知末案例   /   建筑   /   办公建筑


2024/09/29 10:43:16
NBBJ 非常荣幸能作为项目团队的一员,为本项目的园区规划及主体建筑设计提供专业服务,并与包括北京建院(BIAD)在内的各合作方共同参与并见证其诞生的全过程。
Witnessed by the ancient and vibrant Beijing city, Alibaba Beijing Chaoyang Science & Technology Park has been successfully put into use after five years of design and construction in what is known as “the place where Alibaba’s dream began”. NBBJ is honored to have been part of the project team that provided professional services for the overall planning and architectural design of buildings on the project site, and to have participated and witnessed the whole process of its birth together with all the work partners, including but not limited to the Beijing Institute of Architectural Design Co., Ltd. (BIAD).
▼项目概览,Overall of the project© 刘松恺
NBBJ 在企业办公和总部园区领域素有盛名,多年来始终与国内外的顶级组织机构开展合作,力求将前沿的设计理念与创新的设计手法结合到项目设计过程中来,打造了一个又一个的行业发展新标杆。近期亚洲作品主要包括位于新加坡的吉宝大厦(Keppel South Central)、位于香港的太古坊二座、位于杭州的西溪总部园区四期、位于广州的海大科学园、位于深圳的 vivo 智能手机总部等。
秉承持续创新的精神,本次 NBBJ 与阿里巴巴的合作力求践行北京杭州双总部策略,为阿里人打造一座充满归属感和前瞻性的崭新家园。
NBBJ is well known in the field of corporate offices and headquarters parks. Over the years, NBBJ has always worked with top domestic and international organizations, striving to combine cutting-edge design concepts and innovative design approaches into the project design process, creating one after another new benchmarks for the development of the industry. Recent projects in Asia include Keppel South Central in Singapore, Two Taikoo Place in Hong Kong, Xixi Headquarters Campus Phase 4 in Hangzhou, Haid Science Park in Guangzhou, and vivo Smartphone Headquarters in Shenzhen.
With creativity enthusiasm, the partnership between NBBJ and Alibaba for this time seeks to fulfill the Beijing-Hangzhou dual-headquarters strategy and create a new home for the Alibaba people which is forward-thinking and full of a sense of belonging.
▼项目鸟瞰,Aerial view© 刘松恺
Empower amega-sizecampus with the“connector”concept
阿里巴巴北京朝阳科技园项目位于北京市中关村朝阳园北扩区,由三个地块组成,所有项目地块互成一体,总建筑面积 47 万平方米。
Alibaba Beijing Chaoyang Science & Technology Park is located in the north expansion area of Chaoyang Park in Zhongguancun, Beijing, and consists of three land parcels, which are integrated with one another, with a total building area of 470,000 SM. In response to the nature of Alibaba’s Internet industry and corporate culture of interconnecting materials and people, the design team took “connector” as the core concept throughout the planning and architectural design of the park, and extended it to the outdoor recreation and communication space, aiming to create a connected, highly productive and efficient community.
▼概念生成,Concept© NBBJ
园区建筑地上共八层,地下设为两层,或局部三层。场地实行人车分流,首层步行通道利用 5 座下沉广场与地下配套设施连通。在“互联体”大概念的指引下,三大地块通过两座空中连桥连接起来,并在地块内各自形成了一座共享建筑中庭。三个地块的交汇点则形成附属设施功能及开放空间的枢纽,成为园区与城市之间的视觉焦点。
The buildings in the park have eight levels above grade and two or three levels below grade. The pedestrian and vehicular circulations are separated, and the ground-floor walkway is connected to the underground facilities by five sunken plazas. Under the overarching concept of “connector”, the three sites are connected by two sky bridges, each forming a shared atrium within their own site. The intersection of the three parcels forms a hub for ancillary facility functions and open spaces, and serves as a visual focal point between the park and the city.
▼中庭入口处的内外幕墙,The inner and outer curtain walls of the atrium entrance© 刘松恺
▼中庭入口,Atrium entrance© 刘松恺
At the same time, the main programs, including office, lobby, visitor center, cafeteria, fitness center, sunken plaza, parking, open plaza, are cleverly connected, thus creating a convenient and efficient office environment.Three cafeterias for the employees of each site are located on the first basement level at the center of the intersection of the sites and can be connected through the corridors. The sports center is located at the easily accessible central area on the first and second basement levels. The visitor center has its own entrance and exit, which does not interfere with the traffic flow of the park. Visitors are checked at the entrance kiosks and arrive at a bright and spacious two-story visitor hall.
▼访客中心,Visitor Center© 刘松恺
▼园区入口,Campus Entrance© 刘松恺
The sunken plaza is a transitional space connecting the outside to the basement level, intended to bring the dining experience outdoors and become an extension of the indoor restaurant, where people can dine, work, relax, or have small gatherings, and to bring in plenty of natural lights to the basement cafeteria.
▼下沉广场,Sunken Plaza© 刘松恺
Adapt to future changes by varying architectural shapes
早在竞赛阶段,NBBJ 团队便针对三个地块的文脉环境、位置关系、气候条件等因素,在“互联体”大概念的引导下,着意使建筑立面以拥抱和环绕的姿态从多个方向上绽放开来,使人们从任意方向望过来,都能受到园区热情友好的氛围的感染,并感受到阿里的企业胸襟和文化包容。
As early as the competition stage, the NBBJ team took into account the site context, location and climate conditions, and re-imagined the building façades in a way that one surrounds another in multiple directions, so that people at all directions could feel the hospitality as well as the inclusive and friendly culture of Alibaba.
