
2024/10/14 08:15:57
设计概念 Design Concept
峥嵘设计 廖峥 廖嵘 设计师
将 65 坪的中古别墅重整翻新,活化空间利用率和机能性,让场域能因应需求弹性调整,呈现个性化家居。为喜爱简约调性的屋主,选以木质原调和水泥灰立面与软装搭配,让家屋围绕在自然静谧的氛围里,放眼望去都是喜爱的人事物,把生活过成喜欢的样子。
"There are two means of refuge from the miseries of life: music and cats. " - Albert Schweitzer, awarded with Nobel Peace Prize.
The saying may be slightly exaggerated, but it could be valid for the homeowner with three pet cats and plentiful musical instrument collections. The project primarily focused on "cat-friendly" and "tailor-made for the personal lifestyle" based on functional and moving flow planning. Ultimately, we contributed a time-proofing and warmhearted home.
C.J.HOUSE DESIGN designers Cheng Liao and Jung Liao renovated the 215-square-metered pre-owned house and elevated its space usage efficiency and functionality to address various requirements plus present personalities. We adopted pristine wood textures and cement surfaces to meet the homeowner’s preferences in a minimalist trend. The grayish facade matches the comfy furnishings, rendering a natural and tranquil ambiance. Everything in the homeowner’s eyes is beloved, and life is pleasurable.
设计手法 Design Techniques
与猫共生 形构居家端景
Cat-friendly Living & Dreamy Accent View
We made great efforts to dedicate plentiful love and care to color palettes and even moving flow plans since the homeowner hoped to satisfy the three pet cats’ demands of activity and physical needs. The wood laminated flooring and pet-proof vertical blinds in public spaces enhance the furnishing resistance. Besides, we built a custom cat wall between the living room and dining room. The wall-mounted and suspended designs look like they are floating in the air, and the wood tone highlights a warm accent view, delivering a natural touch.
贴近生活 打造个性空间
Tailor-Made Space with Distinctive Personalities
We learned about the homeowner’s favorite minimalist style through intensive communication. The light wood tone matches cement wall paint with partial negative space, creating a tranquil living aura and preventing redundant adornments. At the same time, we put more emphasis on lighting designs. We invite ample daylight into the living room and install respective electric light fixtures according to the needs of different situations. The vertical blinds on the side of the dining space adjust adequate light and signify inconspicuous Japanese charm. We curated a music room and multi-purpose room to pamper the tiredness from work through relaxing recreation and a love for music.
节能减碳 创造环境永续
Eco-friendly Approaches & Environment Sustainability
Sliding door arrangements on the 1st-floor kitchen with dining area and the 2nd-floor master bedroom enhance to narrow down the range of air conditioning efficiency and power saving. In addition, we selected reusable building materials and Eco-friendly decorative elements. Service of removal of VOC and formaldehyde is also provided for free, reducing health hazards. We aim to fulfill an excellent circulation in aesthetics and environmental protection.
车库 Garage 考虑屋外另有斜坡可通往玄关,因此决定拆除原有楼梯,改安装电梯做为上下层的通行方式,以此扩增 B1 与 1F 空间,并满足两部车的停放需求。楼梯口封板后所腾出的立面,划设落尘区、污衣柜与穿鞋椅;系统柜门板采斜切角设计,不仅方便开取,更增加鞋柜透气性。呼应屋主文青质调,披覆大面文化石砖墙,其纹理层次尽显个性氛围。选用深色超耐磨地坪,做为进出车库的地面材质,为梯厅视觉带来稳定感,亦方便后续清洁保养。我们希望在发挥坪效之余,兼具美观与实用性,打造一处进出家门时别具仪式感的多功能区域。
We decided to install elevator access upstairs instead of the existing stairs because of a slope headed to the main entrance. Therefore, we adopted the basement space to accommodate two car parking. Besides, we renovated the vacated footprints into a mudroom with a coat cabinet and shoe benches. Plus, the cutout finger pull design of the cabinet enhances the frequent use and ventilation.
The full range of culture stone wall finishes permeates a layering texture and subtlety reveals the homeowner’s hipster character. Dark laminated wood flooring yields a stable feel and benefits from easy maintenance in the hallway. We expected to achieve the most space usage efficiency and build a stylish and multi-functional area in aesthetics.
