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埃斯帕利永跨社区托儿所和早教中心丨法国丨WIP ARCHITECTURE

2024/10/07 17:12:37
Along the Saint James of Compostela route, nestled below the Calmont d’Olt castle, the Espalion nursery blends into the Lot valley’s slope, facing the Aubrac mountains.
▼远眺,distant view ©️ Mathieu Noel
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The project is implanted as an abstract element in a meadow, at the edge of the village. The very horizontal building is surrounded by site-compacted concrete walls. Folding in on itself, it protects the children, like a jewel case. The material, color, and height of the walls echo the dry limestone stone walls enclosing the nearby farm buildings.
▼融入草地的水平建筑,horizontal building integrated into the meadows©️Mathieu Noel
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▼入口侧,entrance side©️Mathieu Noel
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In the same way as for the walls of the castle overlooking the nursery, lime is used in the stability of the walls as a binder for the local aggregates. Without reinforcement, human hands compacted successive layers, reinforcing the horizontality of the structure.
▼入口,entrance©️Mathieu Noel
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▼人工压实的无钢筋混凝土墙,non-reinforcement concrete wall compacted by human hands ©️Mathieu Noel
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A laminated timber roof rests and covers the jewel case. A star-shaped framework organizes and sets the rhythm of the interior spaces through the four living units, open to protected courtyards. The spaces are simple, clear, and bright. The many interior visual connections and the two central patios encourage cross views and transparency.
▼室内到处视线贯通,interior visual connections©️Mathieu Noel
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▼天井,patio©️Mathieu Noel
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▼走廊,corridor©️Mathieu Noel
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This apparent simplicity enhances each material, each detail. The precise implementation, using the right material in the right place, creates a perfect balance between structure and space. Local craftsmanship and the arrangement of manufactured elements highlight the hand of each artisan.
▼室内概览,interior overview©️Mathieu Noel
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▼洗漱区,bathing room©️Mathieu Noel
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The pronounced mineral quality of the nursery, combined with the protective wooden framework, aims to reinvent architecture, respectfully and sustainably integrating into the site.
To anchor the building to its territory, structural and chromatic research on the concrete was carried out during the construction phase between the architects, the company, and the engineering office. Two tests were performed with aggregate residues from a nearby quarry: one using a cement binder, the other using lime. They revealed the impact of lime on color. It enhances the beige hue of the limestone while respecting structural constraints.
The site-compacted concrete has no reinforcement or lintel. It is associated with a simple construction system: continuous concrete footing, pre-slab, and prefabricated wooden framework.
▼庭院,garden©️Mathieu Noel
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This project was a real experimental site, involving both local officials and the workers. They aimed to develop new skills and techniques. Due to its uniqueness, material, and color, this concrete invites every visitor to question and embrace it.
▼独特的混凝土墙,unique concrete wall©️Mathieu Noel
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使用的混凝土被称为“干”工地混凝土。它是由 0/20 号砾石、来自圣阿斯捷的 NHL-5 号石灰和水混合制成的。混凝土在现场制备,以较干的稠度连续水平地部署在模板中,每层 12 厘米,然后用气动夯实机夯至 10 厘米。这一步骤必须小心谨慎,以达到 2150 公斤/立方米的最低干密度从而确保稳定性。为了提高施工速度,并减少可能导致缺陷的墙体错位,公司研究采用了滑动式模板。
The concrete used is called “dry” site concrete. It was produced from a mixture of 0/20 gravel, NHL-5 lime from Saint-Astier, and water. Prepared on-site, the concrete was placed in a dry consistency into a formwork in successive horizontal layers of 12 cm, then compacted to 10 cm using a pneumatic tamper. This step needed to be carefully done to achieve a minimum dry density of 2,150 kg/m3 to ensure stability.
To improve work pace and reduce misalignments in the walls, which can lead to defects, the company studied the implementation of a sliding formwork.
The final appearance is that of a rammed-earth wall, light in color, tending toward a natural beige. The site concrete is treated on the surface with a mineralizing agent. It is protected at the base by a concrete foundation and at the top by an aluminum coping with a significant overhang.
▼夜景,night view©️Mathieu Noel
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▼夜景,night view©️Mathieu Noel
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Designation and Location: Intercommunal Daycare and Early Childhood Center in Espalion, Avenue de Saint-Pierre, 12500 Espalion, France
Project Status: Delivered 06/2024
Program: New construction of a daycare with 60 cradles and an early childhood center in Espalion
Project Owner: Communauté de communes Comtal, Lot and Tuyères, 18bis Avenue Marcel Lautard, 12500 Espalion
Project Management: Atelier Orra, Lead Architect, 1 Rue Auguste Denayrouze, 12500 Espalion; WIP Architecture, Associate Architect, 10 Rue Primatice, 75013 Paris; Groupe OCD, BET TCE & OPC, 16 Avenue des Glycines, 12850 Onet le Château; Batiserf Consultant, Site Concrete Shell, 11 Boulevard Paul Langevin, 38600 Fontaine
Mission: Complete + OPC
Surfaces: 799 m2
Cost of Works: €2,217,723.11 excluding VAT
Contractors: Lot 01 – Earthworks: EGTP; Lot 02 – Structural Work: Bernard BTP; Lot 03 – Wood Framework: Emilien Viguier Charpentier; Lot 04 – Roofing, Waterproofing: Paul Barriac; Lot 05 – Exterior Joinery, Metalwork: Rouergue Aluminium; Lot 06 – Plastering, Insulation: Sarl Sanhes Jean Claude; Lot 07 – Interior Joinery, Fittings, Signage: Nord Aveyron Menuiserie; Lot 08 – Screeds, Sprayed Insulation: Sarl Sanhes Jean Claude; Lot 09 – Soft Flooring: Maison Benech; Lot 10 – Suspended Ceilings: Belet Isolation; Lot 11 – Paint: Gaston Père et Fils; Lot 12 – Plumbing, Sanitary, VMC, and Heating: Thermatic; Lot 13 – Electricity CFO/CFA: SAS Julien Électricité
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