
2024/09/30 12:09:41
汤崎空间,位于深圳福田区,距福田口岸出口仅 300 米,步行距离仅需五分钟。占港城华庭裙楼五层,共 30000 平方米,含泡汤、按摩、理疗、餐饮、休憩和娱乐等功能。从 2021 年开始陆续转型,进行空间改造,成为新式汤泉生活的代表,演绎典型的城市生活缩影。
Tenz Space is located in Futian District, Shenzhen, only 300 meters away from the Futian Port exit and only a five-minute walk away. It occupies five floors with a total area of 30,000 square meters, including hot springs, massages, physiotherapy, catering, rest and entertainment and other functions. It will gradually transform and undergo space transformation starting in 2021, becoming a representative of the new hot spring life and interpreting the epitome of typical urban life.
▼空间概览,overview of the interior space©张超
福田口岸作为首个内地与香港无缝接驳的地铁口岸,自 2007 年开通以来,为两岸经济往来提供了巨大便捷。
水疗中心作为特殊的空间载体,在福田口岸附近迅速蔓延,步行 15 分钟可达的范围就有十来家。起初,这些水疗按摩空间主要供两岸频繁经济往来的商务人士休闲娱乐,随着两岸通关更加简易,不少港人也选择周末北上,在深圳泡汤、按摩、放松,缓解上班的疲惫。2021 年转型之后的第一年,来自香港的顾客就为汤崎贡献了 50%的营业额。
▼深圳港地图,map of Shenzhen Port©物柔研究所
As the first subway port with seamless connections between the mainland and Hong Kong, Futian Port has provided great convenience for cross-strait economic exchanges since its opening in 2007. As a special space carrier, spa centers are spreading rapidly near Futian Port. There are more than ten spa centers within a 15-minute walk. At first, these spa and massage spaces were mainly used for leisure and entertainment by business people with frequent economic exchanges between the mainland and Hong Kong. As cross-strait customs clearance has become easier, many Hong Kong people also choose to go north on weekends to take a bath, massage and relax in Shenzhen to relieve the fatigue of work. In the first year after the transformation in 2021, customers from Hong Kong contributed 50% of Tenz’s turnover.
▼入口接待处,reception space©张超
▼放松休闲的氛围,relaxation and leisure atmosphere©张超
The key point of transformation is to develop the temperament from “business ” to “relaxation and leisure”, reintegrate it, let the space move from closed to fluid, and let the vision change from rigid to flexible. It is expected that the entire “entertainment city” can accommodate extraordinary things in the daily space.
▼放松休闲的氛围,relaxation and leisure atmosphere©张超
The ceiling and floor of the female guest area have a white suspended ceiling and a black sunken bottom, lowering the visual center of gravity below the eye level. Walking there, the ripples of the water surface under the mountains are winding like a stream, with soft and calm ripples, a reflection of the grandeur of the past. Finally retreated to blanking.
▼女宾区,the female guest area©张超
▼白色悬顶,a white suspended ceiling©张超
相同底色的载体由于光色不同而呈现不一样的状态,同样的光线在不同底色材质上也有不同表达,空间和光互相作为对方的载体。在懒人沙发区,由 240mm 宽的黄橡木间隔排布,构成凹凸木饰面,底部灯带 2400K 的光从地面向上浸染,与橡木墙面奠定了空间中光与色的基调,塑造转型后温馨放松的空间性格特征,局部以壁龛的形式嵌入蒸汽壁炉,缓缓上升的雾气也是动态的光的载体,与墙面底部的灯光浑然一体,交相辉映,诉说着这片小世界独有的光的物语。
Carriers with the same background color present different states due to different light colors. The same light also has different expressions on materials with different background colors. Space and light serve as each other’s carriers. In the rest area, 240mm wide yellow oak wood is arranged at intervals to form a concave and convex wood veneer. The 2400K light from the bottom light strip is diffused from the ground upward, and together with the oak wall, it sets the tone of light and color in the space, shaping the transformation. The character of the space is warm and relaxing. The steam fireplace is partially embedded in the form of an alcove. The slowly rising mist is also a carrier of dynamic light. It is integrated with the lights at the bottom of the wall and complements each other, telling the unique light of this small world.
▼同样的光线在不同底色材质上也有不同表达,the same light also has different expressions on materials©张超
The leisure area corridor of the sleep area has a wooden screen curtain on one side and a glass brick light curtain on the other. It is expected that participants can perceive changes in external light and time even when indoors. The use of translucent glass bricks allows natural light to flow into the interior without hindrance, while also well avoiding the impact of outdoor noise and noisy street scenes on the indoor immersive experience.
▼虫洞的休闲区走廊,the leisure area corridor of the sleep area©张超
In the “bar” themed restaurant, a two-sided wine display rack is specially set up at the water bar. The lights are arranged upwards on the shelf, and the wine is placed on it. The rich colors of the wine bottle itself are more eye-catching under the influence of light, becoming the visual focus of the entire restaurant space.
