小满丨中国重庆丨LS DESIGN 蓝山设计

2024/10/21 11:36:12
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Human beings are lonely, but at the same time, they are animals living in groups. Therefore, human beings need to change infinitely between motion and static, in the hustle and bustle of light and shadow, in the carnival, to be more aware of the spiritual needs, and to be more certain of a calm and soft attitude towards life. In a corner of the city, space and human beings are needed by each other, and this may be the fit brought by the design language.
设计师雷刚的新作《小满》,向我们呈现了都市之中的宁静与怡然自得,彰显了不同以往的“松弛感”。而什么是真实的松弛感,或许从器物植物摆件到材质色彩等,是均由土壤深处浸润的岁月温度,它们在其中对话着......恰如亨利 • 马蒂斯所言,“一种音调只不过是一种颜色。两个音调是一种和弦,那就是生命。”
Designer Lei Gang’s new work “Small Fullness” presents us with a sense of tranquility and contentment in the city, highlighting a different sense of “relaxation”. What is the real sense of relaxation, perhaps from the objects, plants and ornaments to the materials and colors, is the temperature of the years that are infiltrated deep in the soil, where they are in dialogue with each other...... As Henri Matisse said, “One tone is but one color. Two tones are a chord, and that is life.”
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The reason why the space has a soul is inseparable from the residents temperament. How to let the residents needs be presented in the space through the designers point of view, perhaps this is the challenge that design must go through. “Feelings and aesthetics are subjective, so chatting, communicating, interacting with the point of view are very important, we need to understand and build a new independent portrait.”
When the residents in the space to feel relaxed and comfortable and quiet calm, when the space is a real need, each others unspoken tacit understanding, in this confluence, is a simple family of three, but also a personal romance.
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Roof tile-like bench standing in the corner, white and dark wood and form to build a picture: gently lapping at the shore of the waves, the sky is clear, in the midst of the hustle and bustle, return to a few moments of the original heart.
White and wood are simple and basic colors and materials that set the signal for “a little fullness is enough”. Perhaps the space is immediately recognizable, but the long and deep meaning of the space is also immersed in the heart.
Like a cloud of gentle lighting, illuminating the three meals and four seasons, but also with the time and space to float. Window light and shadow, the sound of nature falls into the ears, people here quietly drink a cup of tea, see the bustle, feel the slowing down of the flow.
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All “styles” are expressions of emotions, and in addition to the attitude of living from the heart, the environmental language of the space is equally important - the restraint of the designer is not a kind of “restitution”. Designers restraint is not a kind of “restitution”, letting the building, space, residents and so on keep their own appearance, and feeling each others growth and change from the original power.
“Let the building restore the architecture, the real geometric form and texture, bring the natural traces of time.” The twisted windows at the terrace are “interesting surprises” left by the original building; the rattan chairs collected by the owner for more than ten years are bathed in light, releasing the flavor of time traces and recording new stories.
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Geometry is complex, it is like a myriad of endless lifelines and time lines, crisscrossing and intersecting, grouping together a multifaceted image; walking within the labyrinth, and then discovering the simple nature of the lines - following a path, one can always arrive at the end, and discovering the mysteries of the world within it.
Square and round, flat and straight, are all part of the form of geometry; our body, a moving [geometric body]. At home, a place where it is not constrained, where it can open up and do its best to be cheerful.
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02 于寂静,品尘世之音
Natural relaxation pervades the master bedroom, de-marking the design and making people the protagonists of the place. If the world were to fall silent, what could one listen to? The sun rises and the moon sets, the window sill collapses, and dreams are thus softened.
There is no extra background decoration on the bed, the original wooden side table and closet, cotton and linen bedding, fluffy meaning. The design uses subtraction to create a quiet zone as much as possible, so that all the artifacts and characters staying in this space produce a natural flow of conversation.
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The small collapse of the bay window has a storage function that is practical and beautiful. Light and shadow follow the window into the interior, into the study, into the washroom... Nature is at hand.
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The bedroom has a well thought-out functional design, interspersed with a relaxing study and writing room. Head down and delve into a book to experience the many emotions between the lines; head up to the open nature, its never-so-sparing tenderness and warmth.
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Life is not designed, but design changes life. “Design is like going to meet a new friend, going into another spiritual zone, sharing similar different sorrows and joys. The essence of life is rooted, is trivial firewood, rice, oil, salt, soy, vinegar and tea, if a space can make the residents in the ordinary world feel beautiful and be wished life, I will also be happy to walk on the road of [dream maker].”
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The day of handover is a small full day, the residents love and are happy to stay in the space; the day of the graduation photo shoot in the space, the owner cooks and entertains the designer. Let the enduring romance and love wrap the daily.
平面图 原始图 ↓
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项目名称 Project Name | 小满
项目地点 Location | 重庆 渝北区
设计公司 Designer | LS DESIGN 蓝山设计
施工公司 Contractor | LS DESIGN 蓝山设计
软装公司 Soft furnishing | LS DESIGN 蓝山设计
主案设计 Project Manager | 雷刚 Ray
执行设计 Executive Designer | 唐帅
项目面积 Size | 170㎡
项目摄影 Photography | 琳琳 Linnet
完成时间 Completion | 2024 年 5 月
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