Unknown design 办公室丨中国杭州丨Unknown design 非知名设计

2024/09/29 20:43:59
Unknown design 办公室丨中国杭州丨Unknown design 非知名设计-0
Unknown design 办公室丨中国杭州丨Unknown design 非知名设计-1
对 Unknown design 而言,办公空间不仅仅是满足各项功能需求的场所聚合,空间本身的情绪与调性,也会在潜移默化中,影响着使用者的审美与感知。2024 年 3 月,Unknown 团队为工作室完成了第三次更新改造。我们希望新空间能尊重时间的痕迹,同时与设计师的日常需求和审美习惯紧密联系,共同塑造理想的生活之所。
For Unknown design, office space is not only a place to fulfill functional needs, but also the mood and tone of the space itself, which affects the users’ aesthetics and perception. In March 2024, the Unknown team completed the third renovation for the studio. We hope that the new space will respect the traces of time, and at the same time closely relate to the daily needs and aesthetic habits of the designers, to jointly shape the ideal place to live.
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工作室位于杭州江南岸艺术园区一层底商,庭院向外敞开,植物搭配景观石散落其间,形成柔性边界(Flexible Boundaries),引入自然语境。道路界面选用架空铺设的金属格栅板,以降低对地景的干扰。
The studio is located on the first floor of the Hangzhou Jiangnan Bank Art Park. The courtyard is open to the outside, with plants and landscape stones scattered among them to form flexible boundaries and introduce natural contexts, and the road interface is made of overhead paved metal grating to minimize the interference with the landscape.
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The plan adopts an open space layout, with the parlor and the managers office set on the south side, and large floor-to-ceiling glass windows framing the flow of the window view. The difference in floor height separates the front and back of the space, and combined with the suspended ceiling, the vertical scale is lowered to eliminate the monotony of the “box”block.
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由 Unknown 团队独立设计的多功能杂志墙,安装于会客区一侧,玻璃层板和金属搁架的数量及高度均可根据需要调整。
White lanterns hang down, while old teak coffee tables, leather sofas, and recycled foam in tonal textures - balancing the geometric lines of the structure - provide an eclectic mix of interest. A multi-functional magazine wall, designed independently by the Unknown team, is mounted to the side of the lounge area, with the number and height of glass panels and metal shelves adjustable to suit the needs of the space.
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Unknown design 办公室丨中国杭州丨Unknown design 非知名设计-15
隔墙以清水混凝土板装挂,内置一扇树瘤木口袋移门,拉开可作为隔断,围合多个空间,收起时引入自然天光,形成通透视野。壁面上一行“Unknown design”发光字样,是工作室低调的招牌。
The partition wall is hung with clear-water concrete panels and has a built-in pocket sliding door made of burl wood, which can be used as a partition to enclose multiple spaces when pulled open, and bring in natural light when closed to create a transparent view. A line of illuminated “Unknown design” on the wall is the studios understated signature.
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Unknown design 办公室丨中国杭州丨Unknown design 非知名设计-19
A round antique wooden table with plain utensils and a vintage carpet connects the foyer with other spaces, revealing a visual osmosis of conflict and harmony.
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Office area follows the principle of simplification, we removed the beams and ceilings and part of the wall plastering, leaving rough traces of scraping, pipes and wires are interlaced along the beams and columns, the original frame, rich in the old industrial aesthetic, is transformed into a container for the studios daily life.
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Unknown design 办公室丨中国杭州丨Unknown design 非知名设计-27
长达 6 米的不锈钢长桌,可容纳多人共享办公,与银灰冷调的金属灯具搭配得宜。工字钢骨架搭建起后区隔断,表面以乱纹不锈钢拼接软木饰面,用于张贴展示设计图纸。整面开放式 USM 模块立架与之齐平,材料小样有序摆放其间,呼应场地的工业特质。
The 6-meter-long stainless steel table can accommodate multiple people to share the office, and is well matched with the silver-gray metal lamps. The I-beam steel frame is used to construct the back partitions, and the surface is made of messy stainless steel with cork finish, which is used for posting and displaying the design drawings. The entire open USM module shelf is flush with it, and small samples of materials are placed in an orderly manner, echoing the industrial character of the site.
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Unknown design 办公室丨中国杭州丨Unknown design 非知名设计-31
Unknown design 办公室丨中国杭州丨Unknown design 非知名设计-32
Unknown design 办公室丨中国杭州丨Unknown design 非知名设计-33
The conference room continues the simple unity of the space and the design idea - “remove layers of unnecessary elements, leaving only a pure and simple structure”, with a glass partition on one side to maintain a common line of sight with the public area.
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Unknown design 办公室丨中国杭州丨Unknown design 非知名设计-37
在不到一个月的改造时间中,我们将脑海中翻涌的想象,一个个推敲、校正,有迹可循地变成现实。生活本身就是真实而具体的线索,也是 Unknown design 设计理念的温暖内核。
In less than a months remodeling time, we took the imagery that came to our mind, and one by one, we refined and corrected it, and turned it into reality in a traceable way. Life itself is a real and concrete clue, which is also the warm kernel of Unknown designs design concept.
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Unknown design 办公室丨中国杭州丨Unknown design 非知名设计-41
空间轴测图 ©Unknown design
Unknown design 办公室丨中国杭州丨Unknown design 非知名设计-43
平面布置图 ©Unknown design
项目名称 |Unknown design 办公室
Project name |Unknown design Office
项目类型 |办公空间
Project type |Office Space
设计公司 |Unknown design 非知名设计
Design |Unknown design
设计团队 |mk.zhu.
Leader designer - Team |MK. ZHU.
完成年份 |2024
Completion Year |2024
项目地址 |浙江杭州
Project location |Hangzhou, Zhejiang Province
建筑面积 |200㎡
Gross built area |200㎡
施工团队 |瑞文装饰工程有限公司
Construction Team |Ruiwen Decoration Engineering Co.
空间摄影 |Li Hao·Act studio
Photography |Li Hao·Act studio
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Unknown design 办公室丨中国杭州丨Unknown design 非知名设计-64
Unknown design 成立於 2020 年,由建築、設計、攝影、青年藝術家等多元化領域的成員組建而成,專注於商業空間、室内設計以及藝術裝置等設計服務。
Founded in 2020, Unknown design is a group of architects, designers, photographers, and young artists specializing in commercial space, interior design, and art installations.
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Unknown design 办公室丨中国杭州丨Unknown design 非知名设计-68
Taylor Knights | 老建筑的改造重
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生水相设计 | 工作即假期
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八荒设计 | 只缘身在“此山”中
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致野建筑 | 山之园
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Unknown design 办公室丨中国杭州丨Unknown design 非知名设计-77
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