深圳保利鹿江来样板间丨中国深圳丨UMA 伍玛设计

2024/10/22 08:03:21
深圳保利鹿江来样板间丨中国深圳丨UMA 伍玛设计-0
深圳保利鹿江来样板间丨中国深圳丨UMA 伍玛设计-1
深圳保利鹿江来样板间丨中国深圳丨UMA 伍玛设计-2
深圳保利鹿江来样板间丨中国深圳丨UMA 伍玛设计-3
构筑雅奢、质感舒适的格调居所,品质家具精致陈设。全龄生活空间,专为父母与孩子打造。Build an elegant and luxurious, comfortable style residence, Quality furnishings and exquisite furnishings. all-age living space, Made for parents and kids.
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古瓷茶盏藏其中,沉香书卷自风华。The ancient porcelain tea cup is hidden in it, The agarwood scroll is from the elegance.
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The beauty of taste and the beauty of life are blended, improving the quality of life. This style of residence shows the connotation of the beauty of life, interpreting the taste of contemporary urban life.
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如此雅致居室间,显露不露的贵气。简约不简单,华贵雅致显品位。Such an elegant room,Revealing extravagance.Simplicity is not simple,Luxurious and elegant.
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静谧之中寻独处,品味生活无纷扰。咫尺之间,尽显温馨。Find solitude in silence, Savor life without distractions. Within easy reach, it’s full of warmth.
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A beautiful proposal specially tailored for the living room "Lotto Infinity Base Camp", The living room in the traditional sense, It has become a happy world for the whole family. Seek the wonder of the unknown world together, Always have a warm heart for life.
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深圳保利鹿江来样板间丨中国深圳丨UMA 伍玛设计-27
随着茶叶在水中舒展,茶香便开始在空气中弥漫,像是一首静谧的诗,清香、醇厚、微甜,这是家的味道,是爱与温馨的味道。As the tea leaves stretch in the water, The fragrance of tea began to fill the air, Like a quiet poem, Fragrant, mellow, slightly sweet, It’s the taste of home, It is the taste of love and warmth.
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一屋 两人 三餐 四季,把一套房子变成家的最佳模式,也是生活温度的展现,万家灯火,不及小家人间烟火,看似平淡,却也欢喜。One house, two people, three meals, four seasons, The best way to turn a house into a home, It is also a display of the temperature of life, The lights of thousands of homes are not as good as the fireworks in the small family, It seems to be bland, but it is also joyful.
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There is a spring, summer, autumn and winter that we have walked together,There are kinds of flowers and plants, there are cats and dogs,There is laughter, and there is leisure.
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The cosy bedroom is like a cozy island, with a deep sense of ease and tranquility, soft and comfortable, each fiber seems to tell a heartwarming story.
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Small table lamps, delicate ornaments, It’s all like a note in this space, It adds a touch of agility to this cosy corner.
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Warm lights reflect the night sky, Looking at the starry dream in front of the window.
The kingdom of angels in dreams, It’s a kid’s place.
Love and laughter are boundless, Guarding every dream.
项目名称 | 深圳保利鹿江来样板间
业主单位 | 保利置业深圳公司
甲方团队 | 深圳保利置业技术管理部
硬装设计 | UMA 伍玛设计
软装设计 | UMA 伍玛设计
项目地址 | 中国 深圳
项目面积 | 96㎡、78㎡
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深圳保利鹿江来样板间丨中国深圳丨UMA 伍玛设计-60
深圳保利鹿江来样板间丨中国深圳丨UMA 伍玛设计-61
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