EdeWageningen 火车站丨荷兰丨Mecanoo+Royal HaskoningDHV

2024/10/10 18:07:41
Located in the heart of the Netherlands, the city of Ede has a population of almost 120,000 and is famous for its proximity to the Veluwe National Park – a 55 km² natural haven of heathlands, sand dunes, and woodland. In 2008, ProRail and the Municipality of Ede set out to expand the Ede-Wageningen train station in the face of planned property development nearby, estimated to increase passenger numbers to around 25,000 passengers per day by 2030. The new station design would provide expanded services, functionality and safety for passengers, and sustainability in design.
▼火车站整体鸟瞰,aerial view of the whole station© Stijn Poelstra
EdeWageningen 火车站丨荷兰丨Mecanoo+Royal HaskoningDHV-2
▼落客区鸟瞰,aerial view of the drop-off area© Stijn Poelstra
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▼从入口广场看建筑,viewing the building from the entrance plaza© Stijn Poelstra
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EdeWageningen 火车站丨荷兰丨Mecanoo+Royal HaskoningDHV-7
Designing a canopy of leaves
作为车站中最具标志性的元素,木制屋顶的设计模仿了树冠的形态,呈现出简洁而精致的视觉效果,同时也统一并联系了该交通枢纽的各个区域,让客人们在车站中的任何地点都能轻松辨认出方向。屋顶由 23 个木制三角形结构单元组成,每个三角形长 27 米。而且几乎每个节点和柱子都面向不同的方向,这些结构在承受着巨大压力的同时保持了建筑的稳定与独特性格。三角形的天窗让日光落在平台上,引导乘客走向行人隧道。
▼轴测图,axonometric diagram©Mecanoo + Royal HaskoningDHV
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As the most iconic element of the station’s design, the wooden roof mimics a tree canopy. It boasts visual simplicity and sophistication, uniformly connecting the various quadrants of the transport hub, ensuring orientation from all sides. The roof is composed of 23 wooden triangles, each measuring 27 metres long. Almost every node and column faces a different direction, carrying a significant force load while still maintaining the architectural ambition. The triangular skylights allow daylight to fall on the platform and lead passengers to the pedestrian tunnel.
▼主入口立面,entrance facade© Stijn Poelstra
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EdeWageningen 火车站丨荷兰丨Mecanoo+Royal HaskoningDHV-16
▼由半户外空间看主入口,viewing the entrance under the canopy© Stijn Poelstra
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车站的设计灵感来自于 Veluwe 国家公园。树冠般的木制屋顶,上下台阶,让人想起在 Veluwe 森林中漫步的体验。我们的目标是设计一个高效的交通枢纽,同时也将人与自然联系起来,为所有用户提供愉快的出行体验。Mecanoo 合伙建筑师 Rodrigo Louro 补充道。
“The station’s design is inspired by the Veluwe National Park. The composition of the timber canopy, stepping up and down, is reminiscent of the experience under the canopy trees in the Veluwe forest. Our goal was to design an efficient transportation hub, but also to connect people with nature, offering a very pleasant atmosphere for all users.” added Rodrigo Louro, Associate Architect at Mecanoo.
▼树冠般的大型木制顶棚,the wooden roof mimics a tree canopy© Stijn Poelstra
EdeWageningen 火车站丨荷兰丨Mecanoo+Royal HaskoningDHV-22
EdeWageningen 火车站丨荷兰丨Mecanoo+Royal HaskoningDHV-23
设计灵感来自当地的 Veluwe 景观,使用互补的天然材料,如木材、石材、玻璃和钢材,加上坚固的建筑细节,使设计不仅耐用而且永恒,将自然感带入火车站本身。
Inspired by the local Veluwe landscape, the use of complementary natural materials such as wood, stone, glass and steel, together with the robust architectural detailing, make the design not only durable but also timeless, bringing a sense of nature into the train station itself.
▼顶视图,top views© Stijn Poelstra
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EdeWageningen 火车站丨荷兰丨Mecanoo+Royal HaskoningDHV-28
创造地方感 Creating a sense of place 除了美观的设计,功能也是设计中考虑的核心。团队将乘客旅程中的所有元素连接起来,将直观的空间寻路系统嵌入设计中,使人们能够快速轻松地四处走动。同时,设计还拥抱了车站周围的环境,从乘客走出火车的那一刻起,就能够体验到一种真正的地方感。
Alongside beautiful design, functionality was also at the core of our combined approach. The team connected all elements of the passenger journey, embedding intuitive spatial wayfinding into the designs and enabling people to move around quickly and easily. By embracing the station’s surroundings, it was possible to create a true sense of place from the moment passengers step out of a train.
▼三角形的屋顶结构,triangular roof structure© Stijn Poelstra
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EdeWageningen 火车站丨荷兰丨Mecanoo+Royal HaskoningDHV-33
▼站台层,platform level
© Stijn Poelstra
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▼屋顶细部,details of the canopy© Stijn Poelstra
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我们的目标是使这个设计在许多层面上都具有可持续性,最终鼓励人们在当下以及未来的几年更多地使用公共交通工具。通过塑造光线与使用自然材料,我们的设计在汽车、自行车和行人之间创造出了无缝的过渡,让乘客们真正享受到公共交通的便利。我们创造了一个让人们在平静祥和的环境中感到舒适的地方,让这里成为了一个人们想要停留的地方,而不仅仅是一个车站。Royal HaskoningDHV 的建筑师 Kirsten Colenbrander 补充道。
Our aim was to make this design sustainable on many levels – ultimately encouraging greater use of public transport for today and the years to come. By creating seamless transitions between numerous modalities – including cars, bicycles, and pedestrians – our design with changing daylight and different materials, this is public transport that passengers can truly enjoy. We have created a place where they feel comfortable in a calm and peaceful environment; a place to be, rather than just a place to go.” added Kirsten Colenbrander, Architect at Royal HaskoningDHV.
