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泰瑞国际园区(杭州)丨中国杭州丨milanesi | paiusco

2024/10/24 12:28:44
泰瑞国际园区由 milanesi | paiusco 创始合伙人 Claudio Milanesi 和 Diego Paiusco 率领团队共同打造。自 2020 年起,团队为该项目提供建筑、室内和景观的一体化设计,并全面负责设计与项目管理,涵盖从概念到落地的全过程。项目历时四年多建设,已于 2024 年 2 月正式投入使用。
Tederic International Center was developed by the team led by milanesi|paiusco’s founding partners, Claudio Milanesi and Diego Paiusco. Since 2020, the team has provided integrated architectural, interior, and landscape design for the project and taken full responsibility for design and project management, overseeing the entire process from concept to completion. After more than four years of construction, the project is expected to be fully operational in February 2024.
▼项目概览,Overall view © 存在建筑-建筑摄影
泰瑞国际园区(杭州)丨中国杭州丨milanesi | paiusco-3
泰瑞国际园区(杭州)丨中国杭州丨milanesi | paiusco-4
Project Overview
作为全球领先的模压成型解决方案提供商及首家主板上市的中国注塑机企业,泰瑞拥有注塑机和压铸机的核心技术与生产制造能力,产品在全球 140 多个国家和地区运行。
China’s manufacturing industry is emerging on the global stage with an innovation-driven image, steadily transitioning from “Made in China” to the upgraded “Chinese brand.” The core vision of the project is to create a pioneering manufacturing landmark that goes beyond formality, shaping a new identity for the industry. As a world-leading provider of mouldings solutions and the first publicly listed Chinese injection mouldings machine company, Tederic possesses core technologies and manufacturing capabilities for injection and die-casting machines, with products operating in over 140 countries and regions worldwide. This project serves as the Tederic International Center, located in Qiantang District, Hangzhou, Zhejiang Province, China (Hangzhou Economic and Technological Development Zone), bringing together a world-class cluster of smart manufacturing industries.
▼建筑全貌,Overall view of the building© 存在建筑-建筑摄影
泰瑞国际园区(杭州)丨中国杭州丨milanesi | paiusco-12
园区规划总用地面积为 33,334 平方米,总建筑面积达到 91,208 平方米,包括 3 栋建筑楼及 1 座智能工厂,涵盖办公、酒店、商业配套等多种功能业态,可同时容纳上千人工作与生活。项目致力于在开放式商业空间与封闭式制造业工厂之间找到新的平衡。园区的开放不仅服务于商业流动,更通过模糊空间边界,吸引公众走进园区,更新其对传统制造业的刻板印象,增强民族自信心。同时,将公共空间回馈大众,服务社区的社会关怀,正是泰瑞企业价值观的体现。
The campus spans a total site area of 33,335 square meters, with a total built-up area of 75,117 square meters. It comprises three buildings and a smart factory. It integrates various functions, including office spaces, hotels, and commercial facilities, capable of accommodating thousands of people for work and daily life. The project aims to strike a new balance between open commercial spaces and enclosed manufacturing factories. The openness of the park not only facilitates commercial activity but also blurs spatial boundaries, inviting the public to enter and challenge outdated perceptions of traditional manufacturing, thereby strengthening national confidence. At the same time, returning public spaces to the community and serving society reflect Tederic’s core corporate values of social responsibility.
▼鸟瞰,Bird’s eye view© 存在建筑-建筑摄影
泰瑞国际园区(杭州)丨中国杭州丨milanesi | paiusco-16
▼顶视,Top view© 存在建筑-建筑摄影
泰瑞国际园区(杭州)丨中国杭州丨milanesi | paiusco-18
设计概念 Design Concept
The design of the project is inspired by one of the core components of manufacturing — the electric motor, which converts electrical energy into kinetic energy to drive essential equipment in transportation, industry, technology, and other sectors of modern society. The daily collaborative work of Tederic’s employees mirrors particles moving and interacting within the campus, continuously providing energy to Tederic’s products.
▼设计草图,concept sketch© milanesi | paiusco
泰瑞国际园区(杭州)丨中国杭州丨milanesi | paiusco-23
泰瑞国际园区(杭州)丨中国杭州丨milanesi | paiusco-24
This concept is reflected in architectural design, where Tederic’s headquarters is connected to the smart factory through the Red Bridge, symbolizing a continuous flow of energy. The factory’s form and the interplay of light and shadow resemble a battery, powering the perpetual operation of the manufacturing system.
