贵安华为“云上屯”A区设计丨中国贵阳丨DLR Group 亚洲区

2024/10/12 11:50:43
DLR Group为华为设计的贵安云上屯园区,是DLR Group在中国贵州西南山区地形上进行的一次探索和实践。园区内建筑主要包括数据中心、培训教室和供培训人员使用的公寓。项目在现有良好生态基底上,根据业主的想法,借鉴欧洲小镇的街道和广场具有的亲人尺度的特点化解巨构建筑群对自然环境带来的压迫感。不同于大多科技园区以技术表现为特点,华为贵安云上屯项目采用构筑回归人文气息和生活场景的小镇风情的策略,通过建筑与周边水系山体的有机融合,体现企业对员工工作及生活环境的关怀。
DLR Group designed the Huawei Gui'an Cloud Town Park, which is an exploration and practice of the terrain in the southwestern mountainous area of Guizhou. The buildings in the campus mainly include data centers, training classrooms, and apartments for training personnel. Unlike most technology parks that focus on technological expression, the Huawei Gui'an Cloud Town project adopts a strategy of incorporating a town-like charm that emphasizes a return to a humanistic atmosphere and everyday living scenarios. Through the organic integration of buildings with the surrounding waterways and mountain landscapes, it reflects the company's care for its employees' work and living environments.
贵安华为“云上屯”A区设计丨中国贵阳丨DLR Group 亚洲区-2
摄影师:Chill Shine丘文三映
项目用地为贵州地区典型丘陵喀斯特地貌,考虑主体建筑数据中心的冷却水系统要求,DLR Group将场地原有七星湖湖面延伸,形成流经场地并面向城市的跌水景观。设计依山就势,巧妙地将场地近15米的落差划分为三个不同高度的台地,建筑背山面水,街道拾级而上,形成了层层叠叠,错落有致的建筑群体空间。利用场地现场开采的石材铺装的街道及广场厚重而具有在地的特点,吸引着到访者开启一段充满惊喜的探索之旅。
Considering the cooling water system requirements of the data center, the design extends the existing surface of Qixing Lake, creating a cascading waterfall landscape that flows through the site and faces the city. The design adapts to the natural terrain, cleverly dividing the nearly 15-meter elevation change on the site into three different platforms. The streets and squares are paved with locally sourced stone, giving them a solid and place-specific quality that invites visitors to embark on a journey filled with surprises and exploration.
贵安华为“云上屯”A区设计丨中国贵阳丨DLR Group 亚洲区-8
贵安华为“云上屯”A区设计丨中国贵阳丨DLR Group 亚洲区-9
摄影师:Chill Shine丘文三映
场地内建筑尺度差异较大,既包括规模恢宏的数据中心,也有精致小巧的公寓。DLR Group在设计中以街道为骨架,结合地形布局广场及台阶,协调不同尺度和体量的建筑形体,由近及远构成近,中,远景三个层次,分别形成了临水小巧灵动,色彩奔放,中部典雅端庄,细节丰富,远处气势磅礴,虚实相间且疏密有致的建筑形体组合。高耸的钟楼点缀其间,轮廓丰富的小镇风情在水面的映衬下更显生动而亲切。
The buildings within the site vary significantly in scale, DLR Group uses the streets as a framework, incorporating terrain, plazas, and steps to harmonize the different scales and volumes of the architectural forms. The foreground features small and lively, colorful, the mid-ground presents elegant with rich details; and the background showcases imposing structures that create a dynamic interplay of solid and void. The towering clock towers enriches architectural silhouette appear warm and lively when reflected on the surface of the water.
贵安华为“云上屯”A区设计丨中国贵阳丨DLR Group 亚洲区-15
贵安华为“云上屯”A区设计丨中国贵阳丨DLR Group 亚洲区-16
摄影师:Chill Shine丘文三映
The building facade draws inspiration from the proportions and details of classical European architecture, with the exterior walls featuring a combination of masonry stone and stucco. The vibrant colors create a striking contrast with the solidity of the stone, and the building presents a refined and elegant character and expression amidst the interplay of light and shadow. As night falls, the lighting on the building's exterior and the warm, soft glow filtering through the windows combine with the heavy yet delicate stonework to form a poetic and splendid melody that echoes throughout the entire area.
贵安华为“云上屯”A区设计丨中国贵阳丨DLR Group 亚洲区-22
贵安华为“云上屯”A区设计丨中国贵阳丨DLR Group 亚洲区-23
贵安华为“云上屯”A区设计丨中国贵阳丨DLR Group 亚洲区-24
摄影师:Chill Shine丘文三映
贵安华为云上屯(云数据中心)A区的立面设计,表达了DLR Group向经典建筑的致敬;尝试如何通过立面的比例和色彩,将大尺寸的现代建筑转化为尺度宜人的欧洲小镇;诠释了建筑的立面设计归根到底就是比例的设计的真谛,体现了建筑师扎实的专业素养。她是在二十一世纪对经典建筑的一次另类探索和实践。
The facade design of Huawei Cloud Town (Cloud Data Center) Area A in Gui'an pays tribute to classic architecture by DLR Group. It attempts to transform a large-scale modern building into a pleasantly scaled European town through the proportions and colors of the facade. This exemplifies the essence of facade design in architecture, which ultimately comes down to proportion, reflecting the architect's solid professional competence. It represents a unique exploration and practice of classic architecture in the twenty-first century.
DLR Group 领导了项目的建筑与室内设计,负责了方案设计和初步设计。
DLR Group led the architectural and interior design of the project, responsible for scheme design and detailed design.
贵安华为“云上屯”A区设计丨中国贵阳丨DLR Group 亚洲区-30
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