

杨树浦路670号为英商怡和纱厂(Ewo Cotton Mills. Ltd.)旧址,始建于1896年,至今已有近130年历史。近期已完成百年来的首次全面修缮升级和功能更新,以崭新的面貌开启新的篇章。这里不仅是外资在上海开办的第一家纱厂,也是上海红色工人运动的阵地,见证了上海近代工业和革命运动的发展与变迁,也是杨浦滨江工业遗产的重要组成之一。
No. 670 Yangtszepoo Road, the former site of the Ewo Cotton Mills, was originally established in 1896 and has a history of nearly 130 years. Recently, it has undergone its first comprehensive renovation and functional upgrade in a century, starting a new chapter with a fresh look.This place is not only the first cotton mill established by foreign capital in Shanghai but also a stronghold of the Shanghai red workers’ movement, witnessing the development and changes of modern industry and revolutionary movements in Shanghai. It is also an important part of the industrial heritage along the Yangpu Riverfront.
▼建筑概览,overview of the building ©SFAP
▼材料类型分析,material prototype ©华东建筑设计研究院有限公司
There are six historical buildings on the site, designed by well-known modern firms such as Ma Haiyang, including industrial plants and garden residences. On September 23, 1999, they were announced as the third batch of excellent historical buildings in Shanghai; on February 25, 2004, they were announced as immovable cultural relics registered in Yangpu District, Shanghai. On May 6, 2021, the front of the old Ewo Cotton Mill was announced as a revolutionary site—the arrest site of martyr Yun Daiying.
▼项目概览,Ariel view of the project ©SFAP
In December 2021, the protection and renovation project of the excellent historical buildings at No. 670 Yangtszepoo Road was officially established, marking the start of a three-year renovation project from design to construction. This project comprehensively updates and utilizes all aspects, including overall planning, functional renewal, protection and renovation, landscape creation, and smart ecology.
▼建筑立面,building facade ©SFAP
▼更新后的厂房室内,factory indoor space after renovation ©SFAP
▼更新后的厂房连接体,factory connection after renovation ©SFAP
▼更新后的空压站室内,Interior of the upgraded air pressure station ©SFAP
▼更新后的英老板住宅室内,boss Yin’s office after renovation ©SFAP
01 修缮前现状
Status Before Renovation
▼更新前总体鸟瞰,Overall Bird’s-Eye View Before the Update ©华东建筑设计研究院有限公司
The six buildings on the site, originally used as workshops, waste spinning workshops, warehouses, large warehouses, air compressor stations, and the residence of the British boss, had been standing for a long time. Before the renovation, the workshops were used as temporary offices, the large warehouse was used as the “Qingcaosha Source Water Supply Technology and Equipment Verification Base Water Resources” experimental room, and the other four buildings were vacant, with some roofs collapsed and structural safety hazards, urgently needing renovation and protective reuse.
▼更新后总体鸟瞰,Overall Bird’s-Eye View After the Update ©SFAP
▼更新后总体鸟瞰,Overall Bird’s-Eye View After the Update ©SFAP
02 城市区位
Urban Location
Yangpu Riverfront has witnessed the century-long development of Shanghai’s industry and is the birthplace of modern Chinese industry. Located on the east bank of the Whongpoo River, Yangpu Riverfront is known as the “East Gate” of Shanghai’s waterfront, with a total length of 15.5 kilometers, mainly divided into three sections: the south section from Qinhuangdao Road to Dinghai Road, the middle section from Dinghai Road to Xiangyin Road, and the north section from Xiangyin Road to Zhabei Power Plant. No. 670 Yangtszepoo Road is located in the south section of Yangpu Riverfront.
▼项目区位–杨浦滨江工业秀带的组成部分,Project Location – A Component of the Yangpu Riverfront Industrial Ribbon ©华东建筑设计研究院有限公司
In 1869, the public concession authorities built Yangtszepoo Road on the original Whongpoo River embankment, opening the prelude to a century of industrial civilization in Yangpu. Over the years, Yangpu Industrial Zone has created many of the most in the history of Chinese industry during its development. By 1937, there were 57 foreign factories in the area, and national industry had developed to 301, making it an important industrial base in modern China.