▼建筑近景,Close view of the building© 存在建筑-建筑摄影
泰瑞国际园区(杭州)丨中国杭州丨milanesi | paiusco-28
泰瑞国际园区(杭州)丨中国杭州丨milanesi | paiusco-29
以工业为主体的经济开发区使该区在夜晚显得昏暗与不安。设计同时以“城市之灯”为关怀出发点,在夜晚展现出温暖的光线,使工厂成为该区夜景中的璀璨光点,点亮工人们的回家路。这一独特的设计不仅为工业建筑带来了新的表达方式,还为阳光板材料的美学和功能性做出了极致探索,赋予其新的身份意义,使其在功能与视觉上成为城市的标志性存在。▼分析图,analysis diagram© milanesi | paiusco
泰瑞国际园区(杭州)丨中国杭州丨milanesi | paiusco-31
The industrial-focused economic development zone appears dim and uneasy at night. Centred on the concept of “City Lamp,” the design introduces warm lighting at night, turning factories into brilliant highlights of the area’s nighttime scenery, illuminating the workers’ path home. This unique design not only offers a new expressive form for industrial buildings but also pushes the boundaries of the aesthetics and functionality of polycarbonate panels. It imparts a fresh identity significance, turning this factory into an iconic urban landmark, both in function and appearance.
▼建筑立面,Facade© 存在建筑-建筑摄影
泰瑞国际园区(杭州)丨中国杭州丨milanesi | paiusco-34
泰瑞国际园区(杭州)丨中国杭州丨milanesi | paiusco-35
建筑语言 Architectural Language 项目高技派的设计风格,强化了科技创新社区和业主高端制造业的身份特征。清晰的线条勾勒出简洁而有力的轮廓,强调标准化的几何单元和现代材料的运用,创造了轻盈而规整的秩序感。双层幕墙与外挑式飞翼不仅营造了叠加效果和虚实变化,同时增强建筑外观的层次感和动感。幕墙是建筑热工性能的关键部分,约占整体能耗的 40%,是实现节能的关键。该双层幕墙系统基于铝型材装配式单元幕墙,显著减少施工周期并提高效率。
The high-tech design style of the project reinforces the identity of both the technology innovation community and the client’s high-end manufacturing profile. Clean lines form a simple yet powerful silhouette, emphasizing standardized geometric units and the use of modern materials, creating a sense of lightness and orderly structure. The double-layered curtain walls and outward-protruding wings not only produce a layered effect with a dynamic interplay between solid and void but also enhance the building’s visual depth and sense of motion. The curtain wall is a critical component of a building’s thermal performance, accounting for approximately 40% of overall energy consumption, making it essential for achieving energy efficiency. The double-layer curtain wall system is based on an aluminum profile prefabricated unit, significantly reducing construction time and improving efficiency.
▼项目模型,model© milanesi | paiusco
泰瑞国际园区(杭州)丨中国杭州丨milanesi | paiusco-39
Glass curtain wall
Low-E 镀膜夹胶玻璃,有效阻挡了红、紫外线,确保卓越的热工性能。此外,综合考虑不同朝向的光线条件,经过多轮选样、模拟和测试,整个园区最终采用了 12 种玻璃。这一举措不仅确保了统一的反射视觉效果,还最大程度地帮助甲方控制和节约成本。
▼工厂轴测分析图,factory function axon © milanesi | paiusco
泰瑞国际园区(杭州)丨中国杭州丨milanesi | paiusco-44
The Low-E coated laminated glass effectively blocks infrared and ultraviolet rays, ensuring excellent thermal performance. In addition, after multiple rounds of sampling, simulation, and testing, the project ultimately selected 12 types of glass to account for varying light conditions on different facades. This approach not only ensures a consistent reflective visual effect across the entire campus but also helps the client control and reduce costs to the greatest extent possible.
▼立面近景,Facade close view© 存在建筑-建筑摄影
泰瑞国际园区(杭州)丨中国杭州丨milanesi | paiusco-47
泰瑞国际园区(杭州)丨中国杭州丨milanesi | paiusco-48
遮蔽层 Shadow layer
After a comparative study of perforated panels, woven mesh, and expanded aluminum mesh, the cost-effective expanded aluminum mesh was selected as the lightweight shading layer. This material not only maintains an optimal light transmission rate but also effectively reduces the surface reflectivity of the building, minimizing glare and enhancing visual comfort. Additionally, the structural design of the expanded aluminum mesh promotes air circulation, further improving the building’s energy efficiency.
▼立面细部,Facade details© 存在建筑-建筑摄影
泰瑞国际园区(杭州)丨中国杭州丨milanesi | paiusco-53
Shadow box
反光衬板与玻璃的组合,巧妙地将防火设施和结构构件隐藏在 shadow box 内,实现最佳的层次感和阴影效果,确保通透性和视觉一致性,使建筑外立面显得更加精致与现代。
The combination of reflective backing panels and glass cleverly conceals fire protection systems and structural components within the shadow box, achieving an optimal sense of layering and shadow effects. This design ensures transparency and visual consistency, giving the building façade a more refined and modern appearance.
▼反光衬板与玻璃的组合,The combination of reflective backing panels and glass © 存在建筑-建筑摄影
泰瑞国际园区(杭州)丨中国杭州丨milanesi | paiusco-59
泰瑞国际园区(杭州)丨中国杭州丨milanesi | paiusco-60
飞翼 Architectural wing
▼飞翼分析图,fly corner© milanesi | paiusco
泰瑞国际园区(杭州)丨中国杭州丨milanesi | paiusco-64
泰瑞国际园区(杭州)丨中国杭州丨milanesi | paiusco-65
泰瑞国际园区(杭州)丨中国杭州丨milanesi | paiusco-66
In addition, operable windows were integrated within the building’s wings to enhance natural ventilation and indoor comfort. By altering the traditional window-opening mechanism, each full-height glass panel offers an extra-wide clear width, providing expansive views while maintaining functionality.
▼超大净宽的玻璃,Extra-wide clear width © 存在建筑-建筑摄影
泰瑞国际园区(杭州)丨中国杭州丨milanesi | paiusco-69
智能工厂 Smart Factory 智能工厂采用了三角桁架结构,在设计过程中对所有连接节点进行了结构优化,不仅提升了视觉效果,同时节省了约 20%的钢材用量。
The smart factory features a triangular truss structure, with all connection joints structurally optimized during the design process. This not only enhances the visual effect but also reduces steel usage by approximately 20%.
▼园区入口,Entrance of the factory© 存在建筑-建筑摄影
泰瑞国际园区(杭州)丨中国杭州丨milanesi | paiusco-73
泰瑞国际园区(杭州)丨中国杭州丨milanesi | paiusco-74
泰瑞国际园区(杭州)丨中国杭州丨milanesi | paiusco-75
To accommodate the functional requirement of embedding a visitor pathway on the top level, the design cleverly added inclined columns to bypass the crane beam brackets, creating a visitor pathway on the factory’s top floor while minimizing the ground-level footprint. Additionally, the visitor pathway is connected to the headquarters’ reception hall via the Tederic Orange (the brand colour) Bridge, achieving a seamless and complete visitor flow.
▼室外绿化,Landscape design© 存在建筑-建筑摄影
泰瑞国际园区(杭州)丨中国杭州丨milanesi | paiusco-79
泰瑞国际园区(杭州)丨中国杭州丨milanesi | paiusco-80
泰瑞国际园区(杭州)丨中国杭州丨milanesi | paiusco-81
▼室外连廊,Corrdior© 存在建筑-建筑摄影
泰瑞国际园区(杭州)丨中国杭州丨milanesi | paiusco-83
泰瑞国际园区(杭州)丨中国杭州丨milanesi | paiusco-84
▼连廊内部,Corrdior interior© 存在建筑-建筑摄影
泰瑞国际园区(杭州)丨中国杭州丨milanesi | paiusco-86
The factory’s roofing system combines polycarbonate panels, aluminium-magnesium-manganese corrugated sheets, and interlocking tiles, effectively embodying the “battery pack” design concept. This configuration not only meets thermal performance requirements but also enhances structural stability and significantly improves thermal insulation, resulting in a more comfortable interior environment.
▼建筑入口处,Entrance of the building© 存在建筑-建筑摄影
泰瑞国际园区(杭州)丨中国杭州丨milanesi | paiusco-90
▼室内主要空间,Interior view© 存在建筑-建筑摄影
泰瑞国际园区(杭州)丨中国杭州丨milanesi | paiusco-92
Additionally, the lightweight and translucent nature of the polycarbonate panels reduces the need for artificial lighting and decreases the amount of steel required, leading to substantial cost savings for the project.
▼夜览,Night view© 存在建筑-建筑摄影
泰瑞国际园区(杭州)丨中国杭州丨milanesi | paiusco-96
泰瑞国际园区(杭州)丨中国杭州丨milanesi | paiusco-97
Through multiple rounds of testing and research, including model simulations and prototype experiments, customized connection joint components were designed, and the drainage slope was increased to effectively address the risk of material deformation caused by extreme weather and temperature fluctuations. This design significantly improves the structure’s stability and durability, ensuring safety and reliability under various climatic conditions.
▼场地分析,location analysis © milanesi | paiusco
泰瑞国际园区(杭州)丨中国杭州丨milanesi | paiusco-101
▼总平面图,masterplan © milanesi | paiusco
泰瑞国际园区(杭州)丨中国杭州丨milanesi | paiusco-103
▼工厂平面图,factory plan © milanesi | paiusco
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▼工厂剖面图,factorysection© milanesi | paiusco
泰瑞国际园区(杭州)丨中国杭州丨milanesi | paiusco-107
泰瑞国际园区(杭州)丨中国杭州丨milanesi | paiusco-108
▼屋顶构造细部,roof details© milanesi | paiusco
泰瑞国际园区(杭州)丨中国杭州丨milanesi | paiusco-110
泰瑞国际园区(杭州)丨中国杭州丨milanesi | paiusco-111
泰瑞国际园区(杭州)丨中国杭州丨milanesi | paiusco-112
泰瑞国际园区(杭州)丨中国杭州丨milanesi | paiusco-113
泰瑞国际园区(杭州)丨中国杭州丨milanesi | paiusco-114
▼屋顶通风,ventilation factory © milanesi | paiusco
泰瑞国际园区(杭州)丨中国杭州丨milanesi | paiusco-116
▼钢材减轻重量,steel reduce weight © milanesi | paiusco
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泰瑞国际园区(杭州)丨中国杭州丨milanesi | paiusco-119
▼钢柱与桁架连接点,steel pillar and truss joint© milanesi | paiusco
泰瑞国际园区(杭州)丨中国杭州丨milanesi | paiusco-121
设计时间:2019-2020 年
完工时间:2024 年
占地面积:33,334 平方米
建筑面积:91,208 平方米
建筑|室内|景观设计:milanesi | paiusco
主创设计师:Claudio Milanesi、Diego Paiusco
项目&设计管理:milanesi | paiusco
Project name: Tederic International Center (Hangzhou)
Project location: Qiantang District, Hangzhou City, Zhejiang Province
Project client: Tederic Machinery Co., Ltd.
Design year: 2019-2020
Completion year: 2024
Site area: 33,334 sqm
Architectural area: 91,208 sqm
Architecture, Interior, Landscape design: milanesi | paiusco
Chief architect: Claudio Milanesi, Diego Paiusco
Architect design team: Li Zhezhen, Tang Dezhi, Li Dongyang, Zou Huan, Chai Polly Shun Yan, Pang Siyuan, Huang Keming, Xu Qi
Project & Design management: milanesi | paiusco
Site architect: Tang Dezhi
Management team: Yang Jing, Kong Gangjie, Zhang Xuan, Xu Qi, Alex Phoon, Zhang Chunfa, Shu Jian
Construction contractor: Zhejiang Jinggong Steel Structure Group Co., Ltd.
Curtain wall contractor: Shanghai Full Arts Curtain Wall Engineering Co., Ltd
VI design: 13thLAB
Photographer: Arch-Exist Photography
泰瑞国际园区(杭州)丨中国杭州丨milanesi | paiusco-157
泰瑞国际园区(杭州)丨中国杭州丨milanesi | paiusco-158
泰瑞国际园区(杭州)丨中国杭州丨milanesi | paiusco-159
泰瑞国际园区(杭州)丨中国杭州丨milanesi | paiusco-160
泰瑞国际园区(杭州)丨中国杭州丨milanesi | paiusco-161
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