

All started with the client’s desire to create a villa inspired by a series of science fiction cult cinema. This is what makes this project extraordinary, the possibility to rethink the way we see a house. Learning the philosophy behind this cult series led us into a journey of self-development based on Chinese traditional Taoísm, to understand the way nature balances itself, to the nature of things.
▼项目鸟瞰,Ariel view©Joao Morgado
▼入口,entrance©Joao Morgado
▼鸟瞰,Ariel view©Joao Morgado
该项目位于 Carvoeiro 的前沿地块上,客户需要获得尽可能多的居住空间,同时在相对狭窄的地块上俯瞰大海。在组织室内空间时,导向网格是最基本的,既能最大限度地利用南面的景观,又能保证邻近地块的私密性。与私人房间不同,社交空间被抬高,以突出建筑对象并使其更加复杂。架空的泳池与建筑之间的关系,勾勒出一条拔地而起的动感线条,使该项目具有强劲的形态和独特性。
On this frontline plot in Carvoeiro, there was the need to obtain as many living spaces possible, while overlooking the sea on a relatively narrow plot of land. The guiding mesh is fundamental when organizing the interior spaces, maximizing the south view and guaranteeing privacy to the neighboring plots. The social spaces are elevated, unlike the private rooms, to highlight and make the architectural object more complex. The relationship between the elevated swimming pool and the house, draws a dynamic line that rises the ground, resulting in a project with a vigorous form and uniqueness.
▼周围环境,surroundings©Joao Morgado
▼架空的泳池与建筑,the elevated swimming pool and the house©Joao Morgado
▼架空的泳池,the elevated swimming pool©Joao Morgado
The villa’s heart is its core center, with a lift and a strong circular room. The skylights mimic technical hatches as they slope from the edges to the center, reaching the highest point of the form. With the inherent characteristics of this project, we arranged a grid from which all lines were drawn. The design is grounded on the principles of fractal geometry and the golden ratio.
▼入口,entrance©Joao Morgado
▼中心的电梯,lift at the center©Joao Morgado
▼电梯旁走廊,corridor near the lift©Joao Morgado
▼电梯,the lift©Joao Morgado
We tried to make it look heavy and light simultaneously as if we didn’t know if it had just landed or if it was going to leave to an unknown place. This was achieved by using a dark tone for the basement to make the upper shapes of the house stand out. This is to mimic the black space that allows us to see the stars, and is the fabric that holds all galaxies.
▼看起来既厚重又轻盈,make it look heavy and light simultaneously©Joao Morgado
using a dark tone for the basement to make the upper shapes of the house stand out©Joao Morgado
The house wasn’t made only for the eye to behold. The route from the main gate lets you grasp that the sea is close, but you need to follow the rounded blind wall from the patio, which hides a treat, a secret garden, leading to the main entrance, not too far away. Here the sound is different; it creates introspection and communion with natural plants. The approach to the entrance door is even more protected, where our bodies are compressed. We enter, and the centerpiece is right in front of us, a perforated golden cylinder as tall as possible, being hit by the sun rays that pass through the skylight. The golden sunlight bounces on the grey render with tiny shiny particles giving a soft, warm touch.
▼庭院鸟瞰,Ariel view of the courtyard©Joao Morgado
▼庭院,courtyard©Joao Morgado
▼与自然植物共鸣,communion with natural plants©Joao Morgado
▼金色的穿孔圆柱体,a perforated golden cylinder©Joao Morgado
▼通往卧室,towards the bedroom©Joao Morgado
▼厨房,kitchen©Joao Morgado
▼厨房外的露台,terrace outside the kitchen©Joao Morgado
▼厨房局部,the kitchen©Joao Morgado
▼厨房岛台,the kitchen island©Joao Morgado
从卧室的走廊延伸的线条的力量丝滑的过渡到穹顶上,轻轻走上前,在眼睛准备好之前就能嗅到海风的味道。此时,山谷的 V 形和无边泳池的形状融为一体。社交区域可以遮挡阳光,将最精致的细节融入到家具和厨房设备中。当你走进露台,在不受邻居干扰的情况下,眼前的水面安静地反射光线,在自然的土壤之上升腾,呼唤着阳光。
The strength of the lines from the bedroom corridors makes the smooth transition to the vast dome, preparing you as you gently go up and start to smell the sea breeze until your eyes can grasp it. There it is, where the V shape from the valley and the shape of the infinity pool meet. The social area, protected from the sun, invites the most delicate details onto the furniture and kitchen units. You go out to the terrace, protected views from neighbors, you have this body of water quietly reflecting light, rising above the natural soil, hailing for the sun.
▼卧室露台,bedroom terrace©Joao Morgado
▼卧室外的无边泳池,infinite pool near the bedroom©Joao Morgado
▼卧室外的无边泳池,infinite pool near the bedroom©Joao Morgado
当你在夜晚走进入口,别墅的内部闪闪发光,你会看到走廊上的泛光灯、俯视泳池的窗户、社交区天花板上的时光隧道灯、电梯和泳池上的黄铜细节。所有这些细节都使 Sky Base One 有别于其他常见的场所。无论是集体生活还是聚会模式,它都力求改善生活的发生,改善住宅的体验。所有环境都符合 Sky Base One 所提供空间的性质。
The lights shining from the house at night as we walk to the entrance, the flood lights on the corridors, the descending windows looking at the pool, the time warp lights on the sociable area ceiling, the brass details on the lift and the pool. All of these details are remarkably important on distinguishing Sky Base One from the common place. It seeks to improve the happening of life, the experience of the house, whether in a group or a party mode. All environments fit the nature of the space that Sky Base One provides.
▼室内灯光,indoor lighting©Joao Morgado
▼室内外灯光,indoor and outdoor lighting©Joao Morgado
▼电梯灯光设计,lighting design for the lift©Joao Morgado
▼夜景鸟瞰,Ariel view at night©Joao Morgado
▼夜景,night view©Joao Morgado
▼夜景,night view©Joao Morgado
▼夜景入口,entrance at night©Joao Morgado
▼一层平面,ground floor plan©Bespoke Architects
▼二层平面,first floor plan©Bespoke Architects
▼屋顶平面,roof plan©Bespoke Architects
▼剖面图,section©Bespoke Architects
Client: Vision of Sky Base One provided by Spy Manor
Architecture: Bespoke Architects [Alexandre Mendes, John Wilson, Elisabete Cardoso, Paulo Matias, Mauro Meireles, Savannah Salgueiro
Structure: Artelapa – Engineering and Construction, Lda
Main Contractor: Teifil – Empresa de Construção Civil, Lda
Interior and Exterior Finishing: STO Ibérica
Windowframes: Jofebar, S.A. | Panoramah ah!38
Iron: Mendes & Faustino, Lda
Kitchen: Cozlux, Cozinhas e Equipamentos, Lda
Sanitaryware: Jee-O
Carpentry: Rigorobrigatório – Serviço de Carpintaria Unipessoal, Lda
Glass: Sultêmpera, Lda
Domotics: Novitae, Soluções Tecnológicas, Lda
Electricity and Lighting: Voltiled – Unipessoal, Lda
HVAC: NPTerm – Projectos e Instalações Térmica Lda
Lift: Eleve – Epicfuso, Lda
Landscape: Jardim Vista, S.A.