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EZ Parque da Cidade住宅丨巴西圣保罗丨UNStudio

2024/10/01 18:40:00
位于圣保罗的 EZ Parque da Cidade 为巴西引入了一种全新的居住形式,以创新的策略提高能源效率、社会可持续性、舒适度和幸福感,并助力解决用户的社会、心理和身体健康问题。UNStudio 与开发商兼承包商 EZTEC 联手,通过引入景观导向设计、社区活动中心和全景平面,为居民、社区和更多人群重新构想了垂直生活。
EZ Parque da Cidade in São Paulo introduces a new form of living to Brazil, bringing forward an innovative focus on energy-efficiency, social sustainability, comfort and wellbeing and addressing users’ social, mental, and physical health. Through the use of landscape-oriented design, community-activated pavilions and panoramic floorplans, UNStudio and the developer and contractor, EZTEC, re-imagine vertical living for residents, the community and beyond.
▼项目外观,Overall view© Joana França. Márcio Hideki Kato
EZ Parque da Cidade住宅丨巴西圣保罗丨UNStudio-3
在过去的 30 年里,圣保罗大都市区的面积扩大了 40%以上,超过了纽约等城市。这种快速增长导致绿地大量减少,居民人均绿地面积仅为 2.6 平方米,远远低于提倡的平均水平。通过重新定义圣保罗的垂直生活,UNStudio 的设计为居民提供了健康、安全、充满活力的社交环境。EZ Parque da Cidade 是以“公园中的城市”为设计理念的当地大型总体规划中的住宅部分。
▼体量分析图,volumn analysis© UNStudio
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EZ Parque da Cidade serves as the residential component of a larger masterplan centered around the concept of ‘a city within a park.’ Over the past 30 years, São Paulo’s metropolitan area has expanded by over 40%, surpassing cities like New York. This rapid growth has led to a significant loss of green spaces, leaving residents with only about 2.6 m² of green space per person, far below the recommended average. By redefining vertical living in São Paulo, UNStudio’s design offers healthy, safe, lively, and social environments for residents.
▼周边环境,Surrounding context©Joana França. Márcio Hideki Kato
EZ Parque da Cidade住宅丨巴西圣保罗丨UNStudio-9
Ben van Berkel:“完成我们在圣保罗的第一个大型项目 EZ Parque da Cidade,我感到无比兴奋,因为它具有开创性的可持续发展特点。从可提高住户舒适度的创新风车状楼层平面设计,到绿意盎然的空中花园和整体节能方案,这个项目的方方面面都旨在改善城市生活。这个项目获得了 HQE-AQUA 认证,同时也是南美洲首个获得 LEED-ND 预认证的开发项目,其在社区、健康和当地可持续性方面对整个街区的影响彰显了我们的承诺,并为巴西未来的开发项目树立了新的标准。”
▼景观层级分析图,landscape analysis© UNStudio
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Ben van Berkel: “Completing our first large-scale project in São Paulo, EZ Parque da Cidade, is incredibly exciting due to its groundbreaking sustainable features. From the innovative windmill-shaped floorplans that enhance residents’ comfort, to the lush green skygardens and an overall energy-efficiency approach, every aspect of this project is designed to improve urban living. Achieving HQE-AQUA and being the first development in South America to receive LEED-ND Neighbourhood pre-certification for its impact on the neighbourhood in terms of community, health and local sustainability underscores our commitment and sets a new standard for future developments in Brazil.”
▼俯瞰,Overlooking©Joana França. Márcio Hideki Kato
EZ Parque da Cidade住宅丨巴西圣保罗丨UNStudio-15
Communities in the sky
与巴西常见的高层住宅建筑(由背靠背的单元组成,视野单一)不同,EZ Parque da Cidade 采用了创新的旋转“风车”形楼层平面设计。这种设计使每个公寓单元都能享受到三面全景和最佳的朝阳效果,同时通过避免单元之间的视觉连接,确保了最大限度的私密性。所有四种类型的公寓都采用了这种别出心裁的楼层设计,改善了交叉通风,使新鲜空气和自然日光能够进入每个房间,从而提高室内温度,营造健康的生活环境。
▼分析图,analysis© UNStudio
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Unlike more typical high-rise residential buildings found in Brazil – which comprise of back-to-back units with single directional views – EZ Parque da Cidade introduces an innovative rotating ‘windmill’-shaped floorplan. This design allows each apartment unit to benefit from three-sided panoramic views and optimal sun orientation, all while ensuring maximum privacy by avoiding visual connections between units. This inventive floorplan, across all four apartment types, improves cross ventilation, allowing for fresh air and natural daylight to penetrate every room, for a more comfortable indoor temperature and healthy living environment.
