

Alto Interiorismo 是一家总部位于巴塞罗那的室内设计公司,由 Carla Catalán 和 Luis Mundet 创立,拥有超过15年的住宅室内设计经验,业务遍及西班牙各地。公司以将客户的愿景转化为现实为核心,通过个性化的细节定制,打造独特而富有情感的空间。Alto Interiorismo 团队由充满好奇心、敬业精神和追求完美的多学科专业人士组成,始终尊重过去,展望未来。无论是在设计、实施还是执行的每个阶段,Alto 都与客户紧密合作,将每个项目视为新的挑战,确保每一个细节完美呈现,创造出令人兴奋的独特空间。
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MILANESADO 住宅是由 Alto Interiorismo 设计的一个位于巴塞罗那的公寓翻新项目,面积约为 250 平方米。该项目旨在对这座公寓进行全面的现代化改造,同时保留建筑的历史特征。设计的核心理念是通过对空间布局和表面材质的创新运用,创造一个既尊重建筑原有结构,又体现现代生活方式的居住环境。
MILANESADO House is an apartment renovation project in Barcelona designed by Alto Interiorismo with an area of approximately 250 square meters. The aim of the project was to fully modernise the apartment while preserving the historical character of the building. The core concept of the design is to create a living environment that respects the original structure of the building and reflects the modern lifestyle through innovative use of spatial layout and surface materials.
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Alto Interiorismo 强调材质的丰富运用。不同质感的表面,如天然石材、木材和金属,交织出空间的层次感。设计团队特别关注功能区的优化,确保每个空间都具备其特定的功能,同时通过开放式布局增强了整个住宅的流动性。
Alto Interiorismo emphasizes the rich use of materials. Surfaces with different textures, such as natural stone, wood and metal, interweave the layers of the space. The design team paid special attention to the optimization of the functional areas, ensuring that each space has its specific function, while enhancing the mobility of the entire house through the open layout.
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色彩的运用也为 MILANESADO 住宅增添了现代感。在经典的建筑框架内,设计师选用了柔和的中性色调为基调,并通过家具和装饰的选择,将现代美学融入其中。这种风格上的平衡使得住宅在视觉上既具备历史厚重感,又展现了简约、时尚的氛围。
The use of colour also adds a modern feel to the MILANESADO house. Within the framework of the classic building, the designers chose soft neutral tones as the base tone, and through the selection of furniture and decoration, the modern aesthetic was incorporated. This balance of styles gives the house a visual sense of historical significance, yet a simple, stylish atmosphere.
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MILANESADO 住宅通过细致的设计和高质量的材质选择,实现了古典与现代的完美结合,为居住者提供了一个舒适且富有个性的居住空间。
The MILANESADO house achieves the perfect combination of classic and modern through careful design and high-quality material selection, providing a comfortable and personalized living space for its occupants.
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项目信息 / information
位置LOCATION : Barcelona, Spain
设计DESIGN : Alto Interiorismo
内容策划 / Presented
编辑 EDITOR :Frank
版权 COPYRIGHT : Alto Interiorismo