Elio Volpe 餐厅丨加拿大温哥华丨Ste. Marie Art and Design

2024/10/10 09:58:39
The space, like its namesake, is characteristically laid back and social.
▼餐厅外观,exterior of the restaurant ©Conrad Brown
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Elio这一名字来源于希腊语里的“太阳”一词,因而,该空间有一种令人难以抗拒的温暖视角。室内的色调灵感来源于Luigi Ghirri用柯达克罗姆胶卷拍摄的海岸照片, 色彩在追求鲜艳的同时,也给人一种被风吹雨打、被阳光晒得咔咔作响的感觉。
colour palette pulled from the Kodachrome beach side photographs of Luigi Ghirri ©Ste. Marie Art and Design
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The name Elio has its roots in the Greek word for sun and, as such, the space has an overwhelmingly warm point of view. With a colour palette pulled from the Kodachrome beach side photographs of Luigi Ghirri, which all feel a bit weather beaten and lived in, our colours strive for vibrancy while feeling knocked back and sun crackled.
▼餐厅空间,restaurant space ©Conrad Brown
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Being a repurposed garage, the space is also breezily expansive with one room meandering into the other and the vaulted truss work ceiling giving an industrial edge to an otherwise warm space.
▼宽敞明亮的空间,breezily expansive space ©Conrad Brown
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▼三角梁架,the vaulted truss work ©Conrad Brown
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Our furniture and lighting feels decidedly residential with sofas borrowing from the beach club language of the Mediterranean. Although precisely crafted, we also endeavored for elements of each piece to feel assembled in a studio rather than a factory, with line work, stitch details and fringe work that boasts irregularity throughout — especially evident in the hand painted tiles inset in some of the tables, the seams of the lamps and the piped details of the sofas.
sofas borrowing from the beach club language of the Mediterranean ©Conrad Brown
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▼用餐区域,dining area ©Conrad Brown
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▼吧台,bar ©Conrad Brown
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▼吧台细部,bar detail ©Conrad Brown
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弧线型的墙面和粗糙的灰泥墙面可以说是空间的工艺精神的最强体现,灵感来源于由Luigi Moretti在1955设计的罗马海岸边的La Saracena假日别墅。建筑师利用这些墙来营造视觉趣味,捕捉光影,唤起了意大利南部和地中海地区盛行的海滩的精神。
Arguably the strongest gesture in the hand-crafted spirit of the space are the curvilinear walls and the rough stucco treatment inspired by the famous Villa La Saracena holiday home on the Roman coast designed by Luigi Moretti in 1955. We used these walls to create visual interest, grip light and shadow and evoke the spirit of the beach side forms prevalent all over southern Italy and the Mediterranean.
the curvilinear walls and the rough stucco treatment ©Conrad Brown
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与粉刷成白色的灰泥相呼应的是整个空间两侧花纹繁复、色彩缤纷的窗帘,与整个空间各个壁龛和凹槽中镶嵌的Breccia Siclia石材相得益彰。
The counterpoint to this whitewashed stucco is the highly patterned and multi colored drapery flanking the entire space and properly matching the accent Breccia Siclia stone that can be found in-set in various niches and alcoves throughout.
▼Breccia Siclia石材墙面,Breccia Siclia stone wall ©Conrad Brown
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highly patterned and multi colored drapery©Conrad Brown
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室内贴满了来自我们的朋友和艺术负责人Armin Tehrani的一系列旅行照片,以及内部定制的照片拼贴作品。Elio Volpe餐厅的本质是对海洋、太阳和旅行的致敬——也是对聚在一起的人们和享用的食物的颂歌。
Capped off with a mix of original travel photography from our friend and art director Armin Tehrani, and custom photo collage work produced in house, Elio Volpe is ultimately an ode to the sea, sun and travel — and to the people and food we meet and eat along the way.
▼布满旅行照片的走廊,corridor capped off with a mix of travel photos ©Conrad Brown
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▼开放厨房,open kitchen ©Conrad Brown
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Ciao, Elio.
▼细节,detail ©Conrad Brown
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Original Photography:
Graphic Design and Brand: Glasfurd and Walker –
Custom lighting in collaboration with Shelter studio –
Who also built all of the custom shelving and industrial design items.
Custom furniture in collaboration with our friends at Carmel –
Construction in partnership with Mercury Contracting –
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Elio Volpe 餐厅丨加拿大温哥华丨Ste. Marie Art and Design-73
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