Associates Architecture:项目位于一个天然石制露天剧场的中心,该剧场曾是多塞纳市附近山顶上的一个采矿区。
Associates Architecture:The project site is in the center of a natural stone amphitheater, a former mining area, situated on the top of the mountains surrounding the municipality of Dossena.
The earliest settlements in the area date back to the Bronze Age when iron, calamine, and galena mines were discovered. These mines led to the establishment of a stable community around the extraction sites, making Dossena the first settlement in the valley.
▽ 项目现场 Project site
The monument ECHO OF THE MOUNTAIN celebrates the memory of all the people who worked in the now dismissed mining sites of Dossena.
▽纪念碑与山岩融为一体 The monument blends in with the rock
该项目包括一个圆形围墙,它让人联想到当地的木栅栏,围墙内有一块由艺术家 Francesco Paterlini 雕刻的大石头,围墙将其与周围景观隔开,赋予了其象征性与沉思性。
The project consists of a circular enclosure, reminiscent of local wooden fences, embracing a large stone, sculpted by the artist Francesco Paterlini, and isolating it from the surrounding landscape, giving it a symbolic and contemplative nature.
▽圆形围墙将一座大岩石围绕其中 The large stone is surrounded by a circular enclosure
▽当地木栅栏意向图 References
▽入口 The entrances
▽ 艺术家 Francesco Paterlini 正在雕刻石像 Francesco Paterlini carving a stone statue.
▽岩石中凿刻的石像壁龛 Niches of stone statues carved into the rock
The enclosure consists of a concrete base that extrudes halfway around its circumference, becoming a long seat for community celebrations, and a pyramid-shaped burnt wooden structure that grafts onto the concrete base along its entire length.
▽混凝底座向外伸出变成了座椅 Concrete base extends outwards into a seat
▽施工过程 Construction process
▽模型 The model
▽平面图 Plan
▽轴侧爆炸图 Exploded axonometric
▽立面图 Elevation
▽剖面图 Section
▽设计细节 Detail
项目地点:意大利 多塞纳
建筑设计:Associates Architecture
设计团队:Nicolò Galeazzi, Martina Salvaneschi, Mariachiara Cocchiararo, Claudia Crotti, Paola Federici, Nicole Tombini
结构设计:Opera Mista
艺术干预:Francesco Paterlini
平面设计:Giulia De Benedetto, TassinariVetta
合作伙伴:Comune di Dossena, Politecnico di Torino-DAD
供应商:Impresa edile Astori, Green Ger
摄影:Atelier XYZ
“ 纪念所有曾在现已被废弃的矿区工作过的人们。”