Britomart 酒店丨新西兰奥克兰丨Cheshire Architects

2024/10/12 08:14:24
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在 Cheshire Architects 的众多作品中,Britomart 酒店因其独具匠心的设计理念,精彩诠释奥克兰城市风貌与文化底蕴。通过与客户的紧密合作,Cheshire Architects 将 Britomart 酒店打造成为了一个既尊重地域文化特色,又融入现代设计美学的典范,让每一位踏入其中的旅客都能深刻感受到这份匠心独运与不凡品味。
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从广场看酒店 / viewing the hotel from the plaza
Britomart 酒店坐落于奥克兰,位于由 9 个历史街区组成的城市中心。
Britomart 酒店是新西兰首家也是唯一一家获得新西兰绿色建筑委员会认证的“绿色之星”酒店。
Britomart 酒店共设十层,建筑立面采用手工制作的粘土砖,一排排光滑的玻璃窗点缀在富有肌理感的立面上,消解了庞大建筑体量带来的沉重感,使酒店看上去宛如漂浮在由鹅卵石小巷和码头仓库组成的城市挂毯之上。
The Britomart Hotel is situated in Auckland, located in the heart of the city comprised of nine historical blocks. It is worth mentioning that the Hotel Britomart is New Zealand’s first and only 5 Green-Star hotel, certified by the NZ Green Building Council.
As a building, The Hotel Britomart is a 10-storey object crafted from hand-made clay bricks, its rough surface punctuated by a constellation of sleekly glazed windows, its mass appearing to hover weightlessly over an urban tapestry of cobbled lanes and dockside warehouses.
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Cheshire Architects 的设计理念旨在创造一座属于当地居民的酒店,而不仅仅针对来此旅居的客人。致力于创造出一种深厚的工艺感,打破人们对于当代建筑风格的刻板印象,将建筑设计、室内设计以及历史遗产,无缝地融入到这座被授予了“绿色之星”头衔的酒店的生态系统中。
Cheshire Architects’ design response was to create a hotel that feels as if it belongs to Aotearoa and its people, not just the guests who stay there. We dedicated ourselves to creating a deep sense of craftmanship not typically associated with contemporary buildings of this scale. The aim was for the architecture, interiors, and heritage buildings to feel seamlessly integrated into a five Green-Star building ecosystem.
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底层公共区域夜景 / night view of the public area
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The hotel lobby echoes the street outside, with stone paving lining the floors. Many of the lobby’s elements channel much of New Zealand’s craftsmanship and local plantations, with some elements being recycled.
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The black cracked plaster walls in the rest corner
等候休息区 / lobby
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大厅铺砌的石头用来模仿外面的街道。The stones used for paving in the lobby were designed to mimic the street outside.
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接待大厅 / reception hall
接待台完全由喷砂橡木制成,桌子上还长出一棵富有生命力的 Totara 树,这是一种常见的新西兰树种。
The greeting desk is made entirely of sandblasted oak, with a live Totara tree — a common New Zealand tree — poking through the desk itself.
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入住经典客房的体验如同住进了一位优雅的朋友的家,而酒店套房则像豪华新西兰小屋般温馨和舒适。”Cheshire Architects 说道。
SPACEFORM Design is located on the bank of the Yangtze River in Wuhan, adjacent to the Yellow Crane Tower. Walking on the street, you can catch a glimpse of it. In the sparse greenery, it looks like a mysterious and exquisite white box, quietly embedded in the corner of the Wuchang River Beach Observation Deck.
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与 Lucas Design Associates 合作设计的五套顶层套房则更为宽敞,私人屋顶露台成为室内空间的背景,为客人们提供了广阔的城市景观视野。
The five penthouse suites which were designed in partnership with Lucas Design Associates are more expansive, with private rooftop terraces enjoying the cityscape as their backdrop.
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The Hohi Suite
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→The Poraenui Suite
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→The Rangihoua Suite
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→The Te Puna Suite
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→The Wairoa Suite
在这座由砖材砌筑的庞然大物中,容纳了 99 间风格经典客房,内部的设计目标是让人联想到冬季度假胜地的木质小屋,以木板覆盖的墙壁延伸出这种感觉。客房采用的三种不同色彩方案取决于它们相对太阳的朝向和拥有的自然光。
Within this colossal structure, crafted from bricks, there are 99 typical hotel rooms. The rooms feature one of three colour schemes that is dependent on their orientation to the sun and the amount of natural light they possess.
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→City View Room
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→Trends Plus Room
Dajiang Tai 是 Cheshire Architects 事务所的负责人,也是布里托马特酒店设计团队的领导者之一,他说最引以为傲的部分是打造富有层次的体验。在现代社会,仅仅建造一件好的建筑是不够的。酒店的每一个元素都经过精心挑选,以满足特定的标准,从具水龙头到耐用的织物。该建筑延伸到 Britomart 和周边城市的巷道和便利设施中,与周围这个超级复杂的城市街区交织在一起。
Dajiang Tai is a principal at Cheshire Architects, and one of the leaders of the team that designed The Hotel Britomart. He states that the part he takes the most pride in is creating intricate experiences. In modern society, it is not enough to simply build a good building. Every element of the hotel is carefully selected to meet specific standards, from faucets with appropriate water flow to durable fabrics. The architecture extends into the laneways and amenities of Britomart and the surrounding urban blocks, intertwining with the complexity of the surrounding cityscape. Tai Da Jiang pays attention to detail and strives to create unique and holistic designs that offer unforgettable experiences.
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