客厅 Living Room
得益于大面开窗优势,尽可能减少空间阻隔,仅配置少许光源,运用材料特性、深浅色调与线条设计,凸显光影变化带来的视觉层次。天花板采木纹斜面贴皮,搭配 LED 隐藏灯,洒落一抹温润氛围。窗边卧榻及沙发后方平台,嵌入铝条灯做为空间导引作用,兼顾夜间行走时的安全考虑,柔和光氛也为室内营造出疗愈感。沙发背墙吊柜以格栅造型门板,透过日光蕴生光影渐变,搭佐两盏圆壁灯,形构出日式简约意象。
Wood textured elements and light gray wall paint outline a pristine minimalism that signifies the homeowner’s favorite natural aura. Based on the primary scheme, we implement a cat-friendly home, furnishing the living room with circular catwalks that integrate the ceiling and walls. The cat wall design accommodates the cats moving and perching at high places, striking a balance with human inhabitants. Furthermore, it reveals a notable accent view in the living room.
We eliminated spatial barriers and took advantage of large windows to invite ample natural light. Minimum lighting arrangements, distinctive materials, contrast shades, and various linear designs deliver gorgeous glow layering effects. Wooden paneled angled tray ceiling with coves LED light brings a warm touch. Elegant aluminum strip lights along the window bench and raised flooring space create a soothing ambiance and serve as a walking guide for night safety. In addition, the wall-mounted cabinet grid doors coordinate with the global sconces to set off light and shades in a Japanese minimalist trend.
Kitchen & Dining Room Combo
To respond to the frequent cooking habit, we installed a movable glass partition enclosed to prevent from the cats and cooking fumes emitting and keep it open to satisfy recreation requirements. Additionally, the under-cabinet lighting provides adequate illumination, and the sink on the bar extended from the appliance cabinet enhances a spacious prep countertop and a convenient moving path. The breakfast bar with high stools allows a quick meal or serves a sitting area. We perfected the functions of kitchen and dining space as easy-maintained and meeting homeowners’ daily needs.
主卧 Master Bedroom
In a concrete style, cement textured paint finished the bed head wall, imitating fair-faced concrete coating, coheres with black iron elements from the pendant lights, sliding door, and mirror to deliver the homeowner’s favorite loft style and settle the restful zone. Considering the large French window and the location next to the driveway, we configured the walk-in closet and dressing room in front of the window to enhance soundproofing and shading. Therefore, the sliding door and curtains render a comfy and tranquil sleep zone, blocking daylight and exterior noise.
琴房 Music Room
It is an exclusive space incorporating multiple musical instruments, contributing to the homeowner as a music enthusiast. Custom modular cabinet curation provides a trendy display and organization for guitars and accessories. In addition, the piano and guitar arrangements allow convenience and openness in a pleasant, dedicated space.
Multi-purpose Room
The multi-purpose room serves as a recreation space and a home office space. We planned the window side as a reading nook with honeycomb shades that allow flexible lighting and various vibes. In addition, a half wall divides the room into two sections separately. Besides, custom open shelving and cabinets enhance the storage of books, documents, and gaming equipment and complement an organized space that renders intuitive and great senses.
项目坪数:65 坪
主要建材:泥作、木作、KD 木皮、系统柜、铁件、人造石、隔音门窗、斯曼特漆、超耐磨地板、铝框门、隐形铁窗、磁砖、铝条灯
峥嵘设计 廖峥、廖嵘
廖峥 营运总监
廖嵘 设计总监
中国金外滩 -「最佳居住空间奖」入围奖 《山岚晨光》
2024 美国 TITAN Property Awards -Gold《山岚晨光》
2024 美国 Muse Design Award- Gold《木白赋格》
- Silver《沉萃衍叙》
2024 德国 iF 设计大奖 - Winner《沉萃衍叙》
美国 International Design Awards - Honorable Mention《山岚晨光》
2023 英国 Outstanding Property Award London - Winner《沉萃衍叙》
2023 中国 APDC 亚太室内设计菁英邀请赛 - 办公空间类 Winner《朴石蕴光》
2023 法国 Novum Design Award - Golden《墨白‧纵横》
2023 美国 Muse Design Award- Silver《排雲之境》《樸石蘊光》
2022 英国 LICC - Official Selection《墨白・纵横》
2022 韩国 Asia Design Prize - Finalist《排云之境》
2022 杜拜 国际专业室内设计大赛 - 铜奖《朴石蕴光》
2022 美国 International Design Awards - Honorable Mention《排云之境》
2022 英国 Outstanding Property Award London - Winner《排云之境》《墨白・纵横》
地址:新竹县竹北市六家五路二段 230 号
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