▼位于杨浦滨江南段的杨树浦路670号,Located in the south section of Yangpu Riverfront, No. 670 Yangtszepoo Road ©SFAP
03 历史沿革
Historical Evolution
英商怡和纱厂开办于1896年,由英商怡和洋行(Jardine Matheson & Co. , Ltd)以白银50万两创建,是上海开埠后外商在沪开设的第一家纱厂。1915年怡和洋行又斥巨资在今杨树浦路1056号开设杨树浦纱厂。1921年,与同属怡和洋行的杨树浦纱厂和公益纱厂合并为怡和纺织股份有限公司,是当时英商在沪投资的最大工业企业之一。
The Ewo Cotton Mill, established in 1896 by the British firm Jardine Matheson & Co., Ltd., was the first cotton mill opened by foreign merchants in Shanghai after the port was opened. In 1915, Jardine Matheson invested heavily to open the Yangtszepoo Cotton Mill at No. 1056 Yangtszepoo Road today. In 1921, it merged with the Yangtszepoo Cotton Mill and Gongyi Cotton Mill, both belonging to Jardine Matheson, to form Ewo Textile Co., Ltd., which was one of the largest industrial enterprises invested by British merchants in Shanghai at that time.
Bird’s-Eye View of the Initial Design of the British Merchant Ewo Cotton Mill ©Virtual Shanghai
The Ewo Cotton Mill retains the early industrial buildings, with architectural styles and spatial forms that have a certain typicality, and the plant planning and layout form have a certain representativeness, making it a valuable physical material of modern industrial architecture.
▼1910年代厂房北立面, North Facade of the Workshop in the 1910s ©Virtual Shanghai
▼三号楼仓库室内历史照片, Warehouse Interior Historical Photo ©Virtual Shanghai
After the outbreak of the Pacific War in 1941, the Ewo Cotton Mill was supervised by Japanese textile industries in China, workers were laid off, and most of the machinery was dismantled to factories under Japanese jurisdiction. On the eve of Japan’s surrender, most of the machinery was destroyed to be used as military material. After the victory of the Anti-Japanese War, it was taken over by the Nationalist Government’s Ministry of Economics, and all properties were handed over to the Ewo Cotton Mill, which resumed work in November 1946.
▼1950年空压站遭受轰炸,the Ewo Cotton Mill was bombed in 1950 ©《杨树浦路670号英商怡和纱厂1950年1月大轰炸财产损失报告及A1,B1,C1楼修缮方案》
On January 11, 1950, the Ewo Cotton Mill was bombed by planes of the Kuomintang, causing some workshops to be destroyed and the plant to be out of production for a year. In 1953, the factory fell into difficulty. In January 1954, the state acquired the cotton mill and renamed it to the publicly-owned Shanghai Yuhua Cotton, Wool, and Linen Textile Mill. In 1966, it was renamed to the state-owned Shanghai Fifth Wool Textile Mill. In the 1990s, the enterprise adjusted and stopped production, and in 2003, the Shanghai Wool Textile Factory was deregistered. In 2004, No. 670 Yangtszepoo Road was included in the Shanghai Municipal North Water Company. In the 1990s, the factory building facing the street was used as a furniture city, and later the eastern section was changed to the Yangtszepoo Water Plant’s pumping station.In 2021, in conjunction with the overall functional improvement of the Yangpu Riverfront, the protection and renewal project of the excellent historical buildings at No. 670 Yangtszepoo Road, the former Ewo Cotton Mill, was launched.
the Shanghai Fifth Wool Textile Mill’s plant diagram from 1971 ©上海市城建档案馆
04 总体规划与景观设计
Overall Planning and Landscape Design
Overall Planning – Road Network Structure Corresponding to Historical Total Plan ©华东建筑设计研究院有限公司
The overall planning of the site renewal refers to the initial design layout of 1909, following the historical texture and continuing the original grid structure layout, creating a visual corridor connecting with the Whongpoo River view.