▼楼梯,staircase© Stijn Poelstra
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▼扶梯,escalator© Stijn Poelstra
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保护濒危物种 Protecting endangered species 在设计中,团队还必须考虑特定的生态因素。变电站不仅经过了照明的优化和改造,如今还成为了蝙蝠的栖息地。此外,Eumodicogryllus Bordigalensis 是一种只生活在铁轨上的稀有蟋蟀,它们也被安置在铁轨旁,作为景观设计的起点,干预策略特别注意了这些蟋蟀栖息地的保留。
Within the designs, the team also had to take into consideration specific ecological considerations. Adaptations were made to keep a substation in place to act as a bat cave – along with optimised lighting. Eumodicogryllus Bordigalensis, a rare species of crickets only living on railway tracks, were also accommodated – they were the starting point of the landscape design alongside the tracks, to ensure their habitat was retained.
▼自行车道,the bike lanes© Stijn Poelstra
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▼景观空间,landscape design© Stijn Poelstra
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Prioritising comfort and safety
The station has been designed for the safety and comfort of travellers. Retail units are located at the south entrance of the pedestrian tunnel that gives access to the platforms, and from the platforms themselves, all transport modes can be seen: the station square, bus square, drop-off zone, taxi, and bicycle parking.
▼清晰显眼的寻路系统,clear and visible wayfinding system© Stijn Poelstra
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▼由车站内看广场,viewing the plaza from interior© Stijn Poelstra
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大型室内自行车停放设施被整合到设计中,可容纳多达 5500 辆自行车。车站东部的行人和自行车桥,提供了无与伦比的 Veluwe 景观视野。通过合理且人性化的功能安排,通勤者可以轻松地在不同的交通方式之间转换,这使 Ede-Wageningen 成为一个真正的绿色交通枢纽。
A large indoor bicycle parking facility has been integrated into the design and can accommodate up to 5,500 bicycles, together with a pedestrian and cycling bridge to the east of the station – which provides an unrivalled view of the Veluwe. Through the smart arrangement of functions, commuters can easily transfer between different modes of transport, making Ede-Wageningen a true green transport hub.
▼大型室内自行车停放设施,thelarge indoor bicycle parking facility© Stijn Poelstra
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新车站已对旅客开放。停车场和景观的开发,以及铁路下方连接 Ede 和 Wageningen 的新行人和自行车隧道,目前正在建设中,预计将于 2026 年完工。这些设计举措使 Ede-Wageningen 火车站脱颖而出,巩固了其作为通往 Veluwe 国家公园门户的地位。
The new station is already open for passengers. The development of the parking garage and landscaping, plus a new pedestrian and bicycle tunnel between Ede and Wageningen under the railway is currently under construction, expected to be complete in 2026. Together, the designs will put Ede-Wageningen train station on the map, solidifying its position as the gateway to the Veluwe National Park.
▼夜景,night views© Stijn Poelstra
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EdeWageningen 火车站丨荷兰丨Mecanoo+Royal HaskoningDHV-67
▼一层平面图,ground floor plan©Mecanoo + Royal HaskoningDHV
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▼地下平面图,basement floor plan©Mecanoo + Royal HaskoningDHV
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▼二层平面图,first floor plan©Mecanoo + Royal HaskoningDHV
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▼立面图,elevations©Mecanoo + Royal HaskoningDHV
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▼西立面图,west elevation©Mecanoo + Royal HaskoningDHV
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▼东北立面图,north-east elevation©Mecanoo + Royal HaskoningDHV
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▼西南立面图,south-west elevation©Mecanoo + Royal HaskoningDHV
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▼剖面图 C-C,section C-C©Mecanoo + Royal HaskoningDHV
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▼剖面图 G-G,section G-G©Mecanoo + Royal HaskoningDHV
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▼节点构造,construction details©Mecanoo + Royal HaskoningDHV
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Programme: Train station 15,000m2 with retail, offices, waiting rooms, loading bay, public facilities, and bicycle parking with 5,500 places; Park & Ride of 16,300 m2; station square and bus square of 8,600 m2; 1.2 hectares of landscaping.
Designteam: Mecanoo and Royal HaskoningDHV. Mecanoo developed the sketch and preliminary design (2014-2016), and Royal HaskoningDHV carried out the modified preliminary design up to and including completion (2016-2026).
Consultants: Vakwerk Architecten (aesthetic control during realisation phase 2021-2025).
Realisation: 2022-2026
Client: ProRail, Municipality of Ede, NS
Fun fact: Ede-Wageningen is home to bats and a rare species of cricket which lives only in railway tracks – the Eumodicogryllus Bordigalensis – both of which required adaptations to the design to ensure their habitats were retained.
Photographer: Stijn Poelstra
EdeWageningen 火车站丨荷兰丨Mecanoo+Royal HaskoningDHV-95
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