

当你来到阳光充沛、海岸线绵长,且最具生机与浪漫的巴塞罗那城市时,漫步海滩,可以感受清新的海风,享受欢乐的街头音乐,而步入街区则能欣赏到最具创意的艺术装置建筑。一家推崇环保的西班牙品牌“Thinking Mu”的商店就藏在充满艺术的街区。
When you come to the sunny, long coastline, and the most vibrant and romantic city of Barcelona, walk on the beach, you can feel the fresh sea breeze, enjoy the happy street music, and step into the block to enjoy the most creative art installation architecture. A shop by Thinking Mu, a Spanish brand that promotes environmental protection, is tucked away in the art-filled neighborhood.
“Thinking Mu”是一个可持续发展的西班牙时尚品牌,创立于2012年,其产品的灵感皆源于自然、手工艺、运动和音乐。该品牌以不断创新而闻名,通过使用先进的技术和实践,不断寻求减少对生态环境影响的方法,并使用有机棉、大麻和再生纤维等环保材料,以及从塑料瓶中回收的聚酯和Ecovero(最环保的粘胶纤维),生产出经久耐用的高品质服装。
"Thinking Mu" is a sustainable Spanish fashion brand founded in 2012, whose products are inspired by nature, crafts, sport and music. The brand is known for continuous innovation, constantly seeking ways to reduce its ecological impact through the use of advanced technologies and practices, and producing long-lasting, high-quality clothing using environmentally friendly materials such as organic cotton, hemp and recycled fibers, as well as polyester and Ecovero (the most environmentally friendly viscose fiber) recycled from plastic bottles.
Thinking Mu Rosello商店将“热爱艺术”的口号变为了现实。商店赤土色的外立面,使其在城市环境中脱颖而出;玻璃立面则反映着对城市开放的概念,行走于街区的游客可以直接看到内部的商品,它们如同一件件艺术品一般,邀请着客人进入内部进行探索。
The Thinking Mu Rosello store turns the slogan "love art" into reality. The store's terracotta facade makes it stand out in its urban setting; The glass facade reflects the concept of openness to the city, and visitors walking through the block can directly see the goods inside, which are like pieces of art, inviting guests to enter the interior and explore.
Thinking Mu Rosello商店的温馨环境,激发了人们的创造性和设计的艺术性,所有精心选择的材料都来反映品牌的价值。神秘而有深度的空间,激励着访问其中的人去探索其想表达的更深层次的内容。
The warm environment of the Thinking Mu Rosello store inspires creativity and the artistry of the design, and all materials are carefully selected to reflect the values of the brand. Mysterious and deep Spaces inspire those who visit them to explore the deeper content they want to express.