▼总平面图,Master Plan ©华东建筑设计研究院有限公司
The site landscape design sets up rain gardens and wetlands according to the terrain conditions and drainage direction, and sets up fountain water features, mirror water pools, chimney ecological wetlands, etc. The site uses permeable bricks and other materials to improve the water cycle in the environment, implementing the “water” theme throughout the landscape environmental design.
▼场地景观设计,The site landscape design ©SFAP
In landscape design, the texture and color of clear water red brick are used as the theme throughout the entire park, combined with the use of metal materials such as cast iron and weathering steel plates, creating an industrial building characteristic landscape environment with clear water red brick as the feature.
▼场地景观设计,The site landscape design ©SFAP
05 监护特征与外立面保护修缮
Architectural Features and Exterior Protection and Repair
▼建成年代分析图,Construction Age Analysis Chart ©华东建筑设计研究院有限公司
▼“留改拆”设计分析“,Preservation, Modification, and Demolition” Design Analysis ©华东建筑设计研究院有限公司
▼修缮前总体鸟瞰,Overall Bird’s-Eye View Before Renovation ©华东建筑设计研究院有限公司
There are six historically styled buildings on the site, each with its own characteristics. Before the renovation, the building facades were all covered with cement mortar and paint. After historical research and on-site stripping of the surface layer, it was determined that four of the six historical buildings have clear water brick wall facades, one has a concrete frame clear red brick infill wall facade, and one has a pebble dry stick facade. After value assessment, the original facade materials and styles of the buildings reflect the characteristics of modern industrial architecture of the times and types, and the renovation project restores the building facade materials and styles, highlighting the historical value and artistic value of modern industrial heritage.
▼修缮后总体鸟瞰,Overall Bird’s-Eye After Renovation ©SFAP
Building 1 (Former Workshop) was built around 1909 and was originally a textile workshop. The original structure was a brick-wood mixed structure, which was transformed into a reinforced concrete internal frame structure during a major repair in 1970. The building has Anne Queen Revival style features. The north and west facades facing the city roads are clear water red brick walls, and the east and south facades facing the factory area are clear water blue brick walls. The exterior was covered with cement mortar in later modifications, and the corner tower roof, mountain flowers, and other architectural features that reflect the style of the building have been lost. After detailed on-site investigation and historical comparison research, the renovation project restored the clear water brick wall facade, building corner tower and roof, mountain flowers, and other decorations, reappearing the clear water brick wall historical style along Yangtszepoo Road for more than 160 meters.
Building 1 (Former Workshop) Initial Design, Before and After Renovation Photos ©华东建筑设计研究院有限公司
1950 Bombing Explosion Point and Building Damage Overall Chart©华东建筑设计研究院有限公司
Building 2 (Former Waste Spinning Workshop) was built around 1909 and was originally a textile workshop and cloth warehouse. The building is a brick-wood mixed structure with clear water red brick exterior walls and a continuous folded slope roof, with high windows for daylighting on the north side. On January 11, 1950, the Ewo Cotton Mill was bombed by planes of the Kuomintang, causing the south section of the waste spinning workshop warehouse to collapse partially. In the same year, the post-bombing repair design was carried out by Xie Tai Architects, with the main designers being Wang Minyong and Wang Minxin. Due to the limited building materials in the early days of the founding of the People’s Republic of China, the repair project used blue bricks to repair the destroyed walls, and the sawtooth roof form has changed. This renovation project repaired the clear water brick wall facade and the sawtooth metal corrugated roof, and retained the historical traces of the mix of blue and red bricks.
Building 2 (Former Waste Spinning Workshop) Before and After Renovation Photos ©华东建筑设计研究院有限公司
Building 3 (Former Warehouse) was built in 1909 and was originally a cleaning room. The building is a brick-wood mixed structure with clear water red brick exterior walls and a double-slope roof. On January 11, 1950, the Ewo Cotton Mill was bombed by planes of the Kuomintang, and about half of the north facade and three spans of the west facade were damaged, and the original northwest tower (dust collection room) was destroyed. It was repaired together with Building 2 after the bombing, and the damaged walls were repaired with blue bricks. The exterior was covered with cement mortar in later modifications. This renovation project removed the cement plaster, restored the clear water brick wall facade, and retained the historical layers of the mix of blue and red bricks.
