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Siófok 水闸改造工程丨匈牙利丨Térhálózat

2024/10/04 23:26:32
Balaton 湖是匈牙利最大的淡水湖,常被称为“匈牙利海”。Siófok 港口位于 Balaton 湖南岸,是当地的行政和旅游中心。160 年来,位于 Siófok 中心附近的 Sió 水道一直控制着 Balaton 湖的水位。两个关键的工程设施——船闸和水位控制闸位于 Sió 航道附近,在 Siófok 港口形成一个岛。岛上设有水调节系统和船舶维修码头,可维修大型船舶和驳船。如今,历史上对公众封闭的工业区已经与小镇的湖边休闲区连接起来。
Lake Balaton, Hungary’s largest freshwater lake, is often referred to as the “Hungarian Sea.” Siófok, located on its southern shore, is the administrative and touristic center. The Sió channel, near Siófok’s center, has regulated Balaton’s water levels for 160 years. Two key engineering facilities—the ship lock and the water-level control lock—are situated near the Sió channel, forming an island at the Siófok port. This island houses the water regulation system and boat maintenance docks, handling large ships and barges. Historically closed to the public, the industrial area has become connected to the town’s lakeside leisure zones.
▼项目鸟瞰,aerial view of the project©Gabor Pásztor
Siófok 水闸改造工程丨匈牙利丨Térhálózat-3
Siófok 水闸改造工程丨匈牙利丨Térhálózat-4
▼夜景鸟瞰,aerials view at night©Gabor Pásztor
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Siófok 水闸改造工程丨匈牙利丨Térhálózat-7
Siófok 水闸的重建有两个主要目标:改善 Balaton 湖水位控制以应对气候变化,恢复 Balaton 湖和多瑙河之间的船只交通。
2017 年,Térhálózat 事务所承担起这项重任,将这些工程结构整合到城市景观中。
The reconstruction of Siófok water lock had two main goals: to improve water level control in response to climate change and to restore boat traffic between Lake Balaton and the Danube River. In 2017, we were tasked with integrating these engineering structures into the urban landscape.
▼远观水闸,viewing the water lock at distance©Sugar and Salt Ltd., Krisztián Viktorin
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Siófok 水闸改造工程丨匈牙利丨Térhálózat-13
▼远观水闸与控制楼,viewing the water lock and the control building©Sugar and Salt Ltd., Krisztián Viktorin
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▼水闸近景,closer view of the water lock©Sugar and Salt Ltd., Krisztián Viktorin
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2017 年,对于城市景观的建筑回答在本次项目中成为了设计理念的基石:
- Balaton 湖唯一的船舶维修和保养码头位于 Siófok 岛上,设计首先应该从这种古老的工业身份中汲取灵感。
- 岛屿必须重新融入城市生活,成为一个多功能的开放空间,方便人们进入:让岛屿属于所有人!
- 应创造通过水闸骑行的可能性:让空间属于所有人!
- 应通过新的滨水公共空间,在游船港口和城市之间建立连接:让水岸属于所有人!
- 应向人们展示“匈牙利海”水位控制系统的运作方式:让水闸属于所有人!
- 在新的混凝土河岸上,人们可以更接近巴拉顿湖的水域:让水属于所有人!
- 应创造一个时尚的公共空间,成为吸引年轻人的 Balaton 湖新聚集点:让体验属于所有人!
Our architectural answers to this question in 2017 became the cornerstones of the design concept during the design process:
– The Balaton’s only ship repair and maintenance docks operates on the island of Siófok, first we should be inspired by this old industrial identity.
– The island must be reintegrated into the life of the town, the island must be a multi-functional free space accessible to people: Let THE ISLAND BE FOR EVERYONE!
– Let’s create the possibility of cycling through the lock: Let THE SPACE BE FOR EVERYONE!
– Let’s create a connection between the cruise ship harbor and the town through the new waterfront public space: Let THE COAST BE FOR EVERYONE!
– Let’s show people how the water level control system of the “Hungarian Sea” works: Let THE WATER LOCK BE FOR EVERYONE!
– At the new operating concrete banks, people can get close to the water of Lake Balaton: Let THE WATER BE FOR EVERYONE.
– Let’s create a trendy new public space, a Balaton meeting point attractive to young people: Let’S PROVIDE THE EXPERIENCE FOR EVERYONE!
▼融于景观的建筑,building blends into the landscape©Sugar and Salt Ltd., Krisztián Viktorin
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▼改造后的水闸为人们创造出亲近自然的机会,the renovated water lock creates a chance for people to get close to nature©Sugar and Salt Ltd., Krisztián Viktorin
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The design team envisioned an architectural ensemble within a landscaped public space. Pedestrian and cycling paths took priority over car traffic, which was minimized and surrounded by green areas. The concrete pavements were designed with varied orientations to reflect the site’s diverse focal points.
