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激发五感的治愈空间丨泰国丨DDDD Creative Studio

2024/10/10 23:39:33
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DDDD团队致力于打破传统思维,为商业空间注入活力与活力,通过设计促进交流,增加人们的幸福感,追求设计超越美学的真正意义与价值。DDDD team focuses on breaking traditional thinking, injecting vitality and dynamism into commercial spaces, promoting communication via design, increasing people's happiness and pursuing the true meaning and value of design other than aesthetics.
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清迈是泰国古代按摩和SPA的发源地。该设计以清迈古城墙的红砖为基础,交错的水景结构与意想不到的热带绿色植物相呼应。倒影在城墙上的水影和闪光。当人们进入这个空间,仿佛置身于古都兰纳,瞬间忘却了尘世的尘埃。Chiang Mai is the origin of Thai ancient massage and SPA.  The design is based on the red bricks of Chiang Mai's ancient city wall, and the staggered structure of water features echoes with the tropical greenery that appears unexpectedly.  The water shadow and glistening which are reflected on the city wall.  When people enter the space, it’s like being in the ancient capital of Lanna, forgetting the dust of the world for a moment.
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整个空间以黄土色为主。古色古香的材料,如红砖、薄石板、水磨石、红色染色织物、土红色古董瓷砖,都融合在同一个调色板中,描绘了兰纳古城的标志。The overall space is dominated by loess colours.   The vintage materials, such as red bricks, thin rock slabs, terrazzo, red dyed fabrics, earthy red antique tiles, are all blended in the same colour palette, depicting the marks of the ancient city of Lanna.
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有清迈当地的木雕,各种草药和器具,藤制家具和屏风隔板,亚麻染色挂帘,以及漂浮在水雾上的水灯等软家具。它们都隐藏在热带植物之中,勾勒出当地过去的生活氛围。There are Chiang Mai's local wood carvings, a variety of herbs and utensils, rattan furniture and screen partitions, linen-dyed hanging curtains, and water lamps floating on the water mist and other soft furnishings.    All of them are hiding among tropical plants and outline the local life atmosphere in the past.
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昏暗的土红色空间散发着柠檬草的芳香。鸟鸣流水声无限回响。精心设计,调动视觉、嗅觉和听觉,让人静下心来,沉浸在古城的宁静中。让身体慢慢进入古老SPA之旅的序幕。The dim earth-red space emits lemongrass aromatherapy scent.     The sound of birds chirping and running water echoes infinitely.     Designed with care, it mobilises the visual, smell and auditory senses to calm down and plunge into the quiet tranquillity of the ancient city.     Let body slowly enter the prelude to the ancient SPA journey.
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