Building 3 (Former Warehouse) Before and After Renovation Photos ©华东建筑设计研究院有限公司
Building 3 (Former Warehouse) After Renovation Photos ©SFAP
四号楼(原空压站)始建于1938年,原为羊绒染烘间,由挪威工程师汉斯·柏韵士(Hans Berents)设计。建筑为钢筋混凝土结构,清水红砖外墙,屋面为连续折坡屋面,北向高窗采光。屋面板采用密肋梁空心砖,构造做法具有时代特色。1950年1月11日怡和纱厂遭到国民党军飞机轰炸,部分窗扇遭到破坏。后期改造中外立面被水泥砂浆覆盖。本次修缮工程复原了清水红砖墙及外立面梁柱黄砂水泥饰面,北侧加建的一层建筑立面采用黄砂水泥拉毛抹灰饰面。
Building 4 (Former Air Compressor Station) was built in 1938 and was originally a cashmere dyeing and baking room, designed by Norwegian engineer Hans Berents. The building is a reinforced concrete structure with clear water red brick exterior walls and a continuous folded slope roof, with high windows for daylighting on the north side. The roof panel uses ribbed beam hollow bricks, and the construction method has the characteristics of the times. On January 11, 1950, the Ewo Cotton Mill was bombed by planes of the Kuomintang, and some window fans were damaged. The exterior was covered with cement mortar in later modifications. This renovation project restored the clear water red brick wall and the facade of the beams and columns with yellow sand cement finish, and the added first-floor building facade on the north side was finished with yellow sand cement rough plaster.
▼四号楼(原空压站)修缮前后照片,Building 4 (Former Air Compressor Station) after renovation ©华东建筑设计研究院有限公司
五号楼(原大仓库)始建于1909年,由英商思九生洋行设计(Stewardson & Spence)。建筑为砖木混合结构,清水砖外墙。建筑初始为三层,面向黄浦江南立面有弧形山花装饰和“1909”字样的盾形纹章。现状建筑为二层,山花装饰不复存在。本次工程修缮清水砖墙立面。
▼1909年大仓库初始设计立面图1909 Large Warehouse Initial Design Elevation Drawing ©上海市城建档案馆
Building 5 (Former Large Warehouse) was built in 1909 and was designed by the British firm Stewardson & Spence. The building is a brick-wood mixed structure with clear water brick exterior walls. The building was initially three stories high, with an arc-shaped mountain flower decoration and a shield-shaped emblem with the words “1909” on the south facade facing the Whongpoo River. The current building is two stories high, and the mountain flower decoration no longer exists. This project restored the clear water brick wall facade.
Building 5 (Former Large Warehouse) Before and After Renovation Photos ©华东建筑设计研究院有限公司
Building 6 (Former British Manager’s Residence) was initially constructed around 1921, designed by the British firms Stewardson & Spence and Shen Chang, serving as the residence for the British manager of the Ewo Cotton Mill. The original design图纸 indicated a pseudo-four-story brick-wood hybrid structure duplex garden villa with an attic and chimney on the sloping roof. The general plan from 1951 shows changes in the building’s outer contour, which aligns with the current two-story structure, suggesting that the building was改建为现状二层建筑。The building is of a brick-wood hybrid structure with pebble-finished exterior walls and a wooden frame machine tile roof. This renovation project restored the pebble walls and wooden louvers of doors and windows, preserved and repaired the wooden frame and red machine tile roof.
Building 6 (Former British Manager’s Residence) Before and After Renovation Photos ©华东建筑设计研究院有限公司
06 室内保护修缮与更新
Indoor Protection, Restoration, and Renewal
Building 1 (Former Factory) had its roof structure transformed into prefabricated concrete trusses in 1970. In conjunction with new office functions, it has integrated fire sprinkler pipes, air conditioning, lighting, alarms, and many other devices. To preserve and display the prefabricated concrete trusses, a reversible and recognizable steel frame was added to the reinforced concrete columns to serve as the support structure for the new equipment.
