The boots泥靴Get holiday(北京太古里店)丨中国北京丨武汉自在生成建筑空间设计有限公司

2024/10/22 17:51:57
A fashion landmark of personality and charm in Beijing
Taikoo Li Sanlitun is designed by architects such as Kengo Kuma, a leading figure in the Japanese architectural community. It is undoubtedly a trendsetter in Beijing, a place for free and diverse fashion, and an ideal country for trendy people to live in.
▼店铺外观概览,Exterior overall view© 周心然
The boots泥靴Get holiday(北京太古里店)丨中国北京丨武汉自在生成建筑空间设计有限公司-5
The boots泥靴Get holiday(北京太古里店)丨中国北京丨武汉自在生成建筑空间设计有限公司-6
这里代表着国际化的休闲理念、引领着潮流的生活方式,以艺术化的环境营造,不仅是随心购物、醉享美食、自在玩乐的都会中心,更是引领时尚锋潮、倍受瞩目的城市名片。在这里,国际名品旗舰店、独立设计师品牌、高街潮牌与前卫风格买手店相汇,每天都有新的流行元素、新的生活方式、新的态度主张被发现、被倡导。将当代设计融入百姓生活的发源地,是京城独具艺术气质的休闲购物街区。让你不经意便沉醉于设计与生活的美好。The boots 泥靴在三里屯太古里迎来业态大规模改造,国际名品全球旗舰店全面升级的时机下入驻。
▼轴侧爆炸图,axonometric exploded view © 自在生成建筑空间设计
The boots泥靴Get holiday(北京太古里店)丨中国北京丨武汉自在生成建筑空间设计有限公司-9
This represents an international leisure concept and a trendy lifestyle. With an artistic environment, it is not only a cosmopolitan center for shopping, enjoying food, and having fun, but also a city card that leads the fashion trend and attracts much attention. Here, international flagship stores, independent designer brands, high street fashion brands, and avant-garde style boutiques converge, and every day new fashion elements, new lifestyles, and new attitudes are discovered and advocated. It is a leisure shopping street with unique artistic temperament in Beijing, where contemporary design is integrated into the birthplace of people’s life. Let you be intoxicated with the beauty of design and life without any intention. The boots has settled in Sanlitun Taikoo Li, when the business format is undergoing large-scale transformation and the global flagship store of international famous brands is undergoing comprehensive upgrading.
▼店铺周边,Surrounding context© 周心然
The boots泥靴Get holiday(北京太古里店)丨中国北京丨武汉自在生成建筑空间设计有限公司-12
▼高视角,High viewing angle © 周心然
The boots泥靴Get holiday(北京太古里店)丨中国北京丨武汉自在生成建筑空间设计有限公司-14
Design to preserve memories
Originating in March
▼轴测模型,axo© 自在生成建筑空间设计
The boots泥靴Get holiday(北京太古里店)丨中国北京丨武汉自在生成建筑空间设计有限公司-21
In the early spring of Beijing, there is still a slight chill. Wang Meng, founder and designer of ONTOGENESIS, was invited by the client to rush to Beijing overnight to survey the site before the design. The mud boots were sent north to expand the market, and the first stop was in Taikoo Li Sanlitun. An eight-meter-high space that has experienced the passage of time sits quietly in a bustling city. The original bare concrete frame of the space is exciting, and designer Wang Meng keenly captured its potential and conceived of transforming it into a new space that can naturally connect with the city and inspire inspiration. In the neighborhood of international brands, surrounded by big-name innovative designs. How to plan a unique and ONTOGENESIS design team for a two-story dining space is brewing a beautiful encounter between food, nature, and human touch.
▼外摆区,Outdoor space© 周心然
The boots泥靴Get holiday(北京太古里店)丨中国北京丨武汉自在生成建筑空间设计有限公司-24
▼店铺立面,Facade details© 周心然
The boots泥靴Get holiday(北京太古里店)丨中国北京丨武汉自在生成建筑空间设计有限公司-26
The boots泥靴Get holiday(北京太古里店)丨中国北京丨武汉自在生成建筑空间设计有限公司-27
The boots 是一种生活态度的体现
The boots are a reflection of life attitude.
为了打破传统餐厅的封闭感,不趋同设计潮流,主创设计师王猛与欧阳李文带领自在生成设计团队,决定在建筑结构上思考,去除原有空间装饰,用减法打开隔断幕墙,将自然中获得灵感带入城市,保留建筑经历过时间表皮肌理的故事性,还原建筑结构框架,勾勒出空间胴体原本的精神性。整个 The boots 泥靴空间沐浴在温暖而柔和的光影之中,通透的空间邀请着每一位路人驻足,共享这份都市中的宁静与美好。
▼建筑立面轴测模型,facade axo© 自在生成建筑空间设计
The boots泥靴Get holiday(北京太古里店)丨中国北京丨武汉自在生成建筑空间设计有限公司-32
In order to break the closed feeling of traditional restaurants and not follow the design trend, the main designer Wang Meng and Ouyang Liwen led the ONTOGENESIS design team to think about the architectural structure, remove the original space decoration, open the partition curtain wall with subtraction, bring inspiration from nature into the city, preserve the story of the building’s time-honored skin texture, restore the architectural structure framework, and outline the original spirituality of the space carcass. The entire space of The boots is bathed in warm and gentle light and shadow, inviting every passerby to stop and share the tranquility and beauty of the city.