▼“酒吧”主题的餐厅,the “bar” themed restaurant©张超
In the sleeping area, create the ultimate immersive sleeping area. While ensuring a unified design language on the walls, materials with higher reflectivity are used on the ceiling and floor to emphasize the unity and simplicity of the entire space. Different functions have slightly different styles, but their design techniques are consistent and unified, making the space an introduction to suggest emotions, and continuing to practice the design concept of “creating a soft world space” of OBJECTENDER.
▼营造极致的沉浸式睡眠区,create the ultimate immersive sleeping area©张超
In the outdoor part, the building along the street is extremely narrow and long, and the street is an urban arterial road with a lot of vehicle traffic. The street view is not good, and there is a lot of noise. These two points are not conducive to the operation of a consumer place for leisure and entertainment. The design strategy is to use a closed building facade to separate the indoor and outdoor areas into two separate subjects to tackle.
▼沉浸式睡眠区,the ultimate immersive sleeping area©张超
这个娱乐之城的立面长达 70 米,占据了整段街道三分之二的长度,而这块“广告牌”的形象如何设计决定了这个片区某种程度上的城市意象。作为居民日常经过的路径(Path),形成住宅与商业的边界(Boundry),构成水疗印象的片区(District),标记高辨识度的节点(Node),成为口岸的消费地标(Landmark),凯文·林奇提出的城市意象五要素,这段连续的立面足以构成每一种要素的形象,在周边重复的住宅语境里求同存异。
map of position of TENZ Spa and facade dimension©物柔研究所
The facade of this entertainment city is 70 meters long, occupying two-thirds of the length of the entire street. The design of the image of this “billboard” determines the urban image of this area to a certain extent, as the daily life of residents. The passing path forms the boundary between residence and business, forms the district that forms the impression of spa, marks the highly recognizable node, and becomes the consumption landmark of the port. Kevin Lynch proposed five elements of urban image, and this continuous facade is enough to form the image of each element, seeking common ground while reserving differences in the surrounding repeated residential context.
▼沉浸式睡眠区,the ultimate immersive sleeping area©张超
▼立面编织过程分析图,Elevation weaving process analysis diagram©物柔研究所
Venturi’s prosecution and defense returned “decoration” and “symbols” to the context of modern architecture, and “billboards”, as a special decoration of contemporary urban landscapes, depict increasingly diverse visual symbols. On this “billboard”, by drawing on traditional bamboo weaving techniques and adopting the most basic “press one pick one” technique in weaving, unitized streamer-type wood grain aluminum plates are used as warp strips and the original columns are weft strips. The window wall is positioned with square holes, and lights are set at the embossed areas to highlight the three-dimensional effect, thereby weaving the entire facade and creating a unified, continuous, and repetitive symbol, using traditional elements in a slightly unconventional way. To reduce the sense of oppression on the overall facade.
▼沉浸式睡眠区卫生间,immersive sleeping area restroom©张超
▼沉浸式睡眠区,immersive sleeping area©张超
譬如文丘里捕捉的长岛之鸭,亦或是今日 Sphere 疯狂的大球,创造符号成为拉斯维加斯的武器,在那个各大城市追求古典主义或是现代主义的时代,拉斯维加斯另辟蹊径,通过空间建立起形式语汇与符号的关联,用“显义式”的象征主义,强化了作为娱乐之都的品牌形象。空间中的符号先于空间中的形式,不能忽视建筑作为符号载体的作用,这段编织的立面无疑让汤崎在水疗商业林立的深圳脱颖而出。
For example, the Long Island Duck captured by Venturi, or the crazy big ball of Sphere today, creating symbols has become the weapon of Las Vegas. In an era when major cities were pursuing classicism or modernism, Las Vegas took a new approach, establishing a relationship between formal vocabulary and symbols through space, and using “explicit” symbolism to strengthen the brand image as an entertainment city. Symbols in space precede form in space. The role of architecture as a carrier of symbols cannot be ignored. This woven facade undoubtedly makes Tenz stand out in Shenzhen, a city with many spa businesses.
▼沉浸式睡眠区,immersive sleeping area©张超
▼沉浸式睡眠区,immersive sleeping area©张超
▼灯光细节,lighting detail©张超
This section of the street at Futian Port is not only about spas, but also about street aesthetics, urban landscape, and lifestyle. The unveiling of a giant billboard and the transformation of a leisure and entertainment city still play the role of cross-strait economic integration agent.
▼夜景,night view©张超
▼二层平面图,second floor plan©物柔研究所
▼三层平面图,third floor plan©物柔研究所
Project type: Spa、Hotel、Interior
Design year: 2021
Completion Year: 2021
Leader designer & Team: Yifei Yan, Yuhui Zhang,Shan Jin,Xueqi Wu,Mamiya Tanaka,Kai Sun,Chenkai Zhang,Weijie Lu,Ni Jin,Mingpeng Li,Yingying Zheng
Project location: Shenzhen,China
Gross built area: 30,000㎡
Photo credit: Chao Zhang
Partner: QIANYING(lingting consultant)、NITANG(counter consultant)、BUYILIUXING(branding consultant)
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