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2024/10/18 09:41:44
为期三天的第六届EDIT Napoli–独立原创设计展于10月11日至13日在那不勒斯档案馆举行。作为EDIT CULT项目的一部分,Alcantara携手日本建筑大师隈研吾,为那不勒斯圣卡洛剧院的《西蒙·波卡涅拉》设计特别舞台,为大众带来了一场视听盛宴。
Naples – 11th October, 2024 For the sixth edition of EDIT Napoli – the independent and authorial design fair held at Archivio di Stato in Naples from 11th to 13th October – among the exhibitions of the EDIT CULT program is the special staging of the Simon Boccanegra for the Teatro di San Carlo, a collaboration between Alcantara and Kengo Kuma.
▼那不勒斯圣卡洛剧院,the Teatro di San Carlo ©︎ Luciano Romano
▼隈研吾手稿,Kengo Kuma’s manuscript ©︎ Kengo Kuma
Giuseppe Verdi’s opera has been studied in all its argumentative and visual parts by the great architect Kengo Kuma. The cloak and dagger story, set in Genoa, is echoed in the temple of Opera in Naples, underlining the link between the two maritime cities, both of which have been cultural crossroads.  At the same time, the analogy with the Japanese architect’s personal history finds a link with Naples through a landscape deeply marked by the presence of volcanoes, through the connection with an earthy and liquid nature under the symbol of fire.
▼剧院内部概览,overview of the interior of the opera ©︎ Eller Studio
▼舞台,stage ©︎ Eller Studio
“Shiwa Shiwa”是隈研吾先生选择的标题,意为“折叠皱褶”,深刻体现了一个源自日本的独特理念,该理念与自然的蜿蜒曲折、难以琢磨的形态、流动不息的特质、不稳定的状态以及恒常变迁的本质紧密相连。他通过使用700平方米穿孔Alcantara环绕剧院舞台,完美诠释了这一理念,使其成为与合唱团和管弦乐队的声音进行隔空对话的主要角色。
“Shewa Shiwa” is the title chosen by Kuma, which means fold-wrinkle and refers to a Japanese concept relating to the curvature of nature, its elusiveness, its mobility, its instability and its constant transformation. This idea is expressed in a seven hundred square metre surface of perforated Alcantara that surrounds the theatre stage, occupying it as the main character, in dialogue with the voices of the choir and the orchestra.
▼“折叠皱褶”,“Shiwa Shiwa” ©︎ Eller Studio
这个布置动感十足:波浪形Alcantara材料在Filippo Cannata精心策划的灯光效果下,犹如潮水般在空中翻涌。色彩随着音乐强弱变化而不断变换,为观众创造了一场如梦似幻的视听通感体验。
There is nothing static about the set: waves of material swirl in the air and, above all, are powerfully animated by the direction of the lights, curated by Filippo Cannata. This creates a true visual-sound synaesthesia in the viewer, chromatically following the intensity of the music.
▼演出场景,performance scene ©︎ Eller Studio
▼波浪形Alcantara材料犹如潮水般在空中翻涌,waves of material swirl in the air ©︎ Eller Studio
The chosen point of whiteness and the perforation of the material accentuate a vibrant light effect that changes completely according to intensity and angle, combining the values of penumbra – recalling Tanizaki’s seminal essay “In Praise of Shadows” – with the purest, most crystalline light. This evokes an idea of the softness and impalpability inspired by the Veiled Christ in the Sansevero Chapel. At the same time, the effect is almost shimmering and metallic, reminiscent of the armour and blades of the battles with which the story of Boccanegra is interwoven.
▼灯光效果,lighting effect ©︎ Eller Studio
In Kengo Kuma’s vision, the wave of Alcantara, with its constantly moving swirls, becomes the emblem of the opera’s action, a truly all-encompassing work of art into which the spectator is drawn.
▼隈研吾于舞台前,Kengo Kuma in front of the stage ©︎ Eller Studio
▼隈研吾,Kengo Kuma  ©︎ kkaa
Thanks to this partnership, Alcantara embellishes the furnishings of the Teatro di San Carlo with the material that, in the iconic nuance of red theatrical, dresses some chairs of the boxes and the balcony of the historic Neapolitan opera.
▼阳台和包厢座椅, chairs of the boxes and the balcony of the historic Neapolitan opera ©︎ Eller Studio
Since 2011, Alcantara launched a series of artistic projects that have led it to collaborate with curators, museums and cultural institutions around the world. Experimenting with different formulas and approaches, the Company has established a thorough and diversified process where Alcantara material is the medium through which artists express their creativity.This project is therefore part of a journey that sees Alcantara working alongside the excellences of the design community and contemporary arts. Founded in 1972, Alcantara represents one of the leading Made in Italy brands. A registered trademark of Alcantara S.p.A. and the result of unique and proprietary technology, Alcantara® is a highly innovative material offering an unparalleled combination of sensory, aesthetic, and functional qualities. Thanks to its extraordinary versatility, Alcantara is the chosen material for leading brands in many fields of application: fashion and accessories, the automotive industry, interior design, home décor and consumer-electronics. These characteristics, combined with a serious and certified commitment to sustainability, mean that Alcantara expresses and defines the contemporary lifestyle. Alcantara is Carbon Neutral since 2009. Carbon Neutrality certification is based on offsetting of greenhouse gas emissions through the acquisition of carbon credits from Certified and Verified Offset Projects. While acknowledging that carbon offsetting is not the final solution, nevertheless we believe that carbon credits are a useful tool to accelerate the fight against climate change beyond our value chain, and to measurably reduce global emissions. Besides, the projects supported by Alcantara every year bring tangible social benefit to the impacted territories.  To document its progress in this area, Alcantara annually prepares and publishes a Sustainability Report, certified by BDO and available on the company’s website. Alcantara’s headquarters are in Milan, while the production plant and research centre are in Nera Montoro, in the heart of Umbria (Terni).
▼材料细部,details of material ©︎ Eller Studio
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