CBar 酒吧改造丨比利时丨TJIP 室内建筑师

2024/10/11 16:00:37
CBar 酒吧改造丨比利时丨TJIP 室内建筑师-0
CBar 酒吧改造丨比利时丨TJIP 室内建筑师-1
CBar 酒吧改造丨比利时丨TJIP 室内建筑师-2
CBar 酒吧改造丨比利时丨TJIP 室内建筑师-3
CBar 酒吧改造丨比利时丨TJIP 室内建筑师-4
CBar 酒吧改造丨比利时丨TJIP 室内建筑师-5
CBar 酒吧改造丨比利时丨TJIP 室内建筑师-6
CBar 酒吧改造丨比利时丨TJIP 室内建筑师-7
CBar 酒吧改造丨比利时丨TJIP 室内建筑师-8
CBar 酒吧改造丨比利时丨TJIP 室内建筑师-9
CBar 酒吧改造丨比利时丨TJIP 室内建筑师-10
在比利时Ostend海滨赌场旁,有一家安德洛墨达酒店,TJIP 室内建筑师在将健康区打造成一个宁静的浴池之后,还对酒店的酒吧进行了改造。C-Bar被赋予了自己的身份,如今已成为酒店内外宾客的独特茧房。比利时室内建筑设计团队从日本音乐酒吧中汲取灵感,打造了一个特别的休闲吧,人们可以在这里一边欣赏海景,一边聊天。
Next to the casino on Ostend's seafront in Belgium is the Andromeda hotel. After having immersed the wellness area into a bath of serenity, TJIP interior architects also transformed the hotel bar. C-Bar was given its own identity and today presents itself as a unique cocoon to guests from the hotel and beyond. The Belgian interior architecture team became inspired by the Japanese music bar, creating a special lounge bar where people can have a talk whilst enjoying the view of the sea.
For the transformation of C-Bar, TJIP interior designers were inspired by the Japanese music bar. Music may only play an accompanying role there, but visually the link is clear. A special feature in that respect is how the bar and table lamps, inspired by Japanese woodcarving techniques, were hand-shaped by Belgian craftsmen into eye-catchers of the interior.
此外,室内设计团队还采用了低矮、宽松的座椅设计理念。HAY 设计的浴缸椅和 Miniforms 设计的可随意移动的彩色透明桌,让休息室充满了活力。C-Bar的欢乐气氛还得益于选用的天然材料,这些材料随着时间的流逝会呈现出古铜色,有机的形状就像一条线贯穿整个室内,还有精心设计的照明方案,随着时间的推移,照明的强度会逐渐减弱。
Furthermore, the interior design team opted for a concept of low and loose seating. The lounge feel is complete with designer tub chairs by HAY and colourful transparent tables by Miniforms that can be moved at will. The convivial atmosphere in C-Bar is also the result of choosing natural materials that show off their patina over time, organic shapes that run like a thread through the interior and a well-conceived lighting plan, which decreases in intensity as the day goes by.
精致是TJIP 作品的关键。除其他外,它还体现在光与影的微妙变化以及纺织品低调而有力的存在感上。此外,对空间的数学处理也是一大特色。这不仅能创造出实用的流线,还能营造出迷人的自然和无与伦比的和谐感。
Refinement is key in TJIP's portfolio. It shows itself, among other things, in the subtle play of light and shadow and the subdued but powerful presence of textiles. Also characteristic is the mathematical approach to space. This will not only create the practical flow, but also a captivating natural and unparalleled sense of harmony.
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