August 酒店丨比利时安特卫普丨Vincent Van Duysen

2024/10/08 15:52:56
August 酒店丨比利时安特卫普丨Vincent Van Duysen-0
August 酒店丨比利时安特卫普丨Vincent Van Duysen-1
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August 酒店丨比利时安特卫普丨Vincent Van Duysen-14
August酒店于2019年在比利时安特卫普开业,秉承对历史遗产的深深敬意,成为一座现代圣殿,与比利时历史建筑的神圣灵魂遥相呼应,同时又与当代现代主义交相辉映。August 由5栋不同的建筑组成,在比利时传奇建筑师Vincent Van Duysen的指导下天衣无缝地融合在一起,这也是他的首个酒店项目。
Created with a deep respect for its heritage, august opened in 2019 as a modern-day sanctuary, echoing the sacred soul of historical Belgian architecture whilst intertwining contemporary modernism.  August consists of 5 different buildings, seamlessly blended together under the guidance of legendary Belgian architect Vincent Van Duysen in his first-ever hotel project.
在过去的5年中,August已不仅仅是一个住宿场所,它已被证明是一个目的地,是国际宾客和安特卫普当地人的城市绿洲。这里的建筑就像一个现代的冥想天堂,鼓励人们放慢脚步。这里的氛围和历史可触可感,神秘而忧郁,现代而温暖。在这座军事庄园里,住在这里的修女们曾经照顾过生病或受伤的男子,如今,客人们可以在 44 间客房、餐厅、酒吧、水疗中心或两个花园中的任何一间享受到呵护。
More than just a place to stay, august has proven in the past 5 years to be a destination, an urban oasis for international guests and Antwerp locals alike.  Like a modern meditative haven, the architecture encourages to slow down.  The atmosphere and history are palpable, mysterious and melancholic, contemporary and warm.  The resident nuns once cared for sick or injured men at this military estate, today guests are pampered here in one of the 44 guest rooms, the restaurant, the bar, the spa or the two gardens.
由 Wirtz International Landscape Architects设计的幽静花园将这座迷人的庄园的不同功能连接起来,同时也为客人提供了城市中亟需的宁静。威严的酒吧占据了高耸的,阳光明媚的小教堂,可能是酒店最壮观的空间。一份新的精心制作的菜单将让客人——无论是酒店客人还是当地游客——有机会在一个更轻松、更有活力的环境中享受一顿午餐或晚餐。
The secluded gardens by Wirtz International Landscape Architects connect the different functions of the charming property while offering guests some much-needed tranquility in the city. ​The august bar occupies the soaring, sun-filled chapel, possibly the hotel’s most spectacular space.  A new and elaborate menu will give guests - both hotel guests and local visitors - the opportunity to enjoy an apéritif, lunch or dinner in a more relaxed and vibrant environment.
此外,August还宣布与当地护肤品牌Maiwe开展健康合作。Maiwe由比利时生物工程师Maayke Ruyffelaere 创立,使用从智利安第斯山脉森林中心采摘的纯野生玫瑰果油开发创新护肤配方。Maiwe为August酒店及其姊妹酒店朱利安酒店开发了一系列独家身体护理产品。专门的健康区邀请客人在桑拿、土耳其浴室或热石上热身。
August also announces the collaboration with local skincare brand Maiwe for the wellness.  Created by Belgian bio-engineer Maayke Ruyffelaere, Maiwe develops innovative skincare formulas using pure wild harvested rosehip oil sourced from the heart of the Andes forest in Chile. Maiwe developed an exclusive line of body products for august and its sister Hotel Julien. The dedicated wellness area invites guests to warm up in the sauna, hammam or on the hot stone.
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