
2024/09/24 22:23:54
BIG:BIG – Bjarke Ingels Group 将把丹麦的北日德兰半岛地区的一座前超市建筑改造成新的纸艺术博物馆。纸艺术深深植根于丹麦的文化遗产中,包括 Le Klint 设计的标志性折叠灯罩和 H.C. Andersen 设计的回形针。建筑的改建和扩建旨在将博物馆的年游客数量增加一倍,并将纸作为一种艺术形式和专业知识让其更好的传播与发展。
BIG:BIG – Bjarke Ingels Group is set to transform a former supermarket building into the new Museum for Paper Art in the North Jutland region of Denmark. With paper art deeply rooted in the Danish cultural heritage, including the iconic folded lampshades by Le Klint and H.C. Andersen’s paper clips, the conversion and extension of the building intends to double the museum’s annual number of visitors as well as embrace paper as an art form and expertise.
纸艺术博物馆由艺术家比特-韦勒(Bit Vejle)于 2018 年创建,是北欧地区唯一一家专注展示纸工艺品和设计的博物馆。BIG 将对约 900 平方米的前超市建筑进行翻新和扩建,打造一个 2300 平方米的博物馆,为工作室、活动、教学室、储藏室和办公设施提供空间。
“纸艺术深深植根于我们的文化遗产中,通过丹麦的纸艺术传统,如Le Klint的折叠灯和H.C. Andersen的回形针等标志性设计进行展示,并将这一文化遗产带到未来,成为博物馆的核心所在。同时,我们也为能够重新利用现有建筑而感到自豪”。——Karen Bit Vejle,纸艺术博物馆的艺术家兼总监
The Museum for Paper Art, founded by psaligrapher Bit Vejle in 2018, is the only specialised museum for paper fine crafts and design in the Nordics. The approximately 900 m2 former supermarket building will be renovated and expanded by BIG to create a 2300 m2 museum with space for workshops, events, teaching rooms, storage, and office facilities. The adaptive reuse project is pursuing DGNB Gold or Platinum certification.
“Paper art is deeply embedded in our cultural heritage, showcased through Denmark’s paper art tradition with iconic designs such as Le Klint’s folding lamps and H.C. Andersen’s paper clips. Carrying this legacy into the future is something that this museum has at its heart. We are also proud of recycling an existing building.” – Karen Bit Vejle, Artist and Director at the Museum for Paper Art
▽更新扩建后的纸艺术博物馆 Updated and expanded paper Art Museum
The Museum for Paper Art is conceived as a new lightweight roof structure. Like a single sheet of paper, the roof lands on the existing building and creates space for the new functions around it – uniting the new and old under one roof. The existing building walls will get a new acoustic-regulating layer of paper art on the exterior, inspired by origami and designed in collaboration with several paper artists.
▽设计概念与空间演绎 Design concept and spatial interpretation
“纸艺术是用单色的二维材料‘一张纸’创造出三维形状和复杂的图像。通过将屋顶表面视为一张折叠的纸,把现有的和新的功能融合在一个统一的姿态中。设计强调了简洁突出的表现力,传达出复杂源于简单的设计手法。在漂浮的弧形屋顶下,这座废弃的超市建筑获得了新的生命。” – Bjarke Ingels,BIG – 比雅克-英格尔斯集团创始人兼创意总监
“Paper art is about creating three-dimensional shapes and complex images from a monochromatic two-dimensional material – a sheet of paper. By treating the roof surface as such – a single sheet of folded paper – existing and new functions are brought together in one unifying gesture. The expressive is accentuated by the clear, complexity arises from simplicity. And an obsolete supermarket finds new life under the floating curved roof.” – Bjarke Ingels, Founder and Creative Director, BIG – Bjarke Ingels Group
“我们与 Bit 合作设计了一个简单的概念,让一张纸就能覆盖整个场地和现有建筑。通过这种方式,新旧建筑就在同一屋顶下相连。在门厅和聚集空间,可以清晰地感受到新建筑中的旧结构——一个灵感来自纸张、由木头打造的统一空间”。 – BIG – Bjarke Ingels Group 合伙人 David Zahle
Inside, the focal point of the museum is reflected in the architecture as surfaces are draped with a timber construction made from the wood that is used to make paper.
“In collaboration with Bit, we have designed a simple concept that allows a single sheet of paper to drape over the site and the existing building. In this way, the old and new are connected under one roof. In the foyer and assembly space, the old structure is clearly felt within the new one – a unified space inspired by paper and crafted in wood. ” – David Zahle, Partner, BIG – Bjarke Ingels Group
▽简洁而极具张力的内部空间 Simple and intense interior space
The Museum for Paper Art will offer spaces for a variety of public activities. A meandering path with plants and trees native to the area will invite the public to explore the surroundings and create a welcoming public realm to pull the visitors into the museum.
▽博物馆外部景观空间 Museum external landscape space
项目名称:Museum for Papirkunst
业主:Den almennytitige Fond for Psaligrafisk Kunst
主管合伙人:Bjarke Ingels, David Zahle
项目负责人:Tomas Ramstrand
团队:Mantas Povilaika, Neele Maree Ohlrogge, Jesper Ullbing, Matthew Goodwill, Kai-Brith Kalda
可持续发展:Kannan Selvaraj
Name: Museum for Papirkunst
Size: 2300 m²
Location: Hune
Client: Den Almennyttige Fond for Psaligrafisk Kunst
Project team:
Partner-in-Charge: Bjarke Ingels, David Zahle
Project Leader: Tomas Ramstrand
Team: Mantas Povilaika, Neele Maree Ohlrogge, Jesper Ullbing, Matthew Goodwill, Kai-Brith Kalda
BIG Sustainability: Kannan Selvaraj
“ 纸艺术文化的建筑演绎。”
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