

被誉为全球最佳餐厅之一的Noma餐厅被重新打造,室内设计项目包括11栋独立建筑,这些建筑集中在Freetown Christiania附近的一座前兵工厂周围。这次设计的愿景是为餐厅团队创造一个有家的感觉的环境,设计既体现了现代感,又体现了手工制作的精髓,以橡木和石材等优质天然材料为中心。
Known as one of the best restaurants in the world, Noma Restaurant has been re-imagined with an interior design project comprising 11 separate buildings clustered around a former arsenal near Christia in Freetown. The vision for this design was to create a homely environment for the restaurant team, with a design that embraces both modernity and the essence of handcrafted craftsmanship, centred on quality natural materials such as oak and stone.
This residential approach to design and materials suggests durability and comfort, allowing the interiors to withstand the challenges of a bustling restaurant for decades. Guests will walk through a conservatory filled with plants to a contrasting space with solid oak walls complemented by bespoke terrazzo flooring made from Danish river stone, field stone and butterfly jointed oak flooring.
最终的效果超出了David Thulstrup事务所的预期。虽然这是一个全新的空间,但感觉它已经存在了一段时间,一进门就能让人立刻安定下来,而一旦开始环顾四周,又会感到陌生。这里的细节是如此的清新和现代。
The end result exceeded the expectations of David Thulstrup Associates. Although this is a brand new space, it feels like it's been around for a while, instantly settling you down as soon as you walk through the door, and unfamiliar once you start looking around. The details here are so fresh and modern.
主用餐区采用精心制作的橡木板,可容纳42位宾客,周围花园的美景一览无余。为Noma设计的定制家具包括由丹麦第五代家具制造商 Brdr Krüger 生产的圆桌和餐椅。餐厅还特别注重照明,包括当地工匠的定制设计和为 Noma 设计的照明系统。
The main dining area, with its carefully crafted oak panelling, seats 42 guests and has stunning views of the surrounding gardens. Bespoke furniture designed for Noma includes round tables and dining chairs by fifth-generation Danish furniture manufacturer Brdr Krüger. Special attention has also been paid to lighting, including bespoke designs by local artisans and a lighting system designed for Noma.