▼效果图,Rendering© NBBJ
▼分析图,Analysis diagram© NBBJ
The main building of each site presents an irregular layout, with continuous open office areas facing the outdoor landscape, maximizing the space along the outside edges of the building, thus bringing the distance between the workstations and the landscape views closer. Despite the variety of building shapes, the architectural language used in each site remains the same, and the design intent of interconnection is consistent throughout. Through the embracing gestures of each building façade, the whole park is built with an elegant yet unique sense of flow and rich expressions.
▼入口广场,Entrance plaza© 刘松恺
▼建筑外观,Exterior views of the building© 刘松恺
▼立面细部,Detail of the facade© 刘松恺
Define the heart of the project with soaring lobby atriums
In response to Beijing’s climatic conditions and year-round air quality, the design team has created an indoor atrium on each site to allow for climate-independent activities and to provide a variety of settings to facilitate chance encounters and collaboration.
▼大堂中庭,Lobby atrium© 刘松恺
The eight-level-high atrium is the heart of the building, featuring a combination of high-performance glass and aluminum and oversized skylights to showcase the transparency and purity of the lobby space and bring in natural light to the interior. Employees can interact, collaborate, gather and enjoy a wide range of amenities in this ultra-open atrium space. The entrance atrium is shaded by a series of shading devices to ensure human comfort and energy efficiency.
▼挑高八层的中庭,The eight-level-high atrium© 刘松恺
▼分析图,Analysis diagram© NBBJ
The atrium also introduces a number of open bridges and public staircases, making it possible for offices on each floor to reach their destinations by going up or down one floor at most, which enhances collaboration and productivity among departments.
▼中庭创造性地引入多个开放连桥及公共楼梯,The atrium introduces a number of open bridges and public staircases© 刘松恺
Leverage green and sustainable strategies for long-term development
NBBJ 与业界知名科学家开展长期合作,旨在探讨认知神经科学与建筑环境之间的联系,并通过大脑研究成果来提高组织机构的绩效表现和人类体验,从而推动设计科学的发展。
在可持续设计理念的引导之下,同时为了呼应园区建筑多方位、多角度、多变化的特征,设计结合不同建筑方位的热辐射考量,总共选用 13 种幕墙类型来呈现丰富多变的外观效果。在办公区域采用框架式幕墙,并通过设置不同深度的水平百叶,以提供不同程度的遮阳,最大限度地引入自然采光,同时尽可能地减少室内眩光。此外,办公区域还利用可开启窗在气候允许的条件下提供自然通风。
NBBJ has a long-standing collaboration with leading scientists aimed at exploring the links between cognitive neuroscience and built environments and advancing design science through brain research findings to improve performance and human experience in organizations.
During the design process, the team utilized the latest cross-disciplinary research findings and focused on incorporating sustainable design strategies at multiple levels to improve employee well-being and productivity.
Guided by the sustainable design ideas, and in response to the multi-faceted and multi-angle characteristics of the buildings in the park, the design takes into account the heat radiation of different building orientations and develops a total of 13 types of curtain wall to present a rich and varied visual effect.
For the office area, framed curtain wall is used, combined with horizontal louvers of varying depths to provide shading, maximize daylight and reduce indoor glare. In addition, the office areas utilize operable windows to provide natural ventilation where climate permits.
▼建筑外观,Exterior views of the building© 刘松恺
园区内遵循海绵城市规定设置了 50%绿化面积的下凹式绿地用于滞留、过滤雨水。园区灌溉采用的是市政中水系统。各层的员工工位均靠窗布置,可俯瞰到室外景观,此举能有效减少对于人工照明的依赖性,并为开放式办公空间引入充足的自然采光。建筑楼层布局的设计适合集中布置工位,便于日后扩张办公组团扩张,也便于根据未来需求进行弹性调整。
The park follows the sponge city regulations by installing a 50% green area of recessed green space, which is used to retain and filter rainwater, while a municipal water system is used for irrigation.
Employee workstations on all floors are arranged by windows overlooking the outdoor landscape, which reduces the reliance on artificial lighting and introduces sufficient natural light into the open office space. The design of the building floor layout is suitable for the centralized arrangement of workstations, which facilitates the expansion of office clusters in the future, as well as flexible adjustments according to future needs.
▼建筑夜景,Night view of the building© 刘松恺
The “Connector” concept closely aligns with Alibaba’s corporate culture and the Internet’s characteristics of openness, sharing, efficiency and innovation. It also builds a holistic, inclusive, flexible, and creatively stimulating tech “city-within-a-city.” The Alibaba people will join hands with the globalized city of Beijing to build a shared future.
▼夜景鸟瞰,Aerial view at night© 刘松恺
国内合作院:北京市建筑设计研究院股份有限公司 (设计总承包)
建筑面积:47 万平方米
完成时间:2023 年 12 月
南京喵熊网络科技有限公司 苏ICP备18050492号-4知末 © 2018—2020 . All photos and trademark graphics are copyrighted by their owners.增值电信业务经营许可证(ICP)苏B2-20201444苏公网安备 32011302321234号