Building 1 (Former Factory) Interior from the 1900s, Before and After Renovation Photos ©华东建筑设计研究院有限公司
Building 2 (Former Waste Spinning Workshop) features a sawtooth roof as a key protected area, with wooden columns and trusses as internal features. The mechanical and electrical piping and lighting design are set with the principle of minimal intervention, following the slope of the roof to maximize the expression of the interior structure and spatial characteristics while meeting structural load requirements.
Building 2 (Former Waste Spinning Workshop) Interior Before and After Renovation Photos ©华东建筑设计研究院有限公司
Building 3 (Former Warehouse) aims to preserve the indoor structural components such as Douglas fir beams, column supports, and triangular wooden trusses. Rotten parts are replaced according to the original design, material, and craftsmanship. The necessary equipment and facilities are implanted with minimal intervention to meet new functions, and the interior decoration to show the original wood structure.,expressing the beauty of the architecture and materials.
Building 3 (Former Warehouse) Interior Photos from 1917, Before and After Renovation ©华东建筑设计研究院有限公司
Building 4 (Former Air Compressor Station) focuses on protecting the characteristic sawtooth concrete roof and retaining the skylight design to achieve a transparent spatial effect, empowering the office and living space.
Building 4 (Former Air Compressor Station) Interior Before and After Renovation Photos ©华东建筑设计研究院有限公司
Building 6 (Former British Manager’s Residence), due to long-term vacancy, suffered from roof leakage and severe indoor damage. The interior design of this project continues the decorative characteristics of the original garden villa, combining historical drawings and referencing the styles of flooring, wood paneling, furniture, etc., of the same period and type of garden residence, restoring the interior space with historical style features.
Building 6 (Former British Manager’s Residence) Interior Before and After Renovation Photos ©华东建筑设计研究院有限公司
07 保护修缮设计亮点
Highlight of Conservation and Restoration Design
The design, based on historical materials, determines the content and outline of the architectural decoration, referring to the decorative details of historical buildings of the same period, style, and region, to restore the decorative details of Building 1 along Yangtszepoo Road, including brick-top decorations, stone pressings, clear water brick walls, and brick wall decorative patterns, restoring the “longest red brick façade” facing the urban interface and most characteristic.
▼厂房立面复原细节,Restoration Details of the Factory Façade ©SFAP
▼复原塔楼及山花,Restoration of Towers and Pediments ©SFAP
In Building 3, a section of the façade was deliberately left to display the restoration process of the clear water red brick wall before and after the renovation, and a plaque was made to explain the process of the cement mortar finish before the renovation, the removal of the finish, and the restoration of the brick wall. Through the plaque, the public’s understanding of architectural protection and restoration work is increased, reflecting respect for the craftsmanship of restoration and demonstrating the important value of protecting historical and cultural heritage.
▼清水红砖清修复过程展示,Display of the Restoration Process of Clear Water Red Brick ©SFAP
Recreation of Historical Spatial Layout
Protect and continue the spatial characteristics of industrial buildings, continue the characteristic folded slope roof space of the waste spinning workshop, protect the characteristic wooden columns, beams, trusses, column supports, and wooden floors of the warehouse, and protect and repair the folded slope roof of the air compressor station with ribbed beam hollow brick floor slabs. Protect and repair the wooden truss, replace rotten wooden components locally, and implant mechanical and electrical equipment pipelines that meet the usage requirements, protecting the original spatial characteristics while meeting new usage requirements and current standards.
▼折坡屋面下的机电管线,Mechanical and Electrical Pipelines Under the Folded Slope Roof ©SFAP
Preservation of Valuable Historical Repair Traces
In 1950, the Ewo Cotton Mill was bombed by planes of the Kuomintang army, causing partial collapse of the waste spinning workshop and warehouse. In that year, Xie Tai Architectural Firm carried out the post-bombing repair design, with the main designers being Wang Minyong and Wang Minxin. Due to the limited building materials in the early days of the founding of the People’s Republic of China, the repair project used blue bricks to repair the destroyed walls.This time, the blue and red brick mixed walls of the waste spinning workshop and warehouse were preserved and repaired, protecting and restoring the historical traces, presenting the multi-level history of the historical building.
