LAB 52机场学院,慕尼黑 / Auer Weber

2024/11/12 09:44:55
LabCampus总建筑面积接近50万平方米,堪称德国目前最大的创新中心之一。该创新园区隶属于由来自Kees Christiaanse Architects & Planners的荷兰建筑师制定的总体规划之下,旨在打造一个充满活力的城市社区,为各类使用者提供充足空间,从而促进成熟企业、优秀初创企业与科研机构之间的跨行业合作。除了办公空间外,该项目还提供了餐厅与咖啡厅、展陈空间,以及原型工坊等。
With a total gross floor area of almost 500,000 square metres, the LabCampus is currently one of the largest innovation hubs in Germany. The underlying basis for it is a master plan drawn up by Kees Christiaanse Architects & Planners. The aim of the Dutch architects and urban planners is to create a vibrant urban district that offers space for a wide variety of users and thus promotes cross-sector cooperation between established companies, outstanding young companies and research institutions. There will also be restaurants and cafes, showrooms and prototype workshops.
▼项目概览,overall of the project © Aldo Amoretti
LAB 52机场学院,慕尼黑 / Auer Weber-3
Subtle references to the building location
LabCampus的第二座建筑 —— 机场学院(AirportAcademy)位于Pioneer广场上,紧邻西端的步行道,紧靠着Auer Weber设计并于2022年落成的LAB 48。根据该开发区域总体规划中的标志性建筑设计原则,新建筑以独特的独立结构从环境中脱颖而出。建筑最引人注目的特征是底部两层暴露的混凝土框架,框架上方支撑着一座精致的三层玻璃立方体体块。底部支撑结构的设计灵感源自慕尼黑机场典型的跑道几何形态。
▼分析图,analysis diagram © Auer Weber
LAB 52机场学院,慕尼黑 / Auer Weber-8
The second building on the LabCampus to date, the AirportAcademy is located on Pioneer Square directly on the Walkway in the westernmost of these neighbourhoods – right next to LAB 48, also completed according to plans by Auer Weber in 2022. In keeping with the iconic architecture envisioned in the master plan for this development site, the new building appears as an unmistakable standalone structure. The most striking feature is the expressive exposed concrete framework on the outer edge of the two-storey base, which supports a delicate three-storey glass cube. The shape of the supporting structure is derived from the runway geometry typical of Munich Airport.
▼园区立面,facade of the LabCampus © Aldo Amoretti
LAB 52机场学院,慕尼黑 / Auer Weber-11
▼园区内街道,street view inside the LabCampus © Aldo Amoretti
LAB 52机场学院,慕尼黑 / Auer Weber-13
▼本项目与周边建筑的尺度呼应,the project responds to the scale of the surrounding buildings © Aldo Amoretti
LAB 52机场学院,慕尼黑 / Auer Weber-15
▼近景,closer views © Aldo Amoretti
LAB 52机场学院,慕尼黑 / Auer Weber-17
LAB 52机场学院,慕尼黑 / Auer Weber-18
Approachable building base
Between the concrete framework and the glass facade, which is set back in the base floors, a circumferential covered outdoor space is created, which is designed as a 5 m wide arcade in front of the main entrance. This inviting open area is flanked on both sides by slightly indented single-storey exposed concrete structures, which on the first floor in front of the classrooms also create sheltered outdoor terraces for coffee breaks and a second escape route.
▼外观,exterior view  © Aldo Amoretti
LAB 52机场学院,慕尼黑 / Auer Weber-24
▼立面,facade © Aldo Amoretti
LAB 52机场学院,慕尼黑 / Auer Weber-26
LAB 52机场学院,慕尼黑 / Auer Weber-27
▼建筑的底座尺度亲人,approachable building base © Aldo Amoretti
LAB 52机场学院,慕尼黑 / Auer Weber-29
LAB 52机场学院,慕尼黑 / Auer Weber-30
▼立面细部,details of the facade © Aldo Amoretti
LAB 52机场学院,慕尼黑 / Auer Weber-32
LAB 52机场学院,慕尼黑 / Auer Weber-33
▼建筑底部暴露的混凝土支撑结构,exposed concrete support structure at the base of the building © Aldo Amoretti
LAB 52机场学院,慕尼黑 / Auer Weber-35
LAB 52机场学院,慕尼黑 / Auer Weber-36
Sensual dynamic spatial sculpture
The lobby is designed as a two-storey space that spans the entire base of the building as an equally high exhibition and circulation area. With a reception area that doubles as a café-bar, a wide seating staircase leading to the first floor and additional culinary offerings, this is the communicative heart of the building.
▼大堂,lobby © Aldo Amoretti
LAB 52机场学院,慕尼黑 / Auer Weber-42
LAB 52机场学院,慕尼黑 / Auer Weber-43
▼由二层看大堂,viewing the lobby from the upper floor © Aldo Amoretti
LAB 52机场学院,慕尼黑 / Auer Weber-45
▼侧厅通高空间,double-height space of the side hall © Aldo Amoretti
LAB 52机场学院,慕尼黑 / Auer Weber-47
▼连廊,corridor © Aldo Amoretti
LAB 52机场学院,慕尼黑 / Auer Weber-49
LAB 52机场学院,慕尼黑 / Auer Weber-50
▼侧厅,the side hall © Aldo Amoretti
LAB 52机场学院,慕尼黑 / Auer Weber-52
▼天窗与吊灯,skylight and lamps © Aldo Amoretti
LAB 52机场学院,慕尼黑 / Auer Weber-54
LAB 52机场学院,慕尼黑 / Auer Weber-55
Only a few materials and surfaces
The sensual spatial effect is also based on the restriction to just a few different materials and surfaces, which supports the concentration of Academy guests on the essentials and enhances the sculptural appearance of the space. In the lobby and classrooms, glazed and untreated exposed concrete surfaces, whose visible imperfections reflect artisanal construction processes, harmonize pleasantly with filigree window and facade profiles, white acoustic ceiling cladding and light ash wood finishes. The signage adds a splash of colour. Oversized lettering and letters indicate the location of the various Academy areas and access cores.