▼建筑近景,Close view©Joana França. Márcio Hideki Kato
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居住空间全年舒适宜人。每种公寓都有一个 6 米深的室外露台,占单元面积的 25%。这些宽敞的露台在夏季可以遮阳,在冬季可以晒到太阳,还可以将圣保罗市和皮涅罗河的美景尽收眼底。
The living spaces optimise comfort all year round. Each apartment type has a 6-meter-deep outdoor terrace that comprises up to 25% of the unit size. These generous terraces provide shading during the summer months while allowing in the sun during the winter, and boast panoramic views of the city and Sao Paulo’s Pinheiros river.
▼室外露台,Terrace©Joana França. Márcio Hideki Kato
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综合体内还引入了八个空中花园,为底层和夹层创造了一个绿色的垂直延伸景观。受巴西浓厚的户外生活文化的影响,所设计的花园促进了整个社区的建设。从任何一个公寓单元步行到这些花园最多只需七分钟,花园将住宅楼内的居民聚集在一起,为他们提供了郁郁葱葱的社交空间。空中花园和周围的景观设计采用 100%当地或适应性植物品种,其灌溉和维护需求较低。此外,该综合体 31%的立面具备透气性,可以减轻热岛效应,其中包括种植 83 棵树,以改善空气质量和室外生活的舒适度。在地面层,UNStudio 还引入了“公园凉亭”的概念。这些亭子作为一种场所营造策略,通过与带状公园的直接连接,为使用者提供了许多休闲的游戏、锻炼、放松、工作和社交空间,从而鼓励健康的生活方式。
Eight sky gardens are also introduced within the complex, creating a green, vertical extension of the landscape on the ground floor and mezzanine level. Influenced by Brazil’s strong culture of outdoor living, these gardens foster community building throughout. A seven-minute walk maximum from any apartment unit, these gardens bring residents together within the towers and provide social spaces filled with lush plants. At the ground level, UNStudio also introduced the concept of ‘pavilions in the park’. These act as a placemaking strategy, encouraging a healthy lifestyle by providing users with numerous informal spaces for play, exercise, relaxation, work, and socialisation through a direct connection to the Linear Park.
▼室外绿化,Outdoor greenery©Joana França. Márcio Hideki Kato
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Healthy amenities
每个地面层区域都有宽敞的景观,并通过精心设计以迎合巴西的户外生活文化,同时激活整个项目的社区建设。UNStudio 的设计通过针对不同年龄段人群的共享空间鼓励互动和社交,有助于减少许多居住在高层建筑中的人普遍存在的孤独感和隔离感。
▼分析图,analysis© UNStudio
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Each ground level area is generously landscaped and carefully designed to cater to Brazil’s outdoor living culture and to stimulate a strong sense of community for the entire development. UNStudio’s design encourages interaction through shared spaces catered for different age groups, helping to reduce feelings of loneliness and isolation that are common issues for many living in high-rise buildings.
▼宽敞的景观,Generously landscape ©Joana França. Márcio Hideki Kato
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在整个 EZ Parque da Cidade 项目中,住户可以享受各种共享设施,包括健身房、室内和室外游泳池、壁球室、健身房、网球场、按摩室和桑拿房,此外还有夹层的室外空间。公园内的凉亭还可支持其他各种类型的社交活动,这些活动都得益于底层天幕的遮阳效果,从而最大限度提升了舒适度。带状公园向所有住户开放,改善了步行通达性。从大楼步行五分钟即可到达日常生活设施和公共交通。公园内的自行车道和步行道为住户和周边居民提供了可选择的交通方式。EZ Parque da Cidade 还提供 124 个自行车停车位、一个自行车维修车间和 92 个电动汽车充电点。
Throughout EZ Parque da Cidade, residents can enjoy a variety of shared amenities, including gyms, indoor and outdoor swimming pools, a squash room, gym, tennis court, massage rooms, and a sauna, in addition to outdoor spaces at the mezzanine level. The pavilions in the park support various other types of social activities all benefiting from shading created by the ground floor canopy for optimal comfort. All residents have direct access to the Linear Park, which improves walkability. Daily living amenities are within a five-minute walking distance of the building, including public transportation. Bike and walking paths along this park encourage residents and the surrounding community to take alternative forms of transportation. EZ Parque da Cidade also offers 124 spaces to park bikes, a bike repair workshop, and 92 electric charging points for e-cars.
▼休闲空间,Leisure space©Joana França. Márcio Hideki Kato
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▼泳池空间,Swimming pool©Joana França. Márcio Hideki Kato
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Build local – Energy-performing development
▼分析图,analysis© UNStudio
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The entire development of EZ Parque da Cidade follows the principle of ‘building local’. All materials used for construction are locally sourced, significantly reducing emissions from transportation and the associated carbon footprint. 100% of the raw materials used were tracked from extraction to the construction site to ensure responsible sourcing.