▼废纺车间立面保留青红砖混砌,Waste Spinning Workshop Façade Retaining Blue and Red Brick Masonry ©SFAP
▼仓库立面保留青红砖混砌,Warehouse Façade Retaining Blue and Red Brick Masonry ©SFAP
▼仓库与空压站之间的连廊,Corridor Between Warehouse and Air Compressor Station ©SFAP
Preservation and Presentation of Historical Marks
During the construction of the warehouse, a local simple underground space was discovered in the building, and the red text “People Unite” on the concrete beam was clearly visible. The text is speculated to have been written in the 1970s, reflecting the mark of the times and having a certain historical value. The design decided to preserve this historical trace, set up a glass cover combined with lighting design for display, allowing the building to tell historical stories.
▼修缮后仓库地梁–文字保留,Warehouse Beam After Renovation – Text Preservation ©SFAP
Reversible and Recognizable Renewal
The connector between Building 1 (Former Factory) A and B was a two-story slope-roof building built in 1951, with the floor and roof built on the outer walls of the two sides, and no independent structure inside. According to the building quality inspection report, there was no seismic joint between the connector of A and B and the original A and B structures, and the seismic performance of the building was poor.This renovation improved its structure. The floor and roof of the connector between A and B were made independent, with a seam opened from structures A and B, following the principle of reversibility, without affecting the structural performance of the historical building. The original clear water blue brick walls of the exterior walls of A and B were repaired, and a rotating staircase connecting vertical traffic was implanted in the new space, creating a public space between the two historical buildings, achieving recognizable renewal of industrial buildings.
Before and After Photos of the Added Connector Between Building 1 A and B ©华东建筑设计研究院有限公司
Industrial Character Landscape Elements
Parallel to the waste spinning workshop, the design植入风雨连廊 within the site to meet the convenience of use under various climatic conditions within the park. The roof form of the wind and rain corridor echoes the folded slope roof of the waste spinning workshop, with coordinated and recognizable features.Cast iron rainwater pipe style lamp poles are used as landscape elements, echoing the adjacent Yangtszepoo Water Plant and the Binjiang Industrial Belt.The minimalist canopy and steps, outdoor stairs, and other outdoor components of the building entrance are made of weathering steel plates, with colors that coordinate with clear water red bricks and materials that echo the characteristics of industrial plants.
▼折坡屋面风雨连廊及铸铁水管灯,Folded Slope Roof Wind and Rain Corridor and Cast Iron Pipe Lamps ©SFAP
▼折坡屋面风雨连廊及景墙,Folded Slope Roof Wind and Rain Corridor and Landscape Wall ©SFAP
▼耐候钢板入口雨蓬及踏步,Weathering Steel Plate Entrance Canopy and Steps ©SFAP
08 历史建筑技术交流与公众展示
Technical Exchange and Public Display of historical Buildings
Technical Exchange Observation
在修缮工程过程中,历史建筑已作为历保行业交流与公众展示的平台。2023年11月1日上海市历史建筑保护事务中心组织召开“匠心赓续 锈带焕新”杨树浦路670号优秀历史建筑保护修缮工程施工现场技术交流会,通过行业技术观摩交流的形式,直击修缮第一现场,交流修缮理念与修缮工艺,更好促进上海历史建筑的保护事业。
During the renovation project, the historical building has served as a platform for exchange within the field of historical preservation and public display. On November 1, 2023, the Shanghai Historical Building Protection Affairs Center organized the “Inheritance of Ingenuity, Renewal of the Rust Belt” technical exchange meeting at the construction site of the Yangtszepoo Road 670 excellent historical building protection and renovation project. Through the form of industry technical observation and exchange, it directly accessed the first line of renovation, exchanged concepts and craftsmanship of renovation, and better promoted the cause of historical building protection in Shanghai.