▼室内空间概览,Interior overall view© 周心然
The boots泥靴Get holiday(北京太古里店)丨中国北京丨武汉自在生成建筑空间设计有限公司-35
The boots泥靴Get holiday(北京太古里店)丨中国北京丨武汉自在生成建筑空间设计有限公司-36
The boots泥靴Get holiday(北京太古里店)丨中国北京丨武汉自在生成建筑空间设计有限公司-37
Structure is the soul of space
▼轴测家具平面布置图,furniture floor plan© 自在生成建筑空间设计
The boots泥靴Get holiday(北京太古里店)丨中国北京丨武汉自在生成建筑空间设计有限公司-42
▼轴测道具层架结构图,Prop shelf structure diagram © 自在生成建筑空间设计
The boots泥靴Get holiday(北京太古里店)丨中国北京丨武汉自在生成建筑空间设计有限公司-44
The clever design is that the restoration and preservation of the spatial structure are not static. On the top of the eight-meter-high luxury space, in order to add richness to the space, large long-arm lamps and wall lamps are installed on the columns, which can be adjusted in angle and flexibly opened and moved to ensure the balance of light sources. The original beam structure is designed with a liftable plant box, which facilitates the replacement of flowers and plants in different seasons, bringing the four seasons indoors, and blending the indoor and outdoor boundaries with the external flower boxes. This is not only a respect for the natural environment, but also a deep understanding of urban humanity.
▼八米层高,Eight-meter floor height © 周心然
The boots泥靴Get holiday(北京太古里店)丨中国北京丨武汉自在生成建筑空间设计有限公司-47
The boots泥靴Get holiday(北京太古里店)丨中国北京丨武汉自在生成建筑空间设计有限公司-48
The boots泥靴Get holiday(北京太古里店)丨中国北京丨武汉自在生成建筑空间设计有限公司-49
▼吧台处,Bar area© 周心然
The boots泥靴Get holiday(北京太古里店)丨中国北京丨武汉自在生成建筑空间设计有限公司-51
A living room of the city with a sense of reality
The boots 不仅仅是用餐空间,更是城市社区客厅,每个人都可以在这里找到自己的社交位置。超尺度的挑高空间,不仅仅是物理尺度的变量,更是心灵沟通的桥梁与精神的场域。不同时段的阳光,穿透幕墙洒落在全球收集的中古灯具与古道具上,营造时间的氛围。设计师王猛精心收集的古道具,细微之处传递空间的真实感,吸引着不同的人群来相聚,安慰着每一个匆忙的心灵。在这里,忙碌的城市人群在午休时间匆匆而来,享受着无国界美食,享受着每一刻悠闲的时光。还有那些热爱摄影的朋友,捕捉光影与建筑的完美融合。自在生成设计师团队为北京三里屯太古里创造了具有生命力的空间,为每一次相遇提供有温暖的体验。
▼灯具梁柱结构图,Lighting beam and column structure diagram © 自在生成建筑空间设计
The boots泥靴Get holiday(北京太古里店)丨中国北京丨武汉自在生成建筑空间设计有限公司-56
▼定制长臂壁灯模型:侧视、正视,custom long arm wall lamp model: side view, front view © 自在生成建筑空间设计
The boots泥靴Get holiday(北京太古里店)丨中国北京丨武汉自在生成建筑空间设计有限公司-58
▼定制长臂壁灯模型:支撑加固示意,customized long arm wall lamp model: support reinforcement diagram © 自在生成建筑空间设计
The boots泥靴Get holiday(北京太古里店)丨中国北京丨武汉自在生成建筑空间设计有限公司-60
▼定制长臂壁灯模型,custom long arm wall lamp model © 自在生成建筑空间设计
The boots泥靴Get holiday(北京太古里店)丨中国北京丨武汉自在生成建筑空间设计有限公司-62
The boots is not only a dining space, but also a living room for urban communities. Everyone can find their own social position here. The super-scale high-ceilinged space is not only a variable of physical scale, but also a bridge for spiritual communication and a spiritual field. The sunlight of different periods penetrates the curtain wall and falls on the medieval lamps and props collected from around the world, creating an atmosphere of time. The designer Wang Meng carefully collected ancient props, conveying the realism of the space in subtle ways. It attracts different groups of people to gather together. Comfort every hurried soul. Here, busy urban people rush in during their lunch break, enjoying borderless cuisine and enjoying every moment of leisure. For those who love photography, capturing the perfect fusion of light and architecture, the ONTOGENESIS designer team has created a vibrant space for Beijing Sanlitun Taikoo Li, providing a warm experience for every encounter.
