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格罗宁根大学精神病学中心丨荷兰格罗宁根丨Atelier PRO+Vakwerk Architecten

2024/09/30 16:33:04
Atelier PRO 和 Vakwerk Architecten 受荷兰格罗宁根大学医疗中心委托,设计了一座新的精神病学中心。设计的目标旨在尽量减少患者对住院的抵触,保持患者与社会的联系。设计遵循三个原则:伴随阳光醒来、创造有意义的空间、促进正常感。
Atelier PRO and Vakwerk Architecten were commissioned by the University Medical Centre Groningen to design a new psychiatric ward. The goal was to minimize patients’ perception of hospitalization and maintain a connection with society. The design is guided by three principles: waking up with the sun, creating meaningful spaces, and promoting normality.
▼建筑与环境,architecture and environment© Eva Bloem
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▼正立面局部,detail of the front facade© Eva Bloem
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Psychiatric care at the heart of society
新的大学精神病中心(UCP)取代了 1960 年代的旧设施,是校园内更广泛的改造项目的一部分。中心包括了治疗和研究室、门诊病房以及住院病房。两条回廊围绕着绿色庭院,连接了门诊部和住院部。住院病房的布局面向城市和东方,让患者能够伴随着清晨的阳光醒来,而治疗室位于相反的一侧,朝向中央医疗大楼。
The new University Centre for Psychiatry (UCP) replaces a 1960s facility and is part of a larger renovation. It includes therapy and research rooms, outpatient wards, and in-house patient rooms. The building’s layout features two cloister corridors surrounding a green courtyard, connecting the polyclinic and the clinic. In-house rooms face the city and the east, allowing patients to wake up with the sunrise, while therapy rooms are positioned on the opposite side, facing the medical complex.
▼接待大厅,reception hall© Eva Bloem
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▼通高中庭,atrium© Eva Bloem
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Waking up with the sun: daylight throughout the day
自然光 是设计的核心,朝向东侧的病房享受了清晨的阳光,而起居区则充满下午和晚间的温和光线。充足的自然光有助于保证患者的生物钟,这对精神健康至关重要。
Daylight plays a central role in the design, with the east-facing patient rooms receiving morning light, while afternoon and evening light fills the living areas. The abundance of natural light supports patients’ biorhythms, essential for mental health.
▼中庭引入自然光线,the atrium brings in natural light© Eva Bloem
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▼自然光线对身心有正向的引导作用,natural light has a positive guiding effect on the body and mind © Eva Bloem
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The public patio: outdoor space as a basic right
A large central courtyard offers outdoor space for all users, providing access to sunlight, greenery, and fresh air. This garden is accessible to patients, visitors, staff, and researchers, ensuring everyone benefits from the outdoor environment. Even patients in restricted wards have access to private outdoor spaces.
▼公共庭院,the public patio© Eva Bloem
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Connecting with the world: a view of the city and city nature
通过俯瞰城市和自然景观,UCP 帮助患者感受到与日常生活的融合。走廊中的飘窗提供了非正式的读书或会客空间,进一步强调了患者与正常生活的联系。
The UCP fosters a connection to the outside world, with views of the city and nature, helping patients feel integrated with everyday life. Seating niches in corridors offer informal places to read or meet visitors, further emphasizing a connection to normality.
▼公共休息室,lobby© Eva Bloem
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▼走廊中的飘窗提供了非正式的读书或会客空间,seating niches in corridors offer informal places to read or meet visitors© Eva Bloem
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▼走廊,hallway© Eva Bloem
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© Eva Bloem
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More than an interior alone: meaningful space
Meaningful spaces are another core principle. From the entrance hall to patient rooms, the design avoids a clinical feel. Colors, light, and materials are used thoughtfully to create a warm, homely environment, reducing the sense of institutionalization. Window sills are emphasized as informal spaces, offering security and a connection to the outside world.
▼色彩、光线和材料经过精心选择,营造出温馨的居家环境,colors, light, and materials are used thoughtfully to create a warm, homely environment © Eva Bloem
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▼餐厅,dining area© Eva Bloem
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“正常性”的建筑表达 Architecture as a form of ‘normality’
新的 UCP 不像典型的医院。病房设计得像家一样,配有窗帘和宽大的窗台,允许家人留宿。这种设计为患者带来了正常感和舒适感。
The new UCP doesn’t feel like a typical hospital. Patient rooms are designed to feel homely, with curtains and wide window sills that allow family members to stay overnight. This thoughtful design promotes a sense of normality and comfort for patients.
▼病房室内,interior of the patient rooms© Eva Bloem
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▼病房独立浴室,bathroom of the patient rooms© Eva Bloem
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Care and research in a single hospital
UCP 兼顾了患者护理和科研,结合治疗与科学研究,以改善精神病患者的治疗效果。该设施在为患者提供家庭般温暖氛围的同时,也为工作人员和研究人员提供了高效的工作空间,确保了一个支持性的环境。
The UCP accommodates both patient care and research, combining treatment with scientific inquiry to improve outcomes for psychiatric patients. The facility balances a homely atmosphere for patients with efficient spaces for staff and researchers, ensuring a supportive environment for all.
▼总平面图,master plan© Atelier PRO
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▼一层平面图,ground floor plan© Atelier PRO
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▼二层平面图,first floor plan© Atelier PRO
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▼立面图与剖面图,elevation and sections© Atelier PRO
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Project Name: University Centre for Psychiatry UMCG, Groningen
Architect or Architecture Firm: Atelier PRO architects and Vakwerk architecten
Completion Year: 2024
Built Area (m2 or sqft): 15.500 m²
Project Location: Groningen, The Netherland
Photographer: Eva Bloem
Client: Universitair Medisch Centrum Groningen
General contractor: Bouwcombinatie BAM, Trebbe, Engie (BTE)
Physics consultant: Peutz Groningen
Structural engineer: Pieters Bouwtechniek Utrecht
Services engineer: Valstar Simonis
Costs consultant: KamphuisSchaufeli
Landscape designer: Oase Stedenbouw en Landschap
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