

A few meters from its current headquarters in Granada, Red Cross decides to expand its facilities on the ground floor of a residential block at the end of the central Paseo del Salón. This decision responds to two needs: the first stems from the internal management itself for the regrouping of all the teams dispersed throughout the city, also expanding the offer of jobs. The second, from a strategic point of view, the new space allowed greater visibility in the daily life of the average citizen.
▼临街立面,facade © Fernando Alda
▼内部的高透明性,transparency of the interior © Fernando Alda
▼工作日常可被市民看见,visibility in the daily life of the average citizen © Fernando Alda
该空间满足了这两个需求。一方面,它提供了宽敞的面积和高度(5 米)以满足功能要求,包括一间用于文化培训活动的多功能教室、集体工作空间、数个办公室及服务空间。另一方面,该建筑位于城市的重要位置,场地呈三角形,三面朝向公共街道,使得这里十分开放。
The space was suitable for both purposes. On the one hand, it offered a generous surface area and height (5 metres) to fit the requested programme: multipurpose classroom for cultural and training activities, group work space, offices and service spaces. On the other hand, its strategic urban position and its triangular geometry, with three facades facing the public road, made it a very exposed place.
▼内外工作空间的透明性, transparency inside-out © Fernando Alda
▼办公区域概览,office area overview © Fernando Alda
▼开放的空间,open space © Fernando Alda
该提案利用地块的不规则,最大程度地扩大了与紧贴北立面的公共工作空间的面积。办公室位于南侧,而多功能厅则充分利用了相邻建筑的共用边界墙的进深。服务用途(厕所和设施)紧靠住宅区入口的分隔墙。这样的布局最大限度地提高了内外工作空间的透明性和灵活性,从而可以通过家具(橱柜、储物柜和格子)解决空间分隔问题。一方面室内的隔墙没有直抵天花板从而允许光线通过,另一方面室外的立面开口则将原有的开窗最大化到了极致。为了强化内外关系,一条连续的长凳沿北立面延伸,位于街道和建筑之间,从而 “抛弃”了公共基础设施,转而成为休息场所,一个介于红十字会和格拉纳达城市之间的交流地。
The proposal implements, in the irregularity of the plot, the requested uses maximizing the surface area of the common work space which runs parallel to the main north-facing façade. The offices are located on the south side, while the multipurpose room is built taking advantage of the depth of the boundary wall with the adjacent premises. The service uses (toilets and facilities) are attached to the dividing wall with the entrance to the housing block. This arrangement promotes maximum transparency and flexibility of the work space, both inside and outside, so that the divisions are resolved through the furniture: cupboards, lockers and lattices. If the enclosures inside do not reach the ceiling to allow the passage of light, on the outside the opening of the façade takes the possibilities of the original openings to the extreme. To intensify the inside-outside relationship, a continuous bench runs linearly along the north façade, between the street and the premises, thus “giving up” a public infrastructure for rest, a meeting place between the Red Cross and the city of Granada.
▼室内的隔墙,enclosures inside © Fernando Alda
▼办公室,office room © Fernando Alda
▼入口, entrance © Fernando Alda
▼多功能空间, multi-purpose area © Fernando Alda
位于街道的红十字会提出了一种新方式来理解其与社会的关系。项目使用了纸板这一可回收利用的材料,它象征着红十字会对可持续发展和环保行动的决心与承诺。单一的管状(10 厘米和 20 厘米规格)元素与MDF (另一种可回收材料)共同为方案提供了一个质朴而温暖的空间。纸板可用作结构材料、围护、假天花板、灯阵、吸音材料或通风过滤器(供气和回气)。其余的表面材质(蛭石、木屑吸音板、混凝土等等)也凸显了这一抉择。
Red Cross on the street proposes a new way of understanding the relationship of the organization with society. Cardboard, recycled and recyclable, is introduced as a material capable of symbolizing the Red Cross’s determined commitment to sustainable and environmentally conscious action. A single element, the tube or “mandrel” (in 10 and 20 cm formats) supports the proposal in combination with MDF (another recyclable material) to offer a raw and warm space at the same time. Cardboard acts as a structural material, enclosure, false ceiling, light lattice, acoustic trap or filter for ventilation air (supply and return). The rest of the finishes (projected vermiculite, acoustic board made of wood chips, concrete, etc.) emphasize this decision.
▼管状元素,mandrel element © Fernando Alda
▼细部,details © Fernando Alda
▼楼梯,staircase © Fernando Alda
▼区位,location map © Tomás García Píriz Studio
▼场地平面,site plan © Tomás García Píriz Studio
▼改造前平面,original plan © Tomás García Píriz Studio
▼改造后首层平面,ground floor plan © Tomás García Píriz Studio
▼改造后夹层平面,attic floor plan © Tomás García Píriz Studio
▼剖面图,sections © Tomás García Píriz Studio
▼轴测图,axon © Tomás García Píriz Studio
PROJECT AUTHOR: Tomás García Píriz Studio
Design and production of furniture and cardboard: Ramiro Villegas Erce (Mater Metier)/ Technical Architect: Pedro Salinas Aivar/ Graphics and signage: Buenaventura Studio / Photography: Fernando Alda / Yuri Espada (Architecture Student), Carlos Vallecillos Moya (Architecture Student)
PROMOTER: Red Cross Spain
LOCATION: Carretera de la Sierra, 13, 1808, GRANADA, SPAIN