▼定制长臂壁灯与中古赛艇,Customized long-arm wall lamps and vintage rowing boats © 周心然
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▼灯具近景,Lampsdetails© 周心然
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▼客座区近景,Guest seating area close view© 周心然
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The boots泥靴Get holiday(北京太古里店)丨中国北京丨武汉自在生成建筑空间设计有限公司-70
The boots泥靴Get holiday(北京太古里店)丨中国北京丨武汉自在生成建筑空间设计有限公司-71
▼原始梁架结构定制灯具与植物箱体,Original beam structure custom lighting fixtures and plant boxes© 周心然
The boots泥靴Get holiday(北京太古里店)丨中国北京丨武汉自在生成建筑空间设计有限公司-73
紧邻苹果,LV 全球旗舰店的 the boots 旗舰店,为全球顶尖潮流时尚地标增添了几分自然松弛的气息。自在生成设计师王猛巧妙地驾驭这个优势,将美食与自然融为一体,无论是室内室外都是绿意盎然,置身于城市绿洲度假,食客们在品尝美食的同时,透过窗外眺望外摆植物四季变化,感受大自然生命力韵律。
▼工矿壁灯模型,industrial and mining wall lamp model © 自在生成建筑空间设计
The boots泥靴Get holiday(北京太古里店)丨中国北京丨武汉自在生成建筑空间设计有限公司-77
The boots flagship store, which is adjacent to Apple and Louis Vuitton’s global flagship store, adds a natural and relaxed atmosphere to the world’s top fashion landmarks. Wang Meng, a designer of ONTOGENESIS, skillfully harnesses this advantage and integrates food and nature. Whether indoors or outdoors, it is green and lush. When staying in the urban oasis resort, diners can enjoy the food while looking out the window at the seasonal changes of the outdoor plants and feel the rhythm of nature’s vitality.
▼The boots 标志图腾,The logo emblem of The Boots © 周心然
The boots泥靴Get holiday(北京太古里店)丨中国北京丨武汉自在生成建筑空间设计有限公司-80
▼定制陶瓷壁画,Customized ceramic mural © 周心然
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The boots泥靴Get holiday(北京太古里店)丨中国北京丨武汉自在生成建筑空间设计有限公司-83
▼工业古董灯具,Industrial antique lamps© 周心然
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The boots泥靴Get holiday(北京太古里店)丨中国北京丨武汉自在生成建筑空间设计有限公司-86
The boots泥靴Get holiday(北京太古里店)丨中国北京丨武汉自在生成建筑空间设计有限公司-87
Visual artist, designer, and collector of mid-century furniture Wang Meng has multiple identities. He co-founded the Free Generation Interdisciplinary Design Firm with Ouyang Liwen, a German-trained architect and curator. They are both highly creative and artistic individuals who believe that design for them is actually about sharing, the accumulation of time and taste. Time is the best tool to carve the texture of space. The space presents the state of an old shop that has experienced time, which is the temperature of time and the care for people, and also the human touch of design.
▼夜览,Night view© 周心然
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▼平面布置图,floor plan© 自在生成建筑空间设计
The boots泥靴Get holiday(北京太古里店)丨中国北京丨武汉自在生成建筑空间设计有限公司-93
项目名称:The boots 泥靴 Get holiday(北京太古里店)
完成年份:2024 年
设计团队:王猛 欧阳李文 张鼎 孙作毅 梅煜浩 徐漫馨 张静
项目地址:北京市朝阳区三里屯太古里南区 9 号院 4 号楼 3 层 S04-3 内 S4-30 单元
客户:The boots 泥靴
Project name:The boots Get holiday (Beijing TAIKOO LI Store)
Project type:Restaurant space, Western restaurant
Design: ONTOGENESIS Design Studio
Design year:2024
Completion Year:2024
Leader designer & Team:Wang Meng, Ouyang Liwen, Zhang Ding,Sun Zuoyi, Mei Yu Hao,Xu Man Xin,Zhang Jing
Project location:Unit S4-30, S04-3, 3rd Floor, Building 4, No. 9 Yard, Taikooli South Area, Sanlitun, Chaoyang District, Beijing
Gross built area: 300㎡
Photo credit: Zhou Xin Ran
Clients:The boots
Materials:Wood, metal, glass, stone, tiles, leather
The boots泥靴Get holiday(北京太古里店)丨中国北京丨武汉自在生成建筑空间设计有限公司-116
The boots泥靴Get holiday(北京太古里店)丨中国北京丨武汉自在生成建筑空间设计有限公司-117
The boots泥靴Get holiday(北京太古里店)丨中国北京丨武汉自在生成建筑空间设计有限公司-118
The boots泥靴Get holiday(北京太古里店)丨中国北京丨武汉自在生成建筑空间设计有限公司-119
The boots泥靴Get holiday(北京太古里店)丨中国北京丨武汉自在生成建筑空间设计有限公司-120
The boots泥靴Get holiday(北京太古里店)丨中国北京丨武汉自在生成建筑空间设计有限公司-121
The boots泥靴Get holiday(北京太古里店)丨中国北京丨武汉自在生成建筑空间设计有限公司-122
The boots泥靴Get holiday(北京太古里店)丨中国北京丨武汉自在生成建筑空间设计有限公司-123
The boots泥靴Get holiday(北京太古里店)丨中国北京丨武汉自在生成建筑空间设计有限公司-124
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