Goodbye Horses酒吧丨英国伦敦丨Leopold Banchini Architects

2024/10/14 07:00:00
关于日本“民艺”运动和英国工艺美术运动之间的关系,已经有广泛的讨论。虽然威廉·莫里斯对柳宗悦理论的影响显而易见——主要体现在后者对雇佣劳动关系和以盈利为目的的大规模生产的批评上——但日本的民艺运动坚持与西方影响保持距离,从而推动建立独特的本土特征。现代主义批评家认为,民艺是一种倒转的东方主义,是对传统生产方式的浪漫化诠释。但同样明显的是,日本民艺运动反过来对夏洛特·佩里昂(Charlotte Perriand)等现代主义设计师产生了巨大影响。这两场运动都诞生于快速工业化的时代,并被用来宣扬悲剧式的民族主义。在全球化资本主义时代,在Instagram动态上的未署名无国界的视觉图片已成为我们的文化身份的时代,它们又将如何进化?Goodbye Horses酒吧是一家在多元文化都市居民区中的本地酒吧,以当代的视角审视悠久的地区传统。项目的核心立足于对本地手工艺、天然材料、文化遗产和跨文化影响的模糊思考。
▼入口,entrance © Rory Gardiner
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Relations between Mingei, Japanese Folk Art movements, and English Arts and Crafts have been discussed extensively. Although William Morris’s influence on Yanagi’s theory is obvious in its criticism of wage labor relations and for-profit mass production, the Japanese movement insisted on distancing itself from western influences to promoted a unique local identity. Modernist critics argued that Mingei was a sort of reversed orientalism with a romanticized take on traditional means of production. But it is also clear that Japanese Folk Art had, in return, a tremendous influence on modernist designers such as Charlotte Perriand. Both movements were born in times of rapid industrialization and were used to promote tragic nationalism. How could they translate to a time of globalized capitalism where the uncredited and stateless visuals on our Instagram feeds have become our cultural identity? Taking a contemporary stand on a long lasting regional tradition, Goodbye Horses is a local pub in a residential neighborhood of a multicultural metropolis. Ambiguous reflections on local crafts, natural materials, cultural heritage and cross-cultural influences are at the core of the project development.
▼室内,interior © Rory Gardiner
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The ten meters long timber bar, laying unconventionally low, is the central element of the space and acts as a counter, a kitchen bench, a dining table. Somehow inspired by rustic and vernacular joinery, the bar and surrounding custom made furniture are entirely built out of one single large oak tree. Each part of the trunk is carefully used, revealing the veins, the bark and the cracks of this century-old giant. The bespoke stools and lights are created with the same solid oak combined with Japanese hemp fiber paper, hand casted Italian glass, volcanic stone and oxidized brass. Italian grotesque and Japanese wabi-sabi casually meet English medieval revival in an eclectic mixture of assumed cultural references.
▼十米长的木质吧台, ten meters long timber bar © Rory Gardiner
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▼空间一角, corner in the space © Rory Gardiner
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▼展示柜, display shelves © Rory Gardiner
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▼老式砖砌建筑的表面,the surfaces of the old brick wall  © Rory Gardiner
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老式砖砌建筑的表面采用当地的专门技艺。现有的墙壁涂上了石灰粉和老式的粗灰泥,天花板则覆盖着手工纹理的石灰抹灰。早期常用于鱼乡村酒馆的夯实素土地面由泥土、稻草和粘土混合制成,并涂有天然亚麻籽油。花园和人流量大的区域使用了回收的约克石板。艺术家Lucy Stein手绘了环绕整个空间的巨大麻布窗帘。受英国民间传说和神话的启发,织物上的天然污渍像过滤了进入酒吧的光线,就像过去的彩色玻璃花窗一般。她的图案母题既能唤起人们的回忆,同时又极具现代感,可以说是对全球化问题与两个世纪前莫里斯所赞美的地方话语之间的迷人的矛盾关系的最佳阐释。
The surfaces of the old brick building are lined using local know-how. While the existing walls are painted with limewash and old-fashion roughcast, the ceiling is covered by a hand-textured lime plaster. The beaten earth floor, commonly used in the early days of countryside pubs, is made of a mix of soil, straw and clay with a natural linseed oil coating. Reclaimed Yorkstone slabs are used in the garden and floor area with heavy traffic. Artist Lucy Stein hand-painted the large hessian curtains embracing the space. Inspired by British folklore and mythology, the natural stain on the fabric filters the light entering the pub as stained glass windows in the past. Her evocative and radically contemporary motifs might best express the contradicting but fascinating relation between globalized issues and the local discourse praised by Morris two centuries ago.
▼定制家具细部,details of the custom made fixtures  © Rory Gardiner
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▼材质细部,material details  © Rory Gardiner
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▼定制长桌,the long table © Leopold Banchini Architects
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Project : Goodbye Horses Pub
Location : De Beauvoir Town, London, UK
Architect : Leopold Banchini
Carpenter : DiSe
Pictures : Rory Gardiner
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