遠丘WANDER OUT丨中国深圳丨Informal异规设计

2024/10/14 16:37:56
遠丘 WANDER OUT 坐落于深圳深业上城小镇,以全新的模式在城市之间回归于自然生活。繁忙都市生活中的片刻小憩,去任何想去的地方,森林、山脉、沙漠。让喝茶变得像咖啡奶茶一样触手可得,让喝茶回归年轻人的生活,一杯好茶,随时随地。
Wander Out, situated in the Shenzhen Upper Town of Shenye, redefines urban living by embracing a fresh approach that reconnects with the natural world. It offers a momentary respite from the bustling city life, allowing you to venture to any desired location: be it a lush forest, majestic mountains, or vast deserts. Here, tea-drinking becomes as accessible as grabbing a cup of coffee or milk tea, restoring tea to the lives of young people—a cup of fine tea, available anytime, anywhere.
▼立面,facade© 云眠工作室
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破碎重生 向外生长 Deconstruction and outward development
设计上拆除原始封闭的玻璃幕墙,打破铺内面积局促的现状,切出一个 L 形的窗口,一个玻璃盒子的吧台植入到店铺,将外摆、吧台与室内紧密衔接在一起,吧台成为一个橱窗式的窗口,可以同时服务于室内外的顾客,挑出的屋檐形成了新的建筑形态,给原始的空间带来了向外张力感,使原本 30 平方的小空间变成一个 60 平方的建筑体。
In terms of design, the original confining glass curtain wall has been skillfully deconstructed, breaking free from spatial limitations. Carving out an alluring L-shaped window, a glass box counter has been seamlessly integrated into the store. This captivating counter not only serves its purpose but also doubles as a showcase, effortlessly connecting the outdoor seating area, the counter, and the inviting interior. It becomes a mesmerizing window display, catering simultaneously to customers inside and outside. The deliberate selection of design elements, such as the prominent eaves, gives rise to a novel architectural form, injecting a compelling sense of outward tension into the space. As a result, what was once a mere 30 square meters has been transformed into a spacious architectural entity, spanning an impressive 60 square meters.
▼L 形的窗口,an L-shaped opening© 云眠工作室
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▼俯瞰,top view© 云眠工作室
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Lush greenery, fragrant tea, and a dance of light and shadows intertwine, telling a delicate story. Within this space, the line between indoor and outdoor becomes hazy, inviting the outside world to trickle in through the windows. Embracing the essence of nature, the design exudes a serene touch and brings a gentle transition to the spatial dynamics.
▼空间层次的变化,the spatial dynamics© 云眠工作室
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▼细部,details© 云眠工作室
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现代演绎 自然窗口
Harmonizing nature and modernity
The space is akin to a captivating window display, adorned with a soft film installation depicting abstract natural landscapes. As time and weather shift, the interplay of lighting, soft films, and music conjures scenes of morning, sunset, midnight, forests, streams, sky, and mist. Before this artistic backdrop, a tea master expertly brews tea, transforming the space into a stage-like showcase. As tea is prepared with finesse, the space not only becomes a captivating spectacle but also conveys the brand’s vision of harmonizing nature and modernity.
▼入口,entrance© 云眠工作室
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▼橱窗,showcase © 云眠工作室
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we’ve utilized small-scale installations as unique brand symbols. By incorporating additional structures into common elements like signage and handles, we seamlessly merge the brand’s visual identity with its outdoor and technological concepts. These details serve as memorable brand markers, leaving a lasting impression and convey the brand’s essence effectively.
▼装置细节,installation details© 云眠工作室
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灵活多变 持续发展
Long-term usage through flexibility
Informal 为遠丘 WANDER OUT 设计的定制家具,将户外家具设计成活动小推车,便于各种户外活动场景。将空间材质运用到家具产品中,使建筑空间向外延伸,扩大了建筑空间感。并可以根据不同需求和场景,移动组合成不同造型。活动组合家具还可以用于其他不同店铺场地与活动市集,便于长期持续使用,灵活多变。
Informal, the custom furniture designed for Wander Out, takes outdoor furniture to a whole new level by transforming it into versatile mobile carts, perfect for various outdoor activities. By incorporating spatial materials into furniture products, the architectural space extends outward, enhancing the sense of space within the building. These furniture pieces can be easily rearranged into different configurations to accommodate diverse needs and settings. Moreover, these adaptable modular furniture sets can also be utilized in other shop locations and pop-up markets, ensuring long-term and sustainable usage, providing flexibility and versatility.
▼夜景概览,overall night view© 云眠工作室
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▼窗口夜景,window night view© 云眠工作室
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▼平面图,plan© Informal 异规设计
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▼立面图,elevations© Informal 异规设计
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项目名称:遠丘 WANDER OUT
空间设计:Informal 异规设计
竣工日期:2022 年 10 月
Project name: WANDER OUT
Project type: interior design
Design: Informal Design
Design year:2023.01
Completion Year:
Leader designer & Team:Ma Li, Chen Zilong
Project location:Shenzhen, Guangdong
Gross built area: 30㎡
Photo credit: :YUUUUNSTUDIO
Materials:Ceramic tiles, art paint, glass, terrazzo, washed stone, stainless steel
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