▼“匠心赓续 锈带焕新”技术交流会”,Inheritance of Ingenuity, Renewal of the Rust Belt” Technical Exchange Meeting ©华东建筑设计研究院有限公司
Plaque Identification Display
▼铭牌标识设计,Plaque Identification Design ©华东建筑设计研究院有限公司
Yangtszepoo Road 670 carries historical events such as industrial heritage, workers’ movements, and self-reliance in the early years of liberation. The project has set up plaques to serve as an educational display of industrial heritage and red resources, better showcasing the history of the construction and renovation of the Ewo Cotton Mill, displaying and narrating the historical background of the building and the historical reasons for the mix of blue and red bricks, and narrating the characteristics of the historical building and the special craftsmanship of this renovation project. Let historical buildings tell good Shanghai stories.
▼铭牌标识,Plaque Identification ©SFAP
Epilogue – From “Rust Belt” to “Show Belt”
The revitalization and utilization of industrial heritage is not only the repair and reuse of historical buildings but also a form of cultural and historical inheritance. In this process, industrial plants that have been vacant for many years are given new life, injecting economic vitality and cultural diversity into the city.In addition, the reuse of industrial heritage also contributes to urban sustainable development by protecting and utilizing existing resources, reducing the environmental pressure of new buildings, and preserving valuable industrial heritage materials and red education resources for the future. The revitalization and utilization of industrial heritage is not only the repair and reuse of historical buildings but also a form of cultural and historical inheritance. In this process, industrial plants that have been vacant for many years are given new life, injecting economic vitality and cultural diversity into the city.In addition, the reuse of industrial heritage also contributes to urban sustainable development by protecting and utilizing existing resources, reducing the environmental pressure of new buildings, and preserving valuable industrial heritage materials and red education resources for the future.
▼夜景鸟瞰,Ariel view at night ©SFAP
Virtual Shanghai
Project Information
Project Name: Yangtszepoo Road 670 Excellent Historical Building Protection and Decoration (Renovation) Project
Project Type: Overall planning, protection and renovation, interior decoration, landscape lighting
Project Location: No. 670 Yangtszepoo Road, Yangpu District, Shanghai
Design Period: July 2021 – January 2023
Construction Period: February 2023 – October 2024
Site Area: 37,708 m²
Building Area: 24,642.5 m²
Client : Shanghai Urban Infrastructure Investment and Development (Group) Co., Ltd.
EPC Lead Unit: East China Architectural Design & Research Institute Co., Ltd.
Design Units: East China Architectural Design & Research Institute Co., Ltd., Shanghai Modern Architectural Decoration Environmental Design Research Institute Co., Ltd.
Construction Unit: Shanghai Construction Decoration Engineering Group Co., Ltd.
Supervision Unit: Shanghai Hongbo Engineering Consulting Management Co., Ltd.
Team Members
Chief Designer: Su Xinbao, Wu Lei
Project Manager: Wu Lei
Chief Consultants: Jin Ou, Cen Wei
Architect: Wu Lei, Gong Mengqiong, Yu Haochuan, Wang Chenying, Xu Xingling, Zhao Hongbin, Yan Anni, Mao Shouya, Yu Linjiani, Wu Jiali, Chen Peinv
Structural Engineering: Shen Zhongxian, Hao Zechun, Zhang Zhe, Xie Leilei, Wang Lixing, Chai Maoxiang, Du Haiyue, Jin Han
Electrical Engineering: Huang Xiaobo, Wei Guoling, Jing Hui, Yu Jie, Wang Zhixin, Sun Sen
HVAC Engineering: Shen Liecheng, Yang Zhigang, Yuan Haobo, Xiao Liwen, Li Yang
Plumbing Engineering: Cai Chunhui, Liu Jicheng
Interior Design: Hou Jin, He Jiajie, Zheng Chen, He Dian
Landscape Design: Bao Beibei, Chen Kangle, Shi Xiaodong, Zhang Jing
Light Design: Miao Hailun, Yang Chunhui, Liao Can, Qiao Zhiqin
Photography: SFAP
Xie Tai Architects “Yangtszepoo Road 670 British Ewo Cotton Mill January 1950 Big Bombing Property Loss Report and A1, B1, C1 Building Repair Plan”
“History of the Workers’ Movement at Shanghai No. 5 Wool Textile Factory”
Historical drawings from the Shanghai Urban Construction Archives
Virtual Shanghai