The soffit and skylights also serve as a red thread, subtly nodding to the design of AKILA’s first retail store in New York.
22RE在设计中融入了原有的拱形屋顶,并增加了一个大型交叉桁架,以降低照明度,使天花板暴露在外。为了进一步体现原有空间的工业品质,工作室沿墙壁两侧设计了定制的吊灯和玻璃砖展示单元,用于摆放 AKILA 的商品。
While 22RE incorporated the original vaulted roof into their design, a large cross truss was added to lower the lighting and allow for the ceiling to be exposed. Further engaging with the industrial quality of the original space, the studio flanked the program along the walls, which feature custom-built pendant and glass block display units that will hold AKILA’s merchandise.
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