▼露台,terrace © Aldo Amoretti
LAB 52机场学院,慕尼黑 / Auer Weber-61
▼楼梯,staircase © Aldo Amoretti
LAB 52机场学院,慕尼黑 / Auer Weber-63
▼清晰鲜明的红色标识,clear red VI design © Aldo Amoretti
LAB 52机场学院,慕尼黑 / Auer Weber-65
LAB 52机场学院,慕尼黑 / Auer Weber-66
LAB 52机场学院,慕尼黑 / Auer Weber-67
▼由二层看大厅,viewing the lobby from upper floor © Aldo Amoretti
LAB 52机场学院,慕尼黑 / Auer Weber-69
Flexible office layouts
办公空间与底部两层秉承了相同的设计原则 —— 简洁、结构清晰且风格克制。外露的混凝土墙壁和天花板,以及集成在粗糙天花板中的装置,塑造了理性简洁的印象。在三层办公空间中,下部两层的外露混凝土框架逐渐过渡为开放的穿孔立面。纤薄的承重墙板和错落的大型窗口在立面上形成1.35米的延伸网格,进行创造出微妙的光影效果。在外部,结构外覆盖着网格印刷的固定玻璃,将整个办公楼层统一成一个抽象的玻璃立方体。
The office spaces, like the two base floors, are purist, clearly structured and restrained in terms of design. This impression is mainly due to the ubiquitous exposed concrete walls and ceilings, and to the installations that are invisibly integrated into the raw ceiling. On the three office floors, the exposed concrete framework of the two lower levels transitions into an open dissolved perforated facade. The delicate light effect is created by narrow load-bearing wall panes and large, staggered window openings, which allow an extension grid of 1.35 m. On the outside, this structure is overlaid with grid-printed fixed glazing, which unifies the office floors into an abstract glass cube.
▼会议室,meeting room © Aldo Amoretti
LAB 52机场学院,慕尼黑 / Auer Weber-75
LAB 52机场学院,慕尼黑 / Auer Weber-76
▼会议室,meeting room © Aldo Amoretti
LAB 52机场学院,慕尼黑 / Auer Weber-78
▼室内细部,details of interior © Aldo Amoretti
LAB 52机场学院,慕尼黑 / Auer Weber-80
▼总平面图,site plan © Auer Weber
LAB 52机场学院,慕尼黑 / Auer Weber-82
▼底层平面图,ground floor plan © Auer Weber
LAB 52机场学院,慕尼黑 / Auer Weber-84
▼二层平面图,first floor plan © Auer Weber
LAB 52机场学院,慕尼黑 / Auer Weber-86
▼办公层平面图,office floor plan © Auer Weber
LAB 52机场学院,慕尼黑 / Auer Weber-88
▼立面图,elevation © Auer Weber
LAB 52机场学院,慕尼黑 / Auer Weber-90
▼剖面图,section © Auer Weber
LAB 52机场学院,慕尼黑 / Auer Weber-92
LabCampus 52, 85356 München-Flughafen
Flughafen München GmbH
Moritz Auer (geschäftsführender Gesellschafter),
Till Richter (Assoziierter, Projektleitung),
Stefan Bründlinger, Tania Leutbecher,
Thorsten Schalk, Tiago Alves Machado, Huyen
Thuong Nguyen, Kristin Janda, Anabel Mendt,
Sascha Dehnst, Justine Vacher, Felix Wilhelm
ED. Züblin AG, München
mahl·gebhard·konzepte Landschaftsarchitekten BDLA
Stadtplaner, München
Technische Ausrüstung
Adenbeck BmbH, Wels, Österreich
Müller-BBM Building Solutions GmbH, Planegg
Brandschutz Kaefer Ingenieur- und
Sachverständigenbüro, Grafing
Büro für Gestaltung Wangler & Abele, München
14.350 m² BGF
11.590 m² NF
57.290 m³ BRI
Wettbewerb 2018
Planungsbeginn 2020
Baubeginn 2020
Fertigstellung 2023
LAB 52机场学院,慕尼黑 / Auer Weber-128
LAB 52机场学院,慕尼黑 / Auer Weber-129
LAB 52机场学院,慕尼黑 / Auer Weber-130
LAB 52机场学院,慕尼黑 / Auer Weber-131
LAB 52机场学院,慕尼黑 / Auer Weber-132
LAB 52机场学院,慕尼黑 / Auer Weber-133
LAB 52机场学院,慕尼黑 / Auer Weber-134
LAB 52机场学院,慕尼黑 / Auer Weber-135
LAB 52机场学院,慕尼黑 / Auer Weber-136
LAB 52机场学院,慕尼黑 / Auer Weber-137
LAB 52机场学院,慕尼黑 / Auer Weber-138
LAB 52机场学院,慕尼黑 / Auer Weber-139
LAB 52机场学院,慕尼黑 / Auer Weber-140
LAB 52机场学院,慕尼黑 / Auer Weber-141
LAB 52机场学院,慕尼黑 / Auer Weber-142
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