▼连廊空间,Corridor space©Joana França. Márcio Hideki Kato
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▼户外座椅,Outdoor seating area©Joana França. Márcio Hideki Kato
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UNStudio 的设计使用了由回收的工业副产品制成的混合混凝土混合物,与传统水泥相比,这种混合物的含碳量降低了 55%。游乐场的室外排水地板由当地汽车轮胎的再生橡胶制成。同时,设计强调模块化和灵活性,采用了四个围绕建筑核心的重复模块,每个模块都具有高效的平面设计和可调整的布局。此外,95.3%的建筑废料都被回收利用,其中包含纸板、金属、木材和塑料,这大大超过了最初设定的 70%的目标。
▼分析图,analysis© UNStudio
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UNStudio 的设计使用了一种由回收工业副产品制成的混合混凝土混合物,用于建筑物的基础和地下层,与传统水泥相比,其内含碳减少了 55%。操场的户外排水地板由当地汽车轮胎的回收橡胶制成。同时,设计通过采用围绕建筑物核心旋转的四个重复模块来强调模块化和灵活性,每个模块都具有高效的平面图和适应性布局。此外,95.3%的建筑废料——纸板、金属、木材和塑料——被回收利用,大大超过了最初 70%的目标。
▼室内空间,Interior space©Joana França. Márcio Hideki Kato
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该建筑利用太阳能热水系统、带传感器的高效灌溉系统和雨水收集系统,以及最先进的地下真空垃圾系统 ENVAC 来减少能源消耗,最大限度地降低运营碳的影响,并减少对环境的影响、噪音和空气污染。在这里,热水器可节省 40%的能源,景观用水可节省 30%,90%的废弃物可从垃圾填埋场转移,与废弃物运输相关的碳排放量可减少高达 90%。这在巴西尚属首例。
The building utilises a solar hot water system, an efficient irrigation system with sensors and rainwater collection, and a state-of-the-art underground vaccum waste ENVAC system to reduce the energy use, minimize the operational carbon impact and reduce environmental impact, noise and air pollution. Here, 40% of energy is saved on water heating, 30% of water is saved for landscaping, 90% of waste is diverted from landfills and up to 90% of carbon emissions related to waste transportation can be saved. It is the first of its kind featured in Brazil.
▼室内看向室外,Looking outside from interior space©Joana França. Márcio Hideki Kato
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突破性的可持续认证 Unprecedented Sustainability Certifications
由于采取了以上所述的措施,再加上采用了综合被动式设计方案,该项目获得了 HQE-AQUA 认证(巴西认证,改编自法文原版“Démarche HQE”),以表彰其最高的环境、社会和经济绩效,以及对改善用户福祉的贡献。此外,Parque da Cidade 总体规划还是南美洲首个获得 LEED-ND 预认证的开发项目的关键部分,归功于该项目在社区、健康和当地可持续性方面对整个街区产生的重要影响。
As a result of all these initiatives, and in addition to the integrated passive design solutions, the project has been awarded the HQE-AQUA Certification (Brazilian certification adapted from the original French ‘Démarche HQE’) for its highest environmental, societal and economic performance and contribution to the improvement of the wellbeing of its users. The Masterplan Parque da Cidade is also part of the first development in South America to receive LEED-ND Neighbourhood pre-certification for its impact on the neighbourhood in terms of community, health and local sustainability.
▼平面图,floor plan© UNStudio
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UNStudio 设计团队: Ben van Berkel, Aurélie Hsiao with Alexandra Virlan, Wing Tang, Wouter de Jonge, Imola Berczi, Adi Utama, Olivier Yebra, Sander Versluis, Patrick Noome
执行: Alexandre Milleu Arquitetura
景观设计: Sergio Santana Planejamento e desenho da paisagem
结构工程: Pasqua & Graziano Associados
灯光设计: Mingrone Iluminação
室内设计: III Interior Design by RIPTYQUE ARCHITECTURE
电气和管道工程: Projetar Projeto de Sistemas
机械工程: Thermoplan Engeniharia Termica S/S
声学: Akkerman Acustica
无障碍设计: Elisa Prado Arquitetura
标识: DEA Design
Project credits:
Client: EZTEC
UNStudio Team: Ben van Berkel, Aurélie Hsiao with Alexandra Virlan, Wing Tang, Wouter de Jonge, Imola Berczi, Adi Utama, Olivier Yebra, Sander Versluis, Patrick Noome
Executive: Alexandre Milleu Arquitetura
Landscape Design: Sergio Santana Planejamento e desenho da paisagem
Structural Engineering: Pasqua & Graziano Associados
Lighting design: Mingrone Iluminação
Interior Design: III Interior Design by RIPTYQUE ARCHITECTURE
Electrical and Plumbing Engineering: Projetar Projeto de Sistemas
Mechanical Engineering: Thermoplan Engeniharia Termica S/S
Acoustics: Akkerman Acustica
Accessibility: Elisa Prado Arquitetura
Signage: DEA Design
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