▼亲水平台,waterfront platform©Sugar and Salt Ltd., Krisztián Viktorin
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Siófok 水闸改造工程丨匈牙利丨Térhálózat-44
▼步道与景观,walkway and lawn©Sugar and Salt Ltd., Krisztián Viktorin
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Siófok 水闸改造工程丨匈牙利丨Térhálózat-47
控制楼战略性地放置在两个水闸之间,可以完全控制水系统。建筑的低层负责水管理,而屋顶则作为一个公共观景平台。整体结构由 V 形钢柱支撑,悬臂式混凝土屋顶为人们提供了广阔的 Balaton 湖全景。该建筑采用地热热泵和太阳能电池板,实现了净零能耗平衡。
The control building was strategically placed between the two locks, allowing full control of the water system. The building’s lower level handles water management, while the rooftop serves as a public viewing platform. The structure is supported by V-shaped steel columns, and the cantilevered concrete roof offers panoramic views of Lake Balaton. The building operates with a geothermal heat pump and solar cells, achieving a net-zero energy balance.
▼控制楼鸟瞰,aerial view of the control building©Sugar and Salt Ltd., Krisztián Viktorin
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▼控制楼外观,exterior views of the control building©Sugar and Salt Ltd., Krisztián Viktorin
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Siófok 水闸改造工程丨匈牙利丨Térhálózat-54
▼控制楼入口通道,passage of the entrance©Sugar and Salt Ltd., Krisztián Viktorin
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Siófok 水闸改造工程丨匈牙利丨Térhálózat-57
▼底层接待空间,ground floor interior©Sugar and Salt Ltd., Krisztián Viktorin
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船闸的钢筋混凝土元素设计与地下基础设施保持一致,而地上结构的灵感来自历史帆船的流线造型。公共长椅由回收钢板制成,上面还摆放了 Balaton 湖的模型,让孩子们也能参与到水调节系统中。公园还设有一个由回收钢桁架制成的历史装置,以及装饰照明,让人们在夜晚也能够享受这个空间。
The reinforced concrete elements of the locks were designed to align with the infrastructure below ground, while above-ground structures were inspired by the streamlined forms of historic sailing vessels. Public benches were crafted from recycled steel panels, and a model of Lake Balaton was installed for children to engage with the water regulation system. The park also features a historical installation made from recycled steel trusses, and decorative lighting allows the space to be enjoyed at night.
▼公共长椅与 Balaton 湖的模型,public benche with the model of Lake Balaton ©Sugar and Salt Ltd., Krisztián Viktorin
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Siófok 水闸改造工程丨匈牙利丨Térhálózat-64
▼控制楼外观夜景,exterior view of the control building at night©Sugar and Salt Ltd., Krisztián Viktorin
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Siófok 水闸改造工程丨匈牙利丨Térhálózat-67
▼夜景,night view©Sugar and Salt Ltd., Krisztián Viktorin
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▼屋顶楼梯平台,roof platform©Sugar and Salt Ltd., Krisztián Viktorin
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▼夜景,night view
©Sugar and Salt Ltd., Krisztián Viktorin
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▼水闸夜景,night view of the water lock©Sugar and Salt Ltd., Krisztián Viktorin
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▼深夜景观,late night views ©Sugar and Salt Ltd., Krisztián Viktorin
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Siófok 水闸改造工程丨匈牙利丨Térhálózat-80
Siófok 水闸改造工程丨匈牙利丨Térhálózat-81
Siófok 水闸改造工程丨匈牙利丨Térhálózat-82
location © Térhálózat
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▼总平面图,site plan © Térhálózat
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▼平面图,floor plan © Térhálózat
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▼立面图,elevations © Térhálózat
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▼剖面图,section © Térhálózat
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project title: The Siófok’s water locks reconstruction project_Hungary
location: Siófok
client: Western-Transdanubian Water Directorate
masterplan: Térhálózat
general design: Sbs-Komir; András Benedek
architecture: Térhálózat
architect in charge: Attila Korompay
architects: Attila Korompay, Ádám Hatvani, Evelin Ördög
completion: 2023. november
building area: 273 sqm
energy needs: -59,13 kWh/m2a
structural engineer: Balázs Korompay, Gergely Pataki
HVAC: Kristályklíma Plusz Ltd; GeoConcept Ltd.
lighting consultant: Withlight Ltd.
landscape design: VK Studio Ltd.
visualisation: Homologue
photograph: Sugar and Salt Ltd., Krisztián Viktorin
dron photograph: Gabor Pásztor
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