

位于 Guimarães 的 Moreira de Cónegos 新医疗中心从体积上看是以“生命之星”的形状为基础的,“生命之星”是医疗服务和医疗设备的国际标志,其公共卫生功能一目了然。
The new Moreira de Cónegos Health Center, in Guimarães from a volumetric point of view, is based on the shape of a “star of life”, an international symbol for medical services and equipment, clearly identifiable with the public health function.
▼项目外观,exterior of the project©Ivo Tavares Studio
▼项目外观,exterior of the project©Ivo Tavares Studio
The program is developed on a single floor with direct access to parking and service entrances. The volumetric solution allows the Health Center to be highlighted both at ground level and from an aerial view.
▼项目鸟瞰,Ariel view of the project©Ivo Tavares Studio
The area surrounding the Health Center, excluding parking and road circulation areas, is made up of a public park for the enjoyment of the residents and users, consisting of tree and shrub vegetation, dry meadow and pedestrian paths, crossing and internal connection and external.
▼供休闲娱乐的庭院,courtyard for the enjoyment©Ivo Tavares Studio
▼庭院中布满植被和草地,courtyard full of vegetation and meadow©Ivo Tavares Studio
From a functional point of view, the Health Center has three permanent entrances: the main entrance, to the North, for user access; the entrance to the East with two different types of access: one for service and waste and the other for the entry of medical personnel and assistants (employees), including the entrance of stretchers, if necessary.
▼入口,entrance©Ivo Tavares Studio
▼入口处光影,light and shadow at entrance©Ivo Tavares Studio
▼入口走廊,corridor at entrance©Ivo Tavares Studio
▼另一入口,another entrance©Ivo Tavares Studio
The interior organization of the building is radial. The central arrival nucleus allows access to the reception/secretariat area, for controlling and checking, as well as directing them to the waiting rooms.
▼接待台,reception©Ivo Tavares Studio
▼露天中庭,patio©Ivo Tavares Studio
▼接待台,reception desk©Ivo Tavares Studio
▼弧型走廊,curved corridor©Ivo Tavares Studio
From a functional point of view, the building is divided into wings, which respect the formal structure of the “star”, subdividing and organizing the program into smaller spaces.
▼室内空间,indoor space©Ivo Tavares Studio
▼弧型墙面,curved wall©Ivo Tavares Studio
▼室内空间,indoor space©Ivo Tavares Studio
The external coverings/finishes are: walls in colored reinforced concrete with a deactivated and bush-hammered finish, blue; black anodized aluminum facade system for external openings; inverted roof finished in blue, colored draining concrete.
▼夜景,night view ©Ivo Tavares Studio
▼夜间庭院,courtyard at night©Ivo Tavares Studio
▼夜间建筑,building at night©Ivo Tavares Studio
▼夜间入口,entrance at night©Ivo Tavares Studio
▼场地区位,site plan©StudioCAN
▼立面 & 剖面,elevation & section©StudioCAN
Project name: Centro de Sáude de Moreira de Cónegos
Architecture Office: StudioCAN
Main Architect: Arq. Ricardo Bastos Areias e Arq. Miguel Borges da Costa
Location: Rua do Bacelo, Moreira de Cónegos, Guimarães
Year of conclusion : 2023
Total area: 875,00 m2
Builder: NVE engenharias, S.A.
inspection: PROSPECTIVA, S.A
Engineering: PROJEGUI-Projectos de Construção Civil de Guimarães Lda
Landscape: JAG – Arquitetura Paisagista
Light Design: SAMPAIO Engenharia Electrotecnica
Acoustic Design: PROJEGUI-Projectos de Construção Civil de Guimarães Lda
Fluids Engineering : PROJEGUI-Projectos de Construção Civil de Guimarães Lda
Thermal Engineering: CLE, Lda
Visual identity: StudioCAN
illustrations: StudioCAN
Interior Design: StudioCAN
Architectural photographer: Ivo Tavares Studio