

这已经是 LINO 线恩建筑在上海的第三个办公室了,这次坐落在一个法式建筑群的小区里。这里有着非常惬意悠然的自然环境,安静的氛围和晒着太阳的爷爷奶奶。这个小区毗邻上海最繁华的街区淮海中路,俨然是一个闹中取静的场域。而针对这些百年的文物建筑,我们能改造的其实并不多。我们干预了建筑的自然变旧,给予了他和这个时代重新对话的语境。用质朴的材料,诉说建筑性思考和适用性的表达。
▼室内概览,overview of the indoor space©恩万摄影 ENV-Studio
▼外观,exterior©恩万摄影 ENV-Studio
我们透过层层翻新的壳,窥探出藏在几十年的拼凑维修改建下的原始横梁、瓷砖和地板。原始木梁被逐步释放出来,重新呼吸来自老小区内年代感的空气。我们没有给顶部重新吊顶,也没有粉刷。而是 100 年后将它重新还给建筑,让木材裸露,让它保持粗糙和哑光的表面。我们希望这是一次对建筑的致敬,当然并不是说裸露结构就一定是对建筑的致敬或者敬意。这只是将其历史的文脉用最真实的方式诉说。我觉着这是最有力且最真实的。结构的完整是一个建筑最有力且最强壮的表达。
We peered through layers of renovation to reveal the original beams, tiles, and floors hidden beneath decades of patchwork and alterations. The original wooden beams were gradually unveiled, breathing in the air of the old neighborhood’s era. We didn’t put a new ceiling on top or paint it. Instead, 100 years later, we returned it to the architecture, leaving the wood exposed and keeping its rough and matte surface. We hoped this was a tribute to the building, of course, not to say that exposing the structural elements necessarily constitutes a tribute or respect. It’s just the most authentic way to convey the building’s historical context. I think this is the most powerful and authentic way. The integrity of the structure is the most powerful and robust expression of a building.
▼入口,entrance©恩万摄影 ENV-Studio
▼入口,entrance©恩万摄影 ENV-Studio
▼接待台,reception©恩万摄影 ENV-Studio
▼茶水间,pantry©恩万摄影 ENV-Studio
▼会议室,meeting room©恩万摄影 ENV-Studio
▼工作区,office area©恩万摄影 ENV-Studio
In fact, light has always been another of our most important elements and topics. How to imbue light with texture and make it truly able to communicate with the old objects is an extremely important part of this project. We hope that the light is soft, but in reality, it is invisible. It needs a medium to carry the light so that we can distinguish the softness and warmth of the light. Therefore, the carrier and medium become the basis for the reconstruction of the space. We selected birch plywood, also known as marine plywood. It forms the skin of the internal space, and this skin has a breathable and gentle feel. We did not use the fine and delicate finish paint like wall panels, but instead used a wood oil material, lightly applied to the wood, so that people can feel the breathing feel of the pores. There is a light and clean feeling.
▼工作区,office area©恩万摄影 ENV-Studio
▼轻松干净的氛围,light and clean feeling©恩万摄影 ENV-Studio
改变层高是一种破冰的方式,立马打开我们对老建筑的固定思维,原本层高只有 2700mm,我们向下挖了 600mm 高度,形成了一个高 3300 的互动沟通空间。同时搭建了一个不太高的阁楼,为员工提供休息和交流的空间。大家往往对阁楼态度是更对的可能性。而这个阁楼从一开始就是休息和自我独处的停靠站,他不是提供运动的空间,反倒是自我独处的对话室。
Changing the ceiling height is a way to break the ice and immediately open up our fixed mindset about old buildings. The original ceiling height was only 2700mm, so we dug down 600mm in height to create a 3300mm high interactive communication space. We also built a low attic, providing a space for employees to rest and communicate. People often have a more positive attitude towards attics. However, this attic was intended from the beginning to be a rest and self-reflection stopover, rather than a space for exercise. It is actually a space for self-reflection and dialogue.
▼改变层高的设计,Changing the ceiling height©恩万摄影 ENV-Studio
▼阁楼空间,attic space©恩万摄影 ENV-Studio
The suspended theme is a process of exploration and experimentation that runs throughout the space. We have suspended desks, conference tables, and the second floor to emphasize the concept of suspension. This includes the reception desk and workstations we designed ourselves, which are designed to give people a tangible sense of suspension.
▼悬空的办公桌,suspended desks©恩万摄影 ENV-Studio
▼木色家具,wood furniture©线恩建筑
The space is a reflection of minimalism, which combines practical construction methods with restrained expression of aesthetics, conveying warm conversations through wood tones. It can be said to be an expression of unadorned design, but also has a decorative feel. The inherent strength of the material is the fundamental force.
▼俯瞰办公区域,overlook the office area©恩万摄影 ENV-Studio
We are hoping to deviate from the traditional perception that a large size or a large team size is a good indicator of a company’s performance. Deviation is our courage to try and differentiate the established evaluation of the market in a gentle and subtle way. In the era of self-knowledge, we no longer use appearances to introspect and love ourselves.
▼二层阁楼,attic space©恩万摄影 ENV-Studio
▼灯光设计,lighting design©恩万摄影 ENV-Studio
▼卫生间,bathroom©恩万摄影 ENV-Studio
The overall plan is a process of exploring the possibilities of space.
▼一层平面,ground floor plan©线恩建筑
▼二层平面,first floor plan©线恩建筑
项目地址:上海市黄浦区陕西南路 39 弄 27 号 1 楼
摄影版权:恩万